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The Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Jinshan District Committee held the 2018 training class for cadres of comprehensive political and legal governance and stability maintenance

May 7, 2018

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In order to thoroughly implement and study the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, promote the construction of excellent teams, strengthen the construction of the team's standardization, professionalism and professionalism, and further improve the professional quality and working ability of cadres in the region's comprehensive political and legal governance and stability maintenance, from May 2 to 4, The Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Jinshan District Committee and Shanghai Institute of Political Science and Law jointly held the 2018 District Political and Legal Comprehensive Governance and Stability Maintenance Cadre Training Course. Shen Jinlong, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the District Committee, Ma Xuebo, Deputy District Chief and Director of the Jinshan Branch of the Public Security Bureau, Sun Jun, President of the District Court, Tao Jianping, Procurator General of the District Procuratorate, and Pan Mutian, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, attended the meeting.

The mobilization ceremony was presided over by Li Xiufang, Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the District Committee and Director of the District Comprehensive Management Office, and Comrade Pan Mutian delivered a welcome speech. Comrade Tao Jianping made a mobilization speech for the opening of the class, and he put forward work requirements on how to run the training class well: first, we should understand the situation, unify our thoughts, and fully understand the significance of this training. Holding this training class is an urgent need to correctly respond to the political and legal work situation and tasks in the new era, to fulfill the goals and tasks with high standards and strict requirements, and to further improve the ability and quality of cadres. Second, correct the style of study and combine learning with practice to ensure that training and learning achieve the desired results. We should concentrate, study hard and apply what we have learned.

Comrade Shen Jinlong attended the meeting to make a concluding speech, and Comrade Ma Xuebo presided over the ceremony. Comrade Shen Jinlong fully affirmed the achievements of this training class in his summary speech. This training class has three new characteristics: first, the training background is new; Second, the training content is new; The third is the new form of training. And put forward work requirements on how to do well in the current and future period of political and legal comprehensive governance and stability maintenance work: first, improve the position, understand the situation, and effectively enhance the sense of political responsibility and realistic urgency. First, take the initiative and firmly guard the security and stability defense line; Second, find the right starting point to serve the overall development of security; Third, play a good combination of boxing to ensure the completion of the annual goal. Second, we need to strengthen our strength, innovate and develop, and constantly strengthen the grassroots foundation and core competitiveness. First, seize the key of social security to further enhance the public's sense of security; Second, make good use of the magic weapon of supervision and inspection to promote the effectiveness of key work; The third is to do a good job in the new article of governance innovation, create new mechanisms and cultivate new brands. Third, we need to deepen reform, lead a good team, and constantly improve the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team. First, focus on reform and promote development., Continue to promote the comprehensive reform of the judicial system; The second is to build a strong battle fortress under the leadership of the Party building; Third, strengthen responsibility and improve efficiency, and play the role of leadership responsibility system and assessment baton.

Six classes were arranged in this training class, including Liu Zonghong, a professor of the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, who wrote Education on Party Conduct and Integrity in the Political and Legal System, Chen Jinzhao, a professor of East China University of Political Science and Law, who wrote Thinking by Law to Resolve Major Social Contradictions, and Yan Li, a professor of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, who wrote Interpretation of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era Dai Yuanguang, a professor of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, wrote the "Public Opinion Work of Political Science and Law Publicity in the New Media Era", Zhang Ke, a professor of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, wrote the "New Pattern of Co construction, Co governance and Sharing of Social Governance", Fan Haiying, an associate professor of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, gave a special counseling lecture on "Psychological Strategies of Political Science and Law Cadres' Thinking", and watched the warning film on Party conduct and clean government and the special film on national security education in the evening, At the same time, group discussions were held and four young political and legal police representatives from the Department of Public Prosecutions and Justice (Liu Hongfei, Director of Caojing Police Station, Liu Li, Deputy Chief of the District Court Filing Division, Wang Zongxiu, Deputy Chief of the Public Prosecutions Section of the District Procuratorate, Ding Yue, Director of the Petrochemical Judicial Office) were arranged to make PPT exchange speeches, helping everyone deepen the situation and tasks of the work of comprehensive political and legal governance, letters, visits and stability maintenance The understanding of responsibilities, missions and work rules provides targeted and practical theoretical training and business guidance, and improves the ability and level of solving practical problems.

A total of 100 people participated in the training course, including members of the leading group of the District Political and Legal Committee, the District Political and Legal Departments, the District Letters and Calls Office, representatives of middle-level cadres, the deputy secretary (in charge of political and legal affairs) of the Party (Industry) Committee of each street town (industrial zone), the person in charge of Jinshan Second Industrial Zone, the director of the Stability Office, and the full-time deputy head of the Comprehensive Management Office.

Source: Judicial and Legal Affairs Committee of the District Committee