• Characteristics and composition of insulated scaffold Characteristics and composition of insulated scaffold Insulated scaffold is a kind of equipment used for aerial work on the construction site. It is mainly composed of upright pole, cross pole, diagonal brace, anchor, steel wire rope and insulating material. The pole of insulated scaffold is made of special insulating materials, which can effectively isolate current and avoid electric shock between scaffold and electric equipment. The cross bar and diagonal brace play the role of supporting and stabilizing the scaffold to ensure the safety of high-altitude workers. The foundation is used to fix the scaffold and make it stand firmly on the ground. The steel wire rope is used to connect various parts to increase the overall strength and stability. Absolutely
  • Classification of high-voltage electroscope according to use and structure Classification of high-voltage electroscope according to use and structure High voltage electroscope is a kind of electrical equipment specially used for testing and detecting high voltage circuits. According to different uses and structures, high-voltage electroscope can be divided into many types. In terms of use, high-voltage electroscope is mainly used to detect whether there are leakage, insulation breakdown and other problems in electrical equipment and lines to ensure the safe operation of electrical equipment. In structure, the common classification of high-voltage electroscope includes contact type and non-contact type. The contact type high-voltage electroscope needs to directly contact the tested equipment or line through the electrode to carry out electrical parameters
  • Functions and functional advantages of grounding wire In the power system, the existence of current may lead to electric shock injury or even death. The grounding wire can connect the current in the system to the conductor on the ground, thus eliminating the danger to human body. This protection mechanism makes people more effective and reliable when using electrical equipment. It can also effectively protect equipment, wires and cables. In electrical equipment, leakage or short circuit faults may occur due to various reasons, and the existence of grounding wires can guide current to the ground, reducing the damage of these faults to equipment and cables. This is why the grounding wire is usually installed in the equipment enclosure or wire
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