Songhua River Network

Jin Guanping: Constructing Production Relations Adapting to Productivity Transition

2024-06-16 12:25    China Economic Network

How to speed up the formation of a new production relationship that is compatible with the new quality productivity has a profound impact on the efficiency of transforming potential productivity into a real driving force. "We should deepen the reform of the economic system, the scientific and technological system, and strive to break through the blockages that constrain the development of new quality productive forces" "We should expand high-level opening up to create a good international environment for the development of new quality productive forces"... General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement clearly defined the important task of further deepening the reform in an all-round way.

The relations of production must adapt to the requirements of the development of productive forces. Xiaogang Village, Anhui Province, contracted output to each household, opening the curtain of rural reform; Implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, and ignite the engine of scientific and technological innovation; Allowing employees to awaken the entrepreneurial dreams of countless "self-employed" entrepreneurs... The magnificent development process has repeatedly proved that reform can break down the ideological barriers and institutional barriers that restrict productivity, let the vitality of production factors burst out and let the source of creating social wealth flow fully. The new quality productivity is closely related to emerging industries and future industries, reflecting the energy level transition of productivity evolution, especially the need for a matching scientific mechanism and a suitable development environment.

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has a strong momentum, which has triggered a major adjustment in the international division of labor, reshaped the international competition pattern, and changed the balance of national power. Whoever takes the lead in innovation will have the initiative to lead development. In the face of the new situation, we should firmly promote the innovation of systems and mechanisms, accelerate the formation of new production relations, guide all kinds of advanced and high-quality production factors to flow smoothly towards the development of new quality productivity, and stimulate the endogenous power and social vitality of high-quality development. The task is arduous and the time is urgent.

To further deepen the reform comprehensively, we should aim at the inherent patterns and rules that no longer meet the requirements of productivity development. This requires us to have a deep understanding of the connotation and characteristics of new quality productivity, recognize the formation law, create a system and mechanism environment conducive to the growth of new quality productivity, cultivate fertile soil conducive to the development of new quality productivity, and provide a strong guarantee for the development of new quality productivity.

The new quality productivity not only needs the government's advanced planning guidance and scientific policy support, but also needs the market mechanism adjustment, enterprises and other micro entities to constantly innovate, which is jointly cultivated and driven by the "visible hand" and "invisible hand". In the process of vigorously developing new quality productivity and forming new production relations, "giving full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation and better playing the role of the government" has become an important principle that must be firmly adhered to. Adhere to and improve the basic socialist economic system, and strive to give play to the vitality of various business entities and the enthusiasm and creativity of production and operation; Build a unified national market, deepen the market-oriented reform of factors, and build a high standard market system; We will improve the basic systems of market economy, such as property rights protection, market access, fair competition, and social credit; Improve the efficiency of scientific and technological investment, deepen the reform of the distribution and use mechanism of financial scientific and technological funds... Only by realizing the positive interaction between the effective market and the promising government, can we accelerate the improvement of China's total factor productivity, and accelerate the formation of new competitive advantages for the development of new quality productivity.

Opening up is also reform. It should be noted that the complexity, systematicness and synergy of current scientific research are significantly enhanced, and international cooperation is becoming the "necessary condition" for promoting scientific and technological innovation. To accelerate the development of new quality productivity, we also need to promote international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation with more open thinking and measures, steadily expand institutional openness, promote the docking of rules, regulations, management, standards, etc. with international high standard economic and trade rules, and actively integrate into the global innovation network in the continuous improvement of the open innovation mechanism and the two-way flow of resources, Deeply participate in global industrial division and cooperation, gather global innovation elements, and create more possibilities for better development.

This year is another important year for comprehensively deepening reform. The main task is to plan for further comprehensively deepening reform. This is not only a continuation of the practice of comprehensively deepening reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, but also a new chapter of the new journey to promote Chinese style modernization. From this point of view, further comprehensively deepening reform and building a new type of production relations that adapt to the transition of productivity will have greater requirements of the times, and will play a more important role in promoting the effective resolution of risks and challenges on the way forward. (Source: Economic Daily Author: Jin Guanping)

(Sun Shuping, editor of, Qi Yuan, trainee editor of


Original title: Jin Guanping: Constructing Production Relations Adapting to Productivity Transition

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