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The district procuratorate focuses on promoting the professional handling of environmental protection cases

July 4, 2014

Since the establishment of the environmental protection professional case handling team by the district procuratorate in 2013, the integrated case handling mode of environmental crime arrest, prosecution and prevention has been formed. The first is to find out the institutional and institutional reasons behind environmental cases, dig deep into criminal clues, and successively transfer 3 clues of suspected duty crimes to anti-corruption and anti graft departments, including 2 cases filed for investigation by anti graft departments. The second is to formulate and issue 5 procuratorial suggestions to the units involved and their competent departments in combination with the investigation, propose preventive measures and expand the results of case handling. Third, hold seminars, joint meetings, etc., sign agreements with district environmental protection, public security and other departments, and establish a joint law enforcement mechanism for procuratorial and environmental protection.

Source: District Procuratorate