product details
  • Product name: all-round safety belt

  • Product model: KR
  • Product manufacturer: Shangzhi Kerui
  • Product documentation:
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Brief introduction:
Safety belt series: omnidirectional safety belt, electrician safety belt, high-altitude operation safety belt, fall prevention safety belt, omnidirectional safety belt, full body safety belt, double back safety belt, double safety belt, single waist safety belt, single back safety belt, white safety belt, orange safety belt, safety belt buffer, stranded rope, braided rope, pull wire protective tube, foot buckle, climbing board.
Safety belt series: Electrician safety belt , high-altitude work safety belt, fall arrest safety belt, omnidirectional safety belt, full body safety belt, double back safety belt, double safety belt, single waist safety belt, single back safety belt, white safety belt, orange safety belt, safety belt buffer, rope, braided rope, pull wire protective tube, foot buckle, climbing board.
Our factory specializes in the production of electrician safety belts with complete varieties and reliable quality.

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Shijiazhuang Kerui Electric Co., Ltd
Factory headquarters: Duanjiazhuang, Jinzhou, Hebei
24-hour service phone: 13603211369 0311-85021355
Fax No.: 0311-85021277

Ji Gong Wang An Bei No. 13018302001138