product details
  • Product name: KR-WW1 type safety fence

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  • Product manufacturer: Kerui
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Brief introduction:
Polypropylene high tenacity wire KR-WW1 type safety fence: 1m wide, alternating red and white, with warning cloth sign: stop, high pressure danger. 1 * 10m/piece. KR-WW1 safety fence: KR-WW1 safety fence:

1. Product name: High tenacity polypropylene fiber KR-WW1 type safety fence

2、 Specification of safety fence: 1m wide, alternating red and white, with warning cloth marking: stop, high voltage danger. 1 * 10m/piece.

3. Safety fence color: red and white safety fence

4. Performance and characteristics of safety fence: the fence is woven with light red (white) nylon rope with strong anti-aging ability, and the red (white) cloth is bound;

The warning sign of "Stop, High Voltage Danger" shall be provided on the upper edge of the fence; The safety fence support rod is made of iron rod, stainless steel, epoxy resin and other materials, with hooks on it, which can firmly hang the nylon net, so that it is not easy to be lifted off; The base has cast iron and shrink iron fork, which can be used together by users The height of the hanging pole is customized according to the fence width, for example: 1m wide fence hanging pole is 1.2m high

Our company mainly produces Electroscope ground wire Security fence Insulation pad Personal protective equipment Signboard Insulated ladder Stool Safety tool cabinet And other products

contact number: thirteen billion six hundred and three million two hundred and eleven thousand three hundred and sixty-nine

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Shijiazhuang Kerui Electric Co., Ltd
Factory headquarters: Duanjiazhuang, Jinzhou, Hebei
24-hour service phone: 13603211369 0311-85021355
Fax No.: 0311-85021277

Ji Gong Wang An Bei No. 13018302001138