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Measures for Collection, Use and Management of Party Fees of Provincial CPPCC Organs

Information source: Office Time: 2020-03-16 10:20 Number of readers: second

Measures for Collection, Use and Management of Party Fees of Provincial CPPCC Organs

According to the Notice of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee on the Provisions on the Collection, Use and Management of the CPC Party Fees (issued by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee [ two thousand and eight three No.), according to the Notice on Further Regulating the Work of Party Contributions issued by the General Office of the Organization Department of the Central Committee (ZDMZ [ two thousand and seventeen five The Measures are formulated in combination with the actual situation of the agency.

1、 Party dues collection

Article 1   The Finance Department, based on the previous year twelve month fifteen The list of party members in each branch (general branch) and the calculation method of party dues provided by the Party Committee of the Japanese government agency calculate the amount of party dues that each party member should pay. At the beginning of the year, the amount of monthly party dues paid by party members was verified, and generally remained unchanged during the year. The amount of monthly party dues paid by each party member generally does not exceed one thousand Yuan, you can pay more according to your willingness, and you can pay more at one time one thousand If the amount is more than RMB yuan, it shall be handled according to the relevant provisions on paying large party dues.

Article 2   Party members who receive monthly salary shall take the relatively fixed and regular salary income (after tax) in the total salary as the base for the calculation of party membership dues every month, including the post salary, grade salary, allowance and subsidy of government functionaries (excluding workers); Post salary, salary scale salary, performance salary, allowance and subsidy of staff in public institutions; Post wages, technical grade (post) wages, allowances and subsidies of government workers.

The calculation base of party membership dues does not include the following items: personal income tax, endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance, maternity insurance, housing provident fund (including individual and unit contributions), occupational annuity, housing subsidies, official car subsidies, heating fees and other reform subsidies, as well as special subsidies granted by some personnel. The incentive performance pay of party members in public institutions is also not included in the calculation base of party dues.

Article 3   The proportion of party members paying party dues is: monthly salary income (after tax) three thousand Less than yuan (including three thousand Yuan) 0.5% three thousand More than RMB to five thousand Yuan (including five thousand Yuan) 1% five thousand More than RMB to ten thousand Yuan (including ten thousand Yuan) 1.5% ten thousand RMB or more 2%

Article 4 Party dues paid by retired cadres and staff members shall be calculated on the basis of basic retirement allowance or basic pension, excluding subsidies. The proportion of party membership dues paid is: the basic retirement allowance or basic pension received every month is five thousand Less than yuan ( contain five thousand element ) Of, pay 0.5% five thousand Over RMB, pay 1% If it is really difficult to live, it may be paid less or exempted with the consent of the Party branch.

Article 5   The probationary party members shall pay party dues from the date when they are approved as probationary party members by the general meeting of the branch.

Article 6   Generally, Party members should pay party dues to the Party branch where they have formal organizational relations. The Party branch shall record the collection of Party membership dues in the Party Branch Work Record Book and the Party membership dues certificate.

Article 7   Party members who are really difficult to pay party dues may pay less or no party dues after the Party branch studies them and submits them to the Party committee of the organ for approval.

Article 8   If a Party member fails to pay Party dues as required, his Party branch shall timely criticize and educate him and make corrections within a time limit. For continuous without justified reasons six Party members who do not pay party dues for six months shall be deemed to have left the Party on their own.

Article 9 Each branch (total) shall fifteen Pay the party membership dues of the branch to the party committee of the organ on the th day (postponed in case of public holidays) without delay or arrears. The Party Committee of the organ shall issue the Unified Receipt for Party Expenses of Party Organizations in Shanxi Province to all branches. The party dues paid by each branch (general branch) shall be handed over by the party committee of the organ to the financial department for management into the special account for party dues.

2、 Use of party membership dues

Article 10 The use of Party membership dues should adhere to the principles of overall arrangement, living within the limits of income, balanced income and expenditure, and a slight surplus.

Article 11 Party expenses must be used for Party activities, mainly as a supplement to the education funds for Party members. The specific scope of use includes:( one )Training Party members; two )Subscribe to or purchase newspapers, materials, audio and video products and equipment for Party member education; three )Commend advanced grass-roots Party organizations, outstanding Communist Party members and outstanding Party workers; four )Subsidize Party members who have difficulty in living; five )Subsidize Party members suffering from serious natural disasters and repair education facilities for grass-roots Party members damaged by disasters.

Article 12   On the premise of following the five basic uses of party membership dues, we should refine the use items of party membership dues. The following specific use items can be disbursed from the party dues:( one )Accommodation, meals, transportation, teacher fees, site fees, materials, tickets, explanation fees, etc. incurred by education and training of Party members, activists joining the Party, and grass-roots Party workers. two )The conference fees generated by carrying out "three meetings and one lesson", striving for excellence, the change of the Party organization, and the centralized learning and education within the Party. three )Expenses for commendation within the Party. four )Relevant expenses incurred in repairing, building new grassroots party organization venues, and providing necessary facilities for the venues. five )The cost of compiling and printing the education and training materials for Party members, as well as the cost of purchasing the Party emblem and flag. six )Expenses related to the purchase of checks, transfer procedures, etc. incurred in the financial management of party expenses. The expenditure standards of the above projects shall be implemented with reference to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Finance.

3、 Party expenses management

Article 13   We should strictly perform the approval procedures for the use of party membership dues, adhere to the principle of diligence and thrift, and use party membership dues carefully and reasonably. expenditure five thousand Less than yuan (including five thousand Yuan), the secretary of the party committee of the organ and the full-time deputy secretary shall negotiate, and the bill shall be signed by the full-time deputy secretary of the party committee of the organ for reimbursement five thousand Items above RMB yuan shall be collectively studied and decided by the party committee of the organ, and the bills shall be signed and reimbursed by the full-time deputy secretary of the party committee of the organ and the secretary of the party committee of the organ. The use of party dues returned by retired branches shall be supervised by the retired general party branch.

Article 14 In accordance with the principle of separating the business management and financial management of party membership dues, the business management of party membership dues shall be managed by the party committee of the organ. The financial management of party membership dues shall be handled on behalf of the Financial Department of the organ. The accounting of party dues and the management of accounting files shall be implemented with reference to the Accounting System of Administrative Units formulated by the Ministry of Finance.

Article 15 When the financial management staff of the party membership dues are changed, the handover procedures should be handled in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the party membership dues management and the financial system.

Article 16   The party committee of the organ should take the collection, use and management of party dues as an important part of the disclosure of party affairs, and conscientiously publicize the revenue and expenditure of party dues. Each Party branch of the organ shall announce the collection of party dues to Party members once a year.

Article 17   At the end of the year, the party committee of the organ shall report (or make a written report) on the collection, use and management of party dues at the party meeting, and accept the review and supervision of party members. The party committee of the organ shall report the collection, use and management of party dues to the organization department of the party committee at the higher level every year.

Article 18   The Party Committee, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Finance Department of the organ shall organize personnel to carry out quarterly inspection on the revenue and expenditure of party expenses. Check the base number of party membership dues, check the personnel who have not paid the party membership dues, find problems and correct them in a timely manner. Those who violate the regulations on the collection, use and management of party dues shall be seriously investigated and dealt with in accordance with the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China and relevant regulations, and those who violate the criminal law shall be dealt with according to law.

The Measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.






Organ Committee of Shanxi Provincial Committee of the CPPCC

                                   2017 year six month sixteen day