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[Party discipline learning and education] The municipal party committee held a special learning seminar on party discipline learning and education and a learning meeting of the central group
Time: April 23, 2024 Issued by: Municipal Party Committee

On April 22, the municipal party committee held a special learning seminar on party discipline learning and education and a learning meeting of the central group to learn the newly revised Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Actions (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). Xin Yadong, the executive deputy secretary of the working committee, presided over the meeting, and Zhu Lianggao, the former vice president of the municipal party school and the first level inspector, gave a coaching report.

The meeting pointed out that we should have a deep understanding of the significance of revising the Regulations. The revision of the Regulations is of decisive significance in promoting the whole party to deeply understand the "two establishment" and firmly achieve the "two maintenance". It is a specific action to implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and it is a practical requirement to summarize the experience of strict Party governance and to realize the system to keep pace with the times.

The meeting requested that the effectiveness of Party discipline learning and education should be effectively enhanced. First, political discipline and rules should be strictly observed. As the "first square" for implementing the decision-making and deployment of the municipal party committee, the municipal level organ, as a political organ, must take a clear stand in politics, and take the lead in resolutely implementing the central decision-making and deployment and the requirements of the municipal party committee. Second, we should continue to strengthen the performance of duties. We should work hard to promote the implementation of the responsibility system for party building in the organs, and strengthen the supervision and supervision of the implementation of the responsibility system for party building in the organs by the system units. We should make greater breakthroughs in promoting the deep integration of party building and business, promote the real integration of party building and business work, and transform the learning achievements into a strong driving force for performing duties. Third, we must constantly improve our style of work. The cadres of the working committee should further strengthen the cultivation of the Party spirit, in particular, they should not have the idea of "little power" and "low risk". They should always pay attention to every word and deed, keep small matters, firmly build the ideological defense line, and do not touch the red line of discipline. We must resolutely fight against unhealthy practices and corruption, work hard to build a cadre team with integrity and integrity, and serve high-quality development with high-quality party building.

At the meeting, Tian Xia and other two comrades made exchange speeches. All Party members and cadres of the Working Committee and responsible comrades of directly affiliated institutions attended the meeting.