Label archiving: National Day

Wenchang eats chicken

It was also a business trip in Hainan. I came to Wenchang six years ago. After I left Wenchang at that time, I learned that Wenchang Chicken was very famous. I set up a flag and said that I must eat Wenchang Chicken next time. Well, the handsome boy came to Wenchang again, but he didn't eat the chicken cut in white, instead, he ate the chicken baked with salt. (Salted chicken) At the beginning, when I served a white porridge, I wondered why I served it. Later, I realized that the salt baked chicken was a bit salty, and I really needed white porridge. Baked chicken with salt is sold as a whole, totaling 81 yuan. Of course, we didn't finish the meal, so we packed it and took it away. In recent days, there has been an unnamed typhoon in the south of Hainan Island, so it has been showering for several days, sometimes heavy rain and sometimes insolation. After eating chicken, I went to the old street again. The old street has not changed much, it is still the same, but the ground is wet, and the sanitary conditions need to be improved. (Old Street on the eve of National Day) (Historical memory of the Red Age) Passing the post office, of course, you can't miss sending postcards with a sense of ceremony >>Read more

The moon is the circle of home

The night shift last night, after work at 1:00 in the morning, I wanted to go home overnight, but it was too late to wake up my family, so I went home this morning after sleeping. As it was the first day of the National Day holiday, although we started at 7:30, there was still some congestion around the city. We had to walk for nearly two hours on the one hour drive. After a two-day National Day break, I went home to play and accompany my family to meet my friends. It was drizzling in the morning. After going out, I remembered that I had only a few dollars in cash. I was still wondering whether Alipay could be used for highway tolls on the way. Unexpectedly, when I picked up my card, the staff said that today's National Day highway was free of charge. It really took me more than ten minutes to worry in vain. It should be half past nine. I had a bowl of noodles with my friends and went home separately. At noon, my mother cooked diced rabbit with chili and duck soup with sour radish, and had two drinks with my father. The food was still delicious at home. In the evening, we went to an appointment and had hot pot with our friends >>Read more

Luxury National Day holiday

Luxury ah luxury, is simply luxury! The National Day holiday can last for four days, hahaha! Usually, I can only rest on Sunday morning for reading. From Saturday afternoon, school will be over, and then on Sunday afternoon, class will start again. At most, I will get up to pick up my bags and eat and read. So...... Thank the country, thank the party! It's also interesting to take this National Day to have a good rest, rectify your spirit and pay attention to what happened in the past. I came back from school last night and slept in for two days this morning. Oh, what a blessing! Only those who have not experienced enough sleep for a long time can realize how warm and beautiful this is~ But it's a pity that I caught a cold these two days. I always have a runny nose and doze off. How annoying! I also remind you that you should pay more attention to keeping warm during the cooling period, not to exceed the wind and temperature! The weather in Guanghan was very good the other day. It's cloudy today. The cold air is passing through! Sky One is also in the sky, so >>Read more