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Russian individual tourist visa
one thousand and eight hundred /People
Price description
Visa type
Individual tourist visa
Acceptance time
It will take 18 working days after materials are collected in Shanghai and 22 working days after materials are collected in other places.
Number of entries
Single time
Stay days
Subject to the issuance of the consulate
Valid period of visa
Subject to the issuance of the consulate
1. The permanent residence, working place and passport issuing place are Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui;
2. For passport issuers in other regions, the copies of valid temporary residence permits or residence permits with 6 months' records in the above 4 regions shall be provided additionally; Sample drawing of temporary residence permit and residence permit
3. Freelancers cannot accept it.
Other visa processing in Russia
Materials required
Please select the materials required for visa according to your own conditions ★ must provide materials ● according to your personal conditions
Preschool children
★ Private passport in Mainland China
(E-passport is acceptable)
1. At least 6 months after the end of the trip;
2. If the passport has been renewed, the original of the old passport shall be provided; If it is lost, provide the lost description in English; Missing instruction sample Missing description template
3. At least 2 blank visa pages shall be left, excluding remarks;
4. Passports must be signed in Chinese, and preschool children can be signed by their parents (pencil is not allowed);
5. Passports with refusal records of European countries within 6 months will not be accepted.
★ Photos (2) Two 2-inch (3.5cmx4.5cm) white background color photos taken with dark clothes in recent 6 months (name written with pencil on the back of the photo).
★ Copy of ID card Provide clear copies of the front and back of the second generation ID card.
★ English on-the-job certificate 1. Signature or personal seal of personnel or company management personnel, and company (official seal) or (human resources seal) or (financial seal) or (department seal), provided according to the template (printed on letterhead paper, including company name, address, telephone and fax, if there is no letterhead paper, you can edit and print it yourself); Sample of on-the-job certificate Template of on-the-job certificate
2. If the applicant is the legal representative, please ask the person in charge of personnel or other company executives to sign; Other travelers cannot sign for themselves, and the counterparts cannot sign for each other;
★ Copy of unit certificate 1. Provide a copy of the Business License, Business Code Certificate, Foreign Enterprise Registration Certificate, Law Firm Practicing License or Medical Institution Practicing License of my unit;
2. The enterprise unit shall affix the company's official seal on the copy, the school may affix the party branch seal, and the public security organ may affix the political department seal;
3. If the certificate has no valid period or no agreed period can be accepted;
4. If the certificate has expired, a copy of the extension certificate issued by the relevant authority shall be provided. a
★ Power of attorney 1. Use black ink pen to sign in Chinese (consistent with the passport signature), and other contents need not be filled in. Power of Attorney Power of Attorney for Issuing Passport
2. For those under the age of 18, the father or mother shall sign the father/mother's name and provide: (1) copy of birth certificate or original of household register; (2) Copy of parent's ID card.
★ Personal information form 1. Complete the form and sign in Chinese, and the child can be signed by his or her parents; Personal Information Form
2. The contact number filled in shall be kept unblocked.
Other precautions If notarization or certification is required:
1. Consult the notary office in advance for materials, working days and other issues
2. After the notarization, the notary office will seal the envelope containing the notarial certificate and affix the official seal of the contact information of the certification office of the Foreign Affairs Office (including telephone number, address and working hours). Please go through the certification according to the above information;
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