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4.15 National Security Education Day for All | Jointly build network security and share network civilization

Information source: WeChat official account in Shanxi province released on: April 15, 2024 18:01 Number of readers: second

At present, the Internet has been integrated into all aspects of social production and life, and has increasingly become a new space for people to study, work and live. At the same time, network security has become one of the most complex, realistic and severe non-traditional security problems facing China. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that without network security, there would be no national security, no stable economic and social operation, and it would be difficult to safeguard the interests of the broad masses of the people.

stay two thousand and twenty-four On the occasion of the National Security Education Day for All, the Cyberspace Office of the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee launched a promotional video entitled "Jointly Building Network Security and Sharing Network Civilization", which aims to further enhance the network security awareness of all people, improve network security protection skills, and jointly build a network security barrier.