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Grassroots Party Organizations of Shanxi Provincial CPPCC Organs

Information source: Office Time: 09:57, March 16, 2020 Number of readers: second

Grassroots Party Organizations of Shanxi Provincial CPPCC Organs

Party building responsibility system


In order to implement the requirements of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, further strengthen and improve the party building work of the grass-roots party organizations of the provincial CPPCC organs, the Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Provisions on the Work Responsibility System of the Provincial Organs for the Party (JBF [2016] No. 1) and in combination with the actual situation of the organs.

Article 1 To implement the responsibility system for the Party building work of grass-roots Party organizations, we should thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, study the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, some guidelines for intra party political life in the new situation, the Code of Integrity and Self discipline of the Communist Party of China, the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China and other intra party laws and regulations, Earnestly implement the main responsibility and supervision responsibility, adhere to the principle that the Party should manage the Party and strictly govern the Party throughout the Party's construction work, and reflect it in all links of strict education, management and supervision of all branches and Party members, especially party leaders and cadres. Strengthen the political function of the Party branch, improve the organizational strength, and ensure and promote the implementation of the Party's line, principles, policies and decisions in the grass-roots Party organizations.

Article 2   Main responsibilities of the Party Committee of the organ:

(I) As the implementation subject of the party building work of the organ, the party committee of the organ is directly responsible for the party building work of the organ. It should focus on the core tasks of the service center and team building, and strengthen the daily education, management, supervision and service of its branches and party members.

(II) We will strengthen the education of Party members and cadres in political discipline and rules. Insist on arming the minds of Party members and cadres with Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, formulate a learning plan for Party members and cadres and organize its implementation. Focus on the theoretical study of party members and leading cadres above the department level, and cooperate with the personnel department to implement the off job training plan for party members and cadres. Assist the provincial CPPCC party group and organ party group to adhere to and improve the theoretical learning system of the central group.

(III) Publicize and implement the Party's line, principles and policies, implement the deployment and requirements of the CPC Central Committee, the provincial Party committee, the working committee directly under the provincial People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) party group and the organ party group on strengthening party building, regularly analyze and study the situation of party building in the organs and directly affiliated institutions, study and formulate the party building work plan and organize its implementation. Report the work to the superior party organization once a year, and report major situations in a timely manner. Be responsible for the establishment of each branch (general branch) team and the appointment, removal, assessment and training of secretary and deputy secretary.

(IV) Strictly implement the Regulations on the Work of Grass roots Organizations of the Party and State Organs of the Communist Party of China. Set up organs and party organizations of directly affiliated institutions in accordance with regulations, and conscientiously and normatively complete the work of general election. Strictly enforce the system of the Party's organizational and political life, adhere to the principle of democratic centralism, and improve the internal deliberation and decision-making mechanism of the Party committees. Strictly manage Party members, urge them to fulfill their obligations and protect their rights. Regularly check the situation of party members' participation in organizational life, party leaders' dual organizational life and payment of party dues. The members of the Party Committee should, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, shoulder their own responsibilities and work together to do a good job. In accordance with the requirements of the Detailed Rules of the Communist Party of China for Recruiting Party Members, we should do a good job in recruiting Party members.

(V) Implement the main responsibility of building a clean and honest government. The first is the responsibility of assistance. Assist the Party Leadership Group of the organ to complete the central work and do a good job in building a clean and honest government. Second, promote responsibility. Actively plan and promote the construction of a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work in all party branches. The third is education responsibility. Deeply carry out education on Party spirit, Party conduct and Party discipline, and guide Party members and cadres to adhere to the spiritual pursuit of Communists. Fourth, supervision and inspection responsibilities. Supervise the construction of Party conduct and clean government in each branch and supervise each party member, including the administrative head. Fifth, support responsibility. Strengthen the leadership and guidance of the discipline inspection commission of the organ, and support the discipline inspection commission of the organ to perform its duties according to discipline and law.

(VI) Assist the cadres of the Party leading group of the organ in charge of the organ and the Party organizations and mass organizations of the directly affiliated institutions; Put forward opinions and suggestions on the appointment, removal, rewards and punishment of administrative cadres of the organs and directly affiliated institutions. The Party branch shall carry out democratic evaluation of its members, including leading cadres, and strictly implement the assessment system.

(VII) We will strengthen and improve the ideological and political work of government agencies. According to the ideological situation of the staff, we should carry out regular ideological and political work, care about the life of the masses, and care about the growth of cadres. Regularly report the ideological trends of party members and cadres to the Party Leadership Group and the Secretary General, and put forward opinions and suggestions on strengthening and improving ideological and political work. We will strengthen the building of spiritual civilization in government agencies and promote the building of spiritual civilization.

(VIII) Fulfill the leading responsibility of party building leading mass building. Strengthen the leadership of the Party's united front and the work of the mass organizations, support the trade unions, women's committees and other mass organizations to carry out their work independently and responsibly according to their respective articles of association, and truly become the bridge and link between the Party and the masses.  

