I don't have an answer

Yesterday afternoon, I saw a new Xinhua Wenxuan Bookstore in Wanda. I went in and inquired about it. Many books were plastic sealed and could not be opened. The number of books opened for trial reading was very small. In the few test books, I quickly searched the book cover. Soon, a book with birds flying high and low on its cover appeared in my sight, and the book with snow covered forest on the background. Five bold characters were printed on the upper right corner of the cover - The Last Words of the Crested Ibis.

After reading the introduction, this is a documentary literature translated from Japanese. It tells a story of Japanese observing, protecting and recording the activities of crested ibis, but the ending is very weak. The Japanese crested ibis is finally extinct, and can only be introduced and bred from China.

Of course, the point is not to introduce this book. After all, I haven't read it, but I really want to buy it. So I picked up the book, looked at the price on the back and priced it at 49 yuan. I looked up and thought about it for about one second, so I took a book with my left hand, reached into my pants pocket with my right hand and took out my mobile phone. I opened JD and found the price after discount was 38.6 yuan. Seeing the price, my heart was "cold". The difference was so big. How could I be ashamed not to buy it in Jingdong? I could arrive the next day. But standing by the bookshelf, I was really excited, because reading a book was like getting a treasure. Buy it in the physical store, and now you can take it home. It's 10.4 yuan more expensive. You must sponsor the physical bookstore. The bookstore is spacious and bright, and provides reading services. If you don't come in and find the book, you can pay more. But when I look back, 10.4 yuan still weighs a bit, and I still haven't read all the books I bought before. Let's forget it this time. Next time I make up the bill, I will buy it online. After struggling for a long time, I chose to leave the bookstore.

The price difference between online and offline sales is too big. If the price difference is two or three yuan, there is no need to tangle with this problem. For a book of nearly 50 yuan, the price difference is ten yuan, which really makes people hesitate. Do I need the ten yuan? No, I need the mentality of ignoring the ten yuan difference. Anyway, it's a new best seller, so I don't worry about buying it, just buy it online.

The impact of e-commerce on the real economy is too severe. Recently, some express outlets have also carried out WeChat group daily shopping activities for good things, such as online shopping and picking up goods under the second antenna. This mode is faster than shopping on Taobao, and has a strong momentum of catching up with JD's self support. On the other hand, the physical businesses in the streets and alleys will be eliminated in this era if they also get on the bus of e-commerce. If they know nothing about e-commerce, they will be eliminated in this era?

The e-commerce channel has lost many middlemen to earn price difference. Indeed, the price is much cheaper, but there is no fun in the physical store "Taobao", so life is less meaningful. But is it not a good thing for consumers to have cheap goods? So we should not only enjoy the fun of Taobao in physical stores, but also enjoy the price of e-commerce. Is it only possible to achieve monopoly operation, or there will always be vicious competition at low prices after someone gets the goods. Is it certain to keep the low price after monopoly? Is it a monopoly when the physical stores die out one day and only e-commerce remains in the retail industry?

Unless otherwise noted, Three Tree Pavilion All articles are original, please indicate the address of this article in the form of link for reprinting
Link to this article: http://www.sksren.com/archives/855.html

I don't have an answer 》27 ideas

  1. anti-clockwise

    It is estimated that the price may be cheaper if you go to other platforms. As for the book sealed with plastic film, it always makes people hesitate to buy or not to buy if they can't see the content?

    1. Sankeshu People Author

      There are still sellers with lower prices on Taobao, but it will take two or three days to deliver from other places, so only the prices of physical stores and JD Next Day are compared.
      In my opinion, if you buy a book, you can buy it directly without opening it, unless it is a textbook, dictionary and other tool books. The rest needs to be read to determine whether it is worth buying.

  2. roughly

    The cost of physical stores is much lower than that of online sales.
    Now the price of paper books is really outrageous. If I don't buy paper books, I will also choose second-hand books.

    1. Sankeshu People Author

      For me, I'm usually used to buying new books. Second hand books are only considered when there are no new books on sale.
      Compared with e-books, the pricing of paper books is really expensive, especially for some popular publishing houses. The packaging is not exquisite, but the pricing is high. But when it comes to books you like, unless you can't afford to pay the price, you can still bite the bullet.

