Label archiving: history

Look at civilization from another perspective

Open the map, ignore all national boundaries, provincial boundaries and county boundaries, and only focus on mountains and rivers, and only look at the terrain. In this way, we can get rid of the inherent prejudice against the nation and color, and we can look at the civilization on the earth from a different perspective. Geology and climate determine the products, the physique and character of people living on this land, the culture of this region and a civilization. Snow covered plateau, Yunnan Guizhou plateau, Pearl River basin, Yangtze River basin, Western Gobi, Mongolian plateau, western Sichuan basin, southeast hills, all have their own small civilizations, which are now called local characteristics. East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, West Asia, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, West Africa, North America and South America all have their own characteristics, which we now call culture. In addition to the above small and large civilizations that still exist today, there are also some known or unknown civilizations that have long ceased to exist, such as the civilizations of the Two Rivers Valley, the Nile Valley, and Central America. Civilized >>Read more

Travel Notes of Sanxingdui Museum

The beginning of the Sichuan County and City Travel Plan is dedicated to my hometown Guanghan, Sichuan Province. Guanghan is known as "the most important district in Sichuan Province and the most important way to Beijing", which reflects the geographical location and geographical pattern of Guanghan in Sichuan. There are many business cards of Guanghan, one of which is the Sanxingdui Site excavated in Guanghan, which represents the earliest known ancient civilization in Sichuan. To the northeast of Sanxingdui Ruins is the location of Sanxingdui Museum. It is only 5 minutes' drive from the two places, and it is only half an hour's walk along the country road. When I was at school, I often rode around with my classmates on bicycles. I also went to the Sanxingdui Ruins. Through the toughened glass on the ruins, I could see the incomplete bronzes partially embedded in the soil but not yet unearthed. However, with the resumption of 34 years of archaeological excavation since the discovery of Sanxingdui last month, the Sanxingdui site has been enclosed and is no longer open to the public. (Sanxingdui Museum) (Sanxingdui Site, because of archaeology >>Read more

Thinking about power

People are tall and short, fat and thin, and the size of the country is strong and weak. Everyone is full of desire for power, but not everyone can have power, and not everyone who has power can master it. Since ancient times, power has accompanied the progress of human society and changed the social structure. In the primitive society, only the strong can survive, get the most food and reproduce, but more strong people will have to fight, so later there were various rules and regulations, called the system. More powerful people deftly use the seemingly civilized form. Lu Xun once said that the essence of this phenomenon was "cannibalism". Nowadays, when we talk about the rule of law, everyone is equal according to the law, so there is no such thing as cannibalism. But who can say absolute things in the world. If everyone could know the law first and then abide by it, there would be less disputes and quarrels in the world. For a simple example, if every driver can drive according to the lane, observe the traffic lights, and correctly use the external lights of the vehicle >>Read more

On Reading

On Reading Francis Bacon, 1597 Translated by Wang Zuoliang Reading is enough to delight, to gamble, and to grow. Its happiness is also most seen in solitude; Its gambling is also most seen in high rhetoric; His talent is most obvious when he is dealing with affairs. Although an accomplished person can deal with details or identify details one by one, he or she who is willing to learn and ponder over overall planning and overall planning is the best. It is easy to be lazy if you spend too much time in reading. It is the old habit of a pedant to judge things by their articles. Reading makes up for the lack of nature, and experience makes up for the lack of reading. Natural talent is like natural flowers and plants. After reading, you know how to trim and transplant; The book shows that if it is not based on experience, it is too big and inappropriate. A person who has a skill despises reading, an ignorant person admires reading, and only a wise person uses reading. However, reading does not tell people its use. The wisdom of using books is not in the book, but outside the book, it is all based on observation. When reading, do not deliberately challenge the author, do not believe all the books >>Read more

Should I set a theme for my blog

Due to the recent neglect of blog management, the frequency of blog posts has been delayed, leading to the removal of a friend chain. I am very sad. Sometimes, I always wonder what kind of blog Sankeshu Pavilion should be? I always use my blog to record my life. I feel very relaxed! But sometimes I think that if a blog has no theme, there will be no common topic with bloggers. Isn't that a big loss. So, I want to establish a theme for my blog I like the humanities and history, which are simple and honest and have a thick history; I am keen on social politics, social reality and political intelligence. I hope this can bring me some inspiration. When I record my life, I can insert some interesting topics. This is not bad~ Persistence is the key to blog writing! ... >>Read more

On respecting history

The way of life is neither absolutely right nor absolutely wrong. Yes, just relative everything. Chairman Mao conquered the world. In the eyes of the poor people, he was a great leader and mentor; In the eyes of the Kuomintang, he was an insurgent, a gangster and a criminal who subverted the country. History does not favor one over the other. Maybe this is the real value of history. We often mention respecting history, not just against Japan's aggression against us. Sometimes, this sentence also suits us. Why respect history? Because the development of society is both progressive and tortuous, people who are not sages can make mistakes, so they should face up to what has happened. It is not our authorities who can comment on whether it is good or bad. Of course, we can not always get entangled in the world of discussing whether we are right or wrong. Just as only we now can truly evaluate things in ancient times, but this is also based on the different times and values of the commentators >>Read more