product details
  • Product name: Mechanical property testing machine for power safety tools

  • Product model: KRYS-B-300
  • Product manufacturer: Kerui
  • Product documentation:
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Brief introduction:
The technical research and development department of Shijiazhuang Kerui Electric Co., Ltd. developed the mechanical property testing machine for power safety tools according to the regulations of the State Power Corporation of China on Preventive Test Procedures for Power Safety Tools and Instruments. The power safety tool mechanical property testing machine can detect the power safety tool mechanical property testing machine KRYS-A-20, KRYS-A-30, KRYS-B-50, KRYS-B-100, KRYS-B-300 types of power safety tools such as safety belts, climbing buckles, climbing boards, bamboo (wood) ladders, etc
1、 Product Introduction
The technical research and development department of Shijiazhuang Kerui Electric Co., Ltd. developed the mechanical property testing machine for power safety tools according to the regulations of the State Power Corporation of China on Preventive Test Procedures for Power Safety Tools and Instruments. The power safety tool mechanical performance testing machine KRYS-A-20, KRYS-A-30, KRYS-B-50, KRYS-B-100, KRYS-B-300, which can detect the safety belt, climbing foot buckle, climbing board, bamboo (wood) ladder and other power safety tools, is structurally composed of a dual cylinder vertical loading system and a single-chip measurement and control system, and the switchable manual operation and automatic operation systems are dual designed. In the automatic operation system, the name of safety tools and instruments can be directly selected for preventive test through keyboard and man-machine conversation, and the parameters can also be set by oneself for mechanical property test of other materials. All test parameters and operation prompts are displayed on the LCD in Chinese, and the test report meeting the requirements of the Regulations can be printed.
2、 Preventive test items:
1. Safety belt (girdle belt, girdle rope, belt guard, safety rope)
2. Foot buckle (7-12m, 8-15m, 10-18m)
3. Lifting plate
4. Bamboo (wood) ladder
5. Safety helmet (impact test, puncture test)
6. The wooden machine can also set its own parameters to test the mechanical properties of soft materials (such as large rope) and hard materials (such as steel wire rope, double hook tightener, hand hoist and other lifting tools).
3、 Product features:
1. The measurable items are complete, including the mechanical property test of all power safety tools and construction lifting tools, as well as the mechanical property test of line fittings and insulator strings.
2. Chinese menu display, man-machine conversation operation.
3. The load is stable, but it does not flush and protects the tested object.
4. Peak recording (for helmet and other destructive tests)
5. Switchable manual/automatic operation.
6. Automatically memorize the set parameters.
7. The procedure sets preventive test parameters.
8. Centennial maintenance free calendar clock.
9. When the pulling pressure is lower than the set 5%, the loading will be started automatically.
10. KG (kg) and KN (kN) can be converted to each other.
4、 Safety facilities
The hydraulic test bench and helmet test bench are equipped with safety fences. Please install and use them as required to ensure the safety of operators.

Our company mainly produces Electroscope ground wire Security fence Insulation pad Personal protective equipment Signboard Insulated ladder Stool Safety tool cabinet And other products

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Shijiazhuang Kerui Electric Co., Ltd
Factory headquarters: Duanjiazhuang, Jinzhou, Hebei
24-hour service phone: 13603211369 0311-85021355
Fax No.: 0311-85021277

Ji Gong Wang An Bei No. 13018302001138