  3. Eric

    The first time I was shocked by the speed of online shopping, I bought books from Amazon China the next day, and now it is basically JD. Although I read more e-books, I still want to buy a physical book if I like it.

    1. Sankeshu People Author

      Yes, the texture of physical books cannot be replaced by electronic books.
      JD's self support is better than any third-party express delivery in terms of timeliness. I bought many books on JD. Unfortunately, Amazon has withdrawn from the market. Although it has not bought physical books on it, it has only bought Kindle.

  4. Sherry

    Physical books are threatened by e-books, and physical stores are also threatened by e-commerce... Now physical books in physical stores are sold at the original price, and online physical books are also different from genuine pirated books
    It's really hard

    1. Sankeshu People Author

      I seldom read novels on electronic devices, and I always feel that reading books should be physical books, and it is convenient to make notes and annotations.

      When I buy books online, I almost always choose reliable sellers. JD.com buys its own books. Taobao also chooses sellers with physical stores. The only book I clearly knew I had bought was a copy of "Wolf Totem" that I bought at a roadside stall in high school. The hero of the original version was Chen Zhen, and the pirated version was printed as Chen Chen. It was not until years later that I looked through the original version in the bookstore that I found the difference. In addition, it does not affect reading physical examination.

    1. Sankeshu People Author

      It turns out that this is true in physical bookstores all over the country. It's a bit interesting. Since the displayed books are not opened, what's the difference between them and online browsing? It's just to look at the packaging. Moreover, there may be some excerpts on the Internet, which are more favorable.

  5. qingzhao

    Now it is true that e-commerce is fatal to most physical stores. On the one hand, online shopping has become a habit, and the price has advantages. Generally, unless in urgent need, they will choose to buy online

  6. Yan

    So many bookstores have transformed. They do not sell popular goods, best-selling books, or best-selling books are not the main force. More radical bookstores are like Chengpin Bookstores, which have directly become leisure centers. Ordinary books can be read freely, but imported books cannot be bought online. And the place is too large, so it is impossible for those who go there not to consume one

    1. Sankeshu People Author

      I went to the Xinhua Wenxuan of Wanda and asked that it was opened in February this year. There is another beverage store in the store that seems to be settled in. It is connected to the bookshelf area and is surrounded by tables and chairs, which is similar to the feeling of Starbucks.

      The transformation of physical bookstores is very similar to the transformation from Internet cafes to Internet cafes in the past. It not only provides online services, but also provides drink consumption, opening up another major source of income. As for large physical bookstores such as Fangsuo and Yanjiyou, their profit models may be more complicated and have not been studied.

      1. Yan

        I remember when I was young, I sucked up all the books I could find from my father's collection, the trees in the primary school library, and the books in my classmates' homes like a sponge. Now, several sets of best-selling books presented by the company the year before last, more than a dozen political, economic and military biographies exchanged for book cards, books bought, books in the Kindle that are most interesting to the company... all of them have not been read and lie there quietly.

        1. Sankeshu People Author

          The main reason is that there are too many ways of entertainment, not only limited to reading, but also the time to read is greatly reduced compared with the past. So my current principle is to refrain from buying books and read one after another. No matter how cheap it is, don't pack up and buy together to avoid overstocking.

    1. Sankeshu People Author

      Feelings belong to feelings, and the price difference is too large, so it is finally online shopping. Ha ha ha.

  7. Linhai Grassland

    Once I read a book when I was shopping in a bookstore. Xinhua Bookstore is more particular. Compared with other large chain bookstores, they will put a book of each kind for you that has been removed and laminated. I read a book at that time, and I liked it very much. I felt cold at the price, and it was too expensive. After checking on the Internet, the online price is nearly 50% cheaper than this one, and the author's collection of essays is also presented as a gift. I couldn't help it. I bought it online. The bookstore doesn't make money. Xinhua Bookstore has a sideline, selling scientific and technological products, such as servers. The Kunming Institute of Botany purchased an eight way server, which was awarded the bid by Xinhua Bookstore.

    1. Sankeshu People Author

      Sure enough, the profit model of this bookstore is not only selling books, but also sidelines. It is an unalterable fact that the price of physical bookstores is higher than that of online bookstores. I only hope that when I meet the books I want to read in the physical stores in the future, it will be good to have them opened for readers to read. This is the significance of physical bookstores.


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