product details
  • Product name: mobile insulated quick installation scaffold

  • Product model: JYJ
  • Product manufacturer: Kerui
  • Product documentation:
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Brief introduction:
Product name: mobile insulated quick installation scaffold Product category: electrical safety tools → insulation safety inspection equipment → insulation scaffold → mobile insulation quick installation scaffold Product material: insulating glass fiber reinforced plastic Product name: mobile insulated quick installation scaffold Withstand voltage level: 220KV Product description: the mobile insulated quick installation scaffold is developed by our company according to the needs of the site

Product name: Mobile insulated quick installation scaffold
Product category: electrical safety tools → insulation safety inspection equipment → insulation scaffold → mobile insulation quick installation scaffold
Product material: insulating glass fiber reinforced plastic
Product name: Mobile insulated quick installation scaffold
Withstand voltage level: 220KV
Product description: The mobile insulated quick installation scaffold is developed by our company according to the needs of the site.
Mobile insulated quick installation scaffold Main features of
1. The overall structure adopts the modular combination design, which is simple and fast to build and dismantle.
2. The combination is diversified and can adapt to any site environment. It can be customized according to customer requirements.
3. The components are standard and can be disassembled and assembled by hand without any tools, which is simple and convenient.
4. The material is light high-strength glass fiber tube, free of maintenance for 15 years.
5. The product complies with GB17620-1998 General Technical Conditions for Insulated Hard Ladders for Live Working and has passed the inspection of the national authority department. The user has responded well to the use.
Shijiazhuang Kerui Electric Co., Ltd Specializing in the production of insulated ladders (fiberglass ladders), insulated ladders, electrician insulated ladders, insulated ladders, ladders, fiberglass insulated ladders, fiberglass ladders, fiberglass ladders, climbing ladders, climbing ladders, insulated expansion ladders, insulated herringbone ladders, insulated herringbone elevators, insulated single ladders, insulated rope ladders, insulated stools, insulated high stools, insulated high stools, insulated high-low stools, insulated multi-purpose stools Insulated triple grid herringbone ladder, insulated articulated ladder, glass fiber reinforced plastic single ladder, glass fiber reinforced plastic composite ladder, glass fiber reinforced plastic elevator, insulated articulated ladder, mobile full insulation maintenance platform, glass fiber reinforced plastic maintenance platform, mobile full insulation lifting platform, glass fiber reinforced plastic lifting platform.


Our company mainly produces Electroscope ground wire Security fence Insulation pad Personal protective equipment Signboard Insulated step stool Safety tool cabinet And other products

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Shijiazhuang Kerui Electric Co., Ltd
Factory headquarters: Duanjiazhuang, Jinzhou, Hebei
24-hour service phone: 13603211369 0311-85021355
Fax No.: 0311-85021277

Ji Gong Wang An Bei No. 13018302001138