Circular of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Printing and Distributing the Provisions of the Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) on Implementing the Main Responsibility of Fully and Strictly Administering the Party

Information source: Party committee of the organ Published on: April 17, 2020 08:52 Number of readers: second

The Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) implements the provisions on the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party

04:56, March 14, 2020 Source: People's Daily

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 13 Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) issued the Provisions on the Responsibility of the Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) to Implement the Principle of Comprehensive and Strict Governance of the Party (hereinafter referred to as the "Provisions"), and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to conscientiously abide by and implement them.

The notice pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has made great progress and remarkable achievements in comprehensively and strictly governing the Party with firm determination, strong will and unprecedented strength. At the same time, it should be noted that the problems of political impurity, ideological impurity, organizational impurity, and style impurity existing in the Party, especially some deep-seated problems, have not yet been fundamentally solved. The whole Party must maintain strategic concentration, carry forward the spirit of struggle, constantly deepen the Party's self revolution, and resolutely and strictly govern the Party in an all-round way.

The notice stressed that the formulation and promulgation of the Regulations is an important measure taken by the CPC Central Committee to improve the responsibility system for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. All regions and departments should conscientiously study and implement the Regulations, enhance the political consciousness of "two safeguards", strengthen the political responsibility of being responsible, responsible and conscientious, seize the "bull nose" of the responsibility system, seize the key subject of the Party committee (Party group), fully implement the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and constantly improve the ability to perform duties, We will strive to improve our ability to overcome various risks and challenges, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and capacity with new achievements in comprehensively and strictly governing the Party.

The notice requires that the implementation of important information and suggestions in the Regulations should be reported to the CPC Central Committee in a timely manner.

The full text of the Regulations is as follows.

The Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) implements the provisions on the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party

(On February 26, 2020, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee deliberated and approved the issue of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on March 9, 2020)

general provisions

Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and relevant intra party laws and regulations in order to fully implement the main responsibility of the Party committee (leading group of the Party) for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party and promote the in-depth development of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party.

Article 2 These Provisions are applicable to local Party committees and Party groups (Party committees) established in accordance with the Regulations on the Work of Party Groups of the Communist Party of China.

The Party's discipline inspection organ, the Party's working organ, and the public institutions directly under the Party Committee implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party in their own units, and the Party's grass-roots organizations implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, with reference to these Provisions.

Article 3 The Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", achieve the "Two Safeguards", never forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, be responsible, and conscientious, adhere to and firmly adhere to the overall strict governance of the Party, and lead the great social revolution with a great self revolution, To guide the ideals and beliefs of the whole party with scientific theory, to lead the unity of the whole party with "two safeguards", to rally the morale of the party, the morale of the military and the morale of the people with good conduct, discipline and anti-corruption, to always maintain the advancement and purity of the party, and to ensure that the party has always become a strong core of leadership in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Article 4 The Party committee (leading group) shall follow the following principles when implementing the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party:

(1) Insist on strengthening and improving the overall leadership of the Party;

(2) Adhere to comprehensive and strict governance of the Party in all fields, all aspects and all links covered;

(3) Adhere to the principle of "true and strict management", "bold and strict management" and "long and strict management";

(4) Adhere to the process and effect of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party.

Article 5 The central and state organs have a special position and role in comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. They must lead and set an example in implementing the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, comprehensively improve the quality of party building in the organs, build model organs that reassure the Party Central Committee and satisfy the people, and lead and drive all regions and departments to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party.

Chapter II Responsibilities

Article 6 The local Party committee should plan, deploy, promote and assess the Party building and economic and social development together, and strengthen the leadership of the region in comprehensively and strictly governing the Party's work. It mainly includes:

(1) We will resolutely uphold the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the decisions of higher Party organizations;

(2) Play a leading role in the overall situation and coordinating all parties in the region, adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership of the Party in all aspects of economic and social development, and play a leading role in various organizations at the same level;

(3) Put the political construction of the Party in the first place, strengthen political belief, strengthen political leadership, improve political ability, purify political ecology, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in political position, political direction, political principles, and political path;

(4) We should focus on the ideological construction of the Party as a basic construction, strengthen our ideals and beliefs, arm our minds with Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, guide practice, promote work, and implement the responsibility system for ideological work;

(5) Implement the organizational line of the Party in the new era, adhere to democratic centralism, establish and adhere to the correct selection and employment orientation, build a team of high-quality and professional cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible, strengthen the construction of the Party's grass-roots organizations and party members, do a good job in talent work, and consolidate the organizational foundation of the Party's governance;

(6) We will work hard to improve the Party's style of work, implement the spirit of the Central Committee's eight point rule, continue to rectify the "four styles", especially formalism and bureaucracy, oppose the idea and phenomenon of privileges, and maintain close ties between the Party and the people;

(7) Strengthen the discipline construction of the Party, focus on strengthening political discipline and organizational discipline, and drive integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline and life discipline to be strict;

(8) Implement the requirements of governing the Party by system and by rules, strengthen the construction of intra party laws and regulations in the region, strictly implement the responsibility system for the implementation of intra party laws and regulations, and ensure that the implementation of intra party laws and regulations is effective;

