product details
  • Product name: stainless steel umbrella support KR-LG-SW-1200

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  • Product manufacturer: Kerui
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Brief introduction:
The stainless steel umbrella support KR-LG-SW-1200 is made of tube, red and white, eye-catching color, which serves as a warning. The umbrella support below is free to shrink, easy to use, stable and firm. The stainless steel umbrella support KR-LG-SW-1200

Product name: stainless steel umbrella support KR-LG-SW-1200

Product parameters: 201 stainless steel umbrella support, 1.2m high, red and white.

There are three types of safety fence supports: umbrella support, pier support and fork support. The umbrella support rod is made of stainless steel, the pier support rod is made of stainless steel, glass fiber reinforced plastic and iron, and the fork support rod is made of stainless steel and glass fiber reinforced plastic Triathlon Materials. All three supports are high 1.2m, rod diameter 26mm

Use: The fence is usually equipped with a support. commonly A bracket can be longer if it is about 2 meters to 3 meters long, but the spacing should not exceed 5 meters.

security around Features of net support:

(1) The umbrella support is made of stainless steel pipe, red and white, eye-catching color, and serves as a warning. The umbrella support below is free to shrink, convenient to use, stable and firm

(2) Pier pole is also commonly used, and the price is slightly cheaper than the stainless steel umbrella support. Pier type upright pole is composed of glass fiber reinforced plastic pole/stainless steel pole and cast iron pier. The iron pier is usually 8 kg. If it is used for hanging safety warning belt, 6 kg pier is enough. If it is used for fence, 8 or 10 kg pier is used

(3) Fork type upright pole is made of stainless steel pipe or glass steel pipe with iron fork at the bottom, which is mainly used for outdoor operation in mud places. It can be easily inserted into the soil with good stability


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