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Environmental Protection Procurator Won the Honor

February 3, 2016

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The district procuratorate focuses on the district situation and development reality, gives full play to the role of procuratorial function, strengthens the innovation of the concept and working mechanism of ecological environment protection, actively explores in the practice of punishing and preventing environmental crimes, takes the lead in establishing the "special procuratorial group for environmental protection" in the city, and forms the integrated professional case handling mode of "arrest+prosecution+prevention".

We have established a number of working mechanisms with the environmental protection department, such as "notification of environmental emergencies within 24 hours, and procuratorial intervention and investigation within 24 hours". Since 2013, we have accepted 10 cases involving environmental pollution involving 29 people, approved 26 arrests, and filed 9 public prosecutions involving 25 people. In order to promote the comprehensive improvement of the regional environment, the District Court, together with the District Legal Affairs Office, sorted out the criteria for the incrimination and transfer of more than 50 common charges related to the environment, and formulated the Common Charges and Transfer Requirements for the Connection between Administrative Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice in Jinshan District, to promote the effective connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and provide a strong judicial guarantee for ensuring the ecological environment security in Jinshan District. "Create a 'special environmental protection procuratorial group', and promote the integrated case handling mode of 'arrest, prosecution and prevention'". It was awarded the "Best case of innovation in the legal protection system of ecological environment" by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the China Law Society. It is the only award-winning unit in Shanghai.

Source: District Procuratorate