Article 3   Main responsibilities of the Commission for Discipline Inspection

(I) We should uphold the Constitution of the Party and other intra Party laws and regulations, regularly educate Party members on discipline and law-abiding, and make decisions on maintaining Party discipline.

(II) To inspect the implementation of the Party's line, principles, policies and resolutions by Party organizations and Party members, and supervise the exercise of power by Party members and cadres.

      (III) Assist the Party Committee of the organ in strengthening the construction of Party conduct and clean government and organizing and coordinating anti-corruption work. Put forward the Party conduct and clean government plan and annual plan of the organ and directly affiliated institutions, and promote them purposefully and systematically.

(IV) To inspect and deal with cases of violation of the Constitution of the Party and other intra Party laws and regulations by Party organizations and members, and to decide or cancel the punishment of Party members in these cases in accordance with relevant provisions.

(V) Accept the reports of violations of Party discipline by Party organizations and Party members, and the complaints and appeals of Party members, so as to protect the rights of Party members.

Article 4   Main responsibilities of the Party branch (general branch):

(I) Organize Party members to earnestly study Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", the Scientific Outlook on Development, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the Party's line, principles and policies, and learn the basic knowledge, scientific and cultural knowledge and business knowledge of the Party. Publicize and implement the resolutions of the Party Central Committee and superior Party organizations, and complete the work tasks assigned by the Party committees of the organs.

(II) Strengthen the education and management of Party members, and strictly implement the organizational life system. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, creatively carry out the work of the Party branch, constantly improve the cohesion, creativity and combat effectiveness of the Party branch (general branch), and give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members.

(III) Centering on the central task of the department, we should actively carry out ideological and political work, educate Party members and masses about the Party's basic line, principles and policies, socialist core values, situation and tasks, and professional ethics, establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values, enhance the overall concept, legal concept, and service awareness, and change the work style. Keep close contact with the masses, and often understand the criticism and opinions of the masses on Party members and the work of the Party. Care about people's life and safeguard their rights and interests.

(IV) We should strengthen the education, training and investigation of activists joining the Party, do a good job of regular recruitment work, and ensure the quality of new Party members.

(V) We should pay special attention to the education of Party conduct and discipline, supervise Party members to strictly abide by the provisions of integrity and self-discipline, educate Party members and the masses to consciously resist bad tendencies and various negative corruption phenomena, and resolutely fight against various illegal and criminal acts.

       Article 5   The secretary of the party committee of the organ is the organizer and implementer of the party building work of the organ. He should pay attention to the comprehensive implementation of the party building work of the organ, urge and promote all branches to complete the task of party building work. Organize and hold a party committee meeting every quarter to deploy work tasks, check implementation and solve existing problems. Every year, report to the working committee directly under the provincial government on the implementation of the responsibilities of the Party building work of the organ, and organize and do a good job of reporting to the secretaries of each branch. The secretary of the Party committee of the organ shall fulfill the responsibility of the person directly responsible, and the full-time deputy secretary of the Party committee of the organ shall fulfill the responsibility of implementing the work plans of the superior Party organization.

The Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the organ shall perform the supervision responsibility for the construction of the Party conduct and clean government of the organ. We should do a good job in the daily education and supervision of the construction of a clean and honest government, especially strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the Party's line, guidelines, policies and resolutions by the Party committees and their leading cadres.

The secretary of the Party branch (general branch) is the specific person responsible for the Party building work of the organ, and the specific executor of the task of the Party building work of the organ. He should earnestly perform his duties, pay close attention to the implementation of the Party building work of his party branch (general branch), and mobilize and unite party members and the masses to do their own work. Organize the party branch (general branch) to organize the life meeting, do a good job in the general election of the party branch (general branch), and do a good job in the review and check of the recruitment of party members. Report the work to all party members of the Party branch (general branch) once a year, and report to the Party committee of the organ and the party members of the Party branch (general branch) on the implementation of the responsibility system for party building work of the organ. The secretary of the branch shall bear corresponding specific responsibilities in the construction of a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work.

Article 6   The Party Committee of the organ is responsible for supervising and inspecting the implementation of the responsibility system for Party building work by all Party branches. Those who fail to perform their duties shall be held accountable in accordance with relevant regulations and procedures.

Establish the annual assessment system of joint statement, joint evaluation and joint examination. The secretary of the party committee of the organ reports to the working committee directly under the provincial government and all party members of the organ, the secretary of the party branch (general branch) reports to the party committee of the organ and all party members of the branch, and the party branch (general branch) should make democratic comments on all party members of the branch, including leading cadres.

The assessment results of the responsibility system for party building work should be used as an important basis for selecting and appraising the best, evaluating the performance of leading cadres, rewarding and punishing them, and selecting and appointing them.