(9) We will implement the main responsibility for building a clean and honest government, deepen the fight against corruption, promote the fight against corruption as a whole, and consolidate and develop the overwhelming victory of the fight against corruption;

(10) To lead, support and supervise the Party's discipline inspection organs, Party working organs, public institutions directly under the Party Committee, Party leading groups (Party committees), local Party committees at lower levels, and grass-roots organizations to implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, so as to form an overall joint force of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party;

(11) Strengthen the leadership of the united front work and the mass work in the region, mobilize and organize the party organizations and the majority of party members, unite and lead the masses to achieve the party's goals and tasks;

(12) Be brave and good at combining the actual situation of the region, and earnestly solve the outstanding problems that affect the overall strict governance of the party.

Article 7 The Party Leadership Group (Party Committee) shall adhere to the principle that the Party building work and business work should be planned, deployed, promoted and assessed at the same time, and strengthen the leadership of the unit (system) to comprehensively and strictly govern all Party work. It mainly includes:

(1) We will resolutely uphold the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the decisions of higher Party organizations;

(2) Play a leading role in guiding the direction, managing the overall situation and ensuring the implementation in the unit (system), promote the transformation of the Party's propositions and major decisions into laws, regulations, policy decrees and social consensus, and ensure the implementation of the Party's theories, lines, principles and policies in the unit (system);

(3) Put the political construction of the Party in the first place, improve its political position, highlight its political attributes, strengthen its political leadership, enhance its political ability, always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in political stance, political direction, political principles, and political path, and cultivate a good political ecology of institutions;

(4) Strengthen theoretical arms, learn to understand and practice socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, guide party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals, beliefs and purposes, and implement the responsibility system for ideological work;

(5) Adhere to democratic centralism, implement the principle of the Party governing cadres and talents, strengthen the construction of a team of high-quality and professional cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible, strengthen the construction of the Party's grass-roots organizations and the ranks of Party members, focus on improving the quality of life of intra Party activities and Party organizations, and do a good job in talent work;

(6) We should strengthen and improve our work style, implement the spirit of the eight point rule of the Central Committee, continue to rectify the "four styles", especially formalism and bureaucracy, and oppose the idea and phenomenon of privileges;

(7) Strengthen the discipline building of the Party, fulfill the main responsibility of building a clean and honest government, support the discipline inspection and supervision organs to fulfill their supervision responsibilities, and promote the integrity of the party, dare not, can not, and do not want to corrupt;

(8) Take the lead in abiding by the intra party laws and regulations, strictly implement the intra party law enforcement responsibility system, establish and improve the party building work system of the unit (system), and constantly improve the system execution;

(9) To lead the work of the Party organizations of the organs and directly subordinate units, support and cooperate with the Party's organ working committee in the unified leadership of the Party's work of the unit (system), consciously accept the guidance and supervision of the Party's organ working committee on its implementation of the main responsibility of the organ's party building, and prevent "darkness under the light";

(10) Strengthen the leadership of the united front work and group work of the unit (system), attach importance to the training and use of non party cadres and talents, unite and lead non party cadres and the masses, pool wisdom in all aspects, and complete the tasks assigned by the Party Central Committee and superior party organizations;

(11) Be brave and good at combining the actual situation of the unit (system) to solve the outstanding problems that affect the overall strict governance of the party.

Article 8 The members of the leading group of the Party committee (Party group) should strengthen their responsibility, strengthen their consciousness and ability to implement the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, take the lead in abiding by the provisions of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, consciously accept the supervision of the Party organization, Party members and the masses, and play an exemplary role in comprehensively and strictly governing the Party.

The secretary of the Party committee (leading group of the Party committee) shall perform the responsibility of the first person responsible for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party in his own unit in the region, and make personal deployment of important work, personal intervention of major issues, personal coordination of key links, and personal supervision of important cases; Manage the team, lead the team and implement it well, support, guide and urge other members of the leading group and the secretary of the lower level party committee (leading group) to fulfill the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and timely remind and correct any problems found.

Other members of the leading group of the Party committee (Party group) shall, according to the division of work, bear important leadership responsibilities for the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party within the scope of their duties. According to the requirements of "one post with two responsibilities", they shall lead, inspect and urge the departments and units in charge to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party, and strictly supervise the education, management and supervision of the departments in charge and individual party members and cadres.

Article 9 The leading group for Party building is the deliberative and coordinating body of the Party Committee for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. It should strengthen the guidance of the Party building work in the region, regularly listen to work reports, and timely study and solve major problems.

While fulfilling the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, the discipline inspection organ of the Party should assist the Party committee (group) to implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party by means of asking for instructions on major issues, putting forward suggestions, supervising and promoting the implementation of decisions of the Party committee (group), etc.

The general office (office), functional department, office, etc. of the Party Committee are the specific executive organs for the Party Committee to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party. They should give full play to their functions under the unified leadership of the Party Committee and do a good job of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party within their responsibilities.

