Law enforcement supervision
The Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the District Committee carried out special supervision and inspection activities for community correction 11-23
The People's Court of Jinshan District implements four measures to improve the quality of case evaluation 09-05
Jinshan District launched the 2018 case evaluation and spot check activity of the political and legal system 08-30
The supervision team of the Municipal Political and Legal Committee went to the district court and the district procuratorate to carry out joint research and supervision on judicial performance appraisal 01-29
The Judicial and Legal Affairs Commission of the District Committee jointly investigated and supervised the performance of traffic police 09-13
The Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Jinshan District Committee carried out cross sampling activities of case evaluation 08-31
The Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the District Committee carried out explicit investigation and covert inspection of law enforcement 08-01
The supervision team of the Municipal Political and Legal Affairs Commission came to Jincheng to carry out special law enforcement supervision 07-19
The Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the District Committee held a mobilization and deployment meeting for explicit and secret investigations 07-14
The Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Municipal Committee of the CPC came to inspect the implementation of the reform of the judicial system 06-14
Jinshan District held a joint conference on law enforcement and supervision and a joint conference on letters and visits related to law and litigation 05-25
Jinshan District carries out special law enforcement and supervision of community correction 05-01
Jinshan District Held a Meeting to Evaluate the Implementation of the Registration System 04-26
The investigation team of the Law Enforcement Supervision Office of the Municipal Political and Legal Affairs Commission came to the district court to investigate the implementation of the registration system 03-08
The Judicial and Law Enforcement Committee of the District Committee held a joint meeting on law enforcement supervision and case evaluation promotion 09-28
The District Public Security Branch held the 2016 Case Assessment Promotion Meeting 08-26
The District Court held the 2016 case evaluation meeting 08-25
The district procuratorate held the 2016 case review meeting 08-16
The Executive Bureau of the District Court held a mobilization meeting to solve the "difficult implementation" 05-19
Jinshan District held a briefing on the rectification of road traffic violations 05-19
Our district organized and carried out the law enforcement inspection of the "Sixth Five Year Plan" law popularization resolution 05-10
The District Public Security Branch held the 2015 Annual Case Assessment Promotion Meeting 09-16
The district procuratorate held a report meeting on the inspection of the unified business application system 09-11
The district procuratorate carried out the case evaluation activities in 2015 08-31
District procuratorates carry out public case review and strengthen the publicity of procuratorial affairs 08-27
The District Court actively and steadily promoted the pilot work of the expedited adjudication procedure of criminal cases 08-26
The District Court held a case evaluation meeting 08-21
The district procuratorate invites the people's procurators to participate in the public hearing on examination and arrest 08-19
2015 Jingshan District Assistance Implementation Meeting was held 08-10
Strengthen external supervision channels and improve the level of public security work 08-07
The District Political and Legal Affairs Commission held a joint meeting on law enforcement and supervision 07-24
Special meeting on the selection and employment of law enforcement supervisors in the district political and legal system was held 05-11
The District Court has carried out special trial execution activities for people's livelihood related cases for 11 consecutive years, and paid salaries in a centralized manner 01-07
Joint Meeting of the District Public Security Procuratorate Law on Combating the Crime of Refusal to Execute was held 12-11
The district procuratorate held a seminar on the "people's procurator system" 10-23
District procuratorates innovate measures to promote new ways of mass supervision 10-14
Li Shulan, President of the District Court, led the team to carry out the patrol work of code of conduct 09-01
The joint meeting on the rapid handling of minor criminal cases in the district was held 09-01
The District Procuratorate Regulates the Conditional Non prosecution of Minors 08-22
Our district held the fifth anniversary summary and promotion meeting of litigation mediation docking work 08-21
The District Court held a meeting to announce the appointment of full-time members of the Judicial Committee 07-25
The district procuratorate has deepened the publicity of procuratorial affairs by "building a platform, creating measures and setting up assessment" 07-24
Three mechanisms of district procuratorates to promote the work of "light cases and fast handling" 07-10
The district procuratorate organized an expert demonstration meeting on the prevention investigation and case compilation in the field of agriculture related benefit to the people 07-04
The district procuratorate focuses on promoting the professional handling of environmental protection cases 07-04
Our lawyers actively participated in the special study of the Rules for the Supervision of Civil Procedure of the People's Procuratorate (for trial implementation) 06-27
The District Procuratorate held a meeting of process supervisors to promote the standardized operation of the "unified business application system" 06-23
The District Judicial Bureau went to Tinglin Town to inspect and guide the work of the "Mediation Room of the Police Station" 06-23
Liu Qilong, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, went to the District Judicial Bureau to guide the work 06-19
A new round of signing ceremony between law firms and judicial offices was held in our district 06-17
The District Procuratorate Transforms the Way of Receiving Letters and Calls to Promote the Effective Resolution of Contradictions 06-16
The district procuratorate strictly controls the self investigation case filing and improves the case handling quality 06-16
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