As an agency of the Party committee, the working committee of the Party organ shall uniformly organize, plan and deploy the Party work of the organ at the same level, guide the organ to carry out Party building in all aspects, and guide the Party organizations at all levels of the organ to implement supervision and management of Party members, especially party leaders and cadres.

As a special organization responsible for party building, the party committees of departments and units should focus on their main responsibilities, give full play to their functions, and assist the party group (party committee) in implementing the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party.

Chapter III Responsibility Implementation

Article 10 The Party committee (Party group) shall convene at least one meeting of the Standing Committee (Party group meeting) every six months to study the work of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, analyze and judge the situation, study and solve the bottlenecks and weaknesses, and propose measures for strengthening and improving.

Article 11 The Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) may, in accordance with these Provisions and in combination with the actual situation, formulate a list of responsibilities to specify the responsibilities of the Party Committee (Party Leadership Group), its secretary and other members of the leadership team to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party. The list of responsibilities should be simple and practical.

Article 12 At the beginning of each year, the Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) shall, in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Party and the decisions of the superior Party organizations, combine the situation and tasks of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party in its own unit in the region, adhere to the problem orientation, highlight the work priorities, formulate the annual task arrangement for implementing the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party in its own unit in the region, and clarify the division of responsibilities and the time limit for completion.

Article 13 The secretary of the Party committee (leading group of the Party) shall strengthen the investigation and study of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, understand the progress of work, and find and solve outstanding problems in practice.

Investigation and research should focus on listening to the opinions and suggestions of delegates to the Party congress, Party members, cadres, grass-roots Party organizations and the masses on comprehensively and strictly governing the Party.

Article 14 The Party committee (leading group of the Party) shall carry out regular publicity and education on comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, especially education on the Party Constitution, Party Rules and Party spirit, Party conduct and Party discipline, pay attention to the exemplary and warning role of positive and negative models, and create a good atmosphere for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party in its own unit in the region.

Article 15 The members of the Party committee (leading group) and its leading group shall take the implementation of the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party as the content of the annual democratic life meeting, thoroughly investigate and identify the existing problems, carry out serious criticism and self-criticism, and propose practical and effective rectification measures.

In case of major violations of discipline and laws and serious "four styles" problems in the unit in the region, the Party Committee (Party group) should timely hold a special democratic life meeting, carefully check, deeply analyze and reflect, and clarify the responsibility for rectification.

Article 16 The secretary of the Party committee (leading group) shall timely remind and talk with other members of the leading group, the secretary of the party committee (leading group) at the next level, and other members of the leading group to the secretary of the party organization of the department and unit in charge if they find that there are any signs and orientation problems in politics, ideology, work, life, style, discipline, etc; If it is found that the responsibility for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party is not in place, there are many problems in governing the Party, and there are many problems reflected in the letters and visits of Party members and the masses, it should be timely interviewed, seriously criticized and educated, and urged to implement the responsibility.

Article 17 The Party committee (leading group of the Party) shall, through meetings, documents and other forms, report the implementation of the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party by its own unit in the region, timely report the typical problems that are held accountable due to ineffective implementation of the responsibility, and shall make public in an appropriate way if organizational adjustment or organizational handling or disciplinary punishment is adopted for accountability.

Article 18 The Party committee (leading group of the Party) shall carry out targeted education and training, strengthen political education and training, enhance the awareness of the Party organizations and leading cadres of Party members of their own units in the region to implement the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and improve their ability and level to implement the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party.

Chapter IV Supervision and Accountability

Article 19 At the beginning of each year, the local party committee shall report in writing to the party committee at the next higher level on the implementation of the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party in the previous year. The standing committee of the local party committee should take the implementation of the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party as an important part of reporting to the plenary session.

At the beginning of each year, the party group (party committee) shall report in writing to the party organization that approved its establishment on the implementation of the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party in the previous year.

Article 20 Party organizations at higher levels should strengthen the supervision, inspection and patrol of the implementation of the responsibility of the Party committee (leading group of the Party) for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party's main body, and strive to find and solve problems such as unclear, incomplete and unfulfilled responsibilities.

In the process of supervision and inspection, attention should be paid to giving play to the role of Party members, cadres, grass-roots Party organizations, the masses and the news media to promote the formation of joint forces of supervision.

Article 21 Make overall plans for the assessment of the construction of a clean and honest government, ideological work, grass-roots party building work and other aspects, establish and improve the assessment system of the main responsibility for comprehensively and strictly governing the party in combination with the assessment of the leadership and leading cadres, and highlight the understanding of the implementation of the responsibility for comprehensively and strictly governing the party in the annual assessment and related assessment work.

The assessment results shall be published within a certain range of the unit in the region. The assessment results serve as an important basis for the overall evaluation of the leadership, the selection and appointment of leading cadres, performance evaluation, incentive and restraint.

Article 22 The Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) and its leading group members shall implement the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. In any of the following circumstances, they shall be held accountable in accordance with regulations and disciplines:

(1) The implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee on comprehensively and strictly governing the Party and the decisions of the superior Party organizations are not serious and effective;

(2) Fulfill the responsibility of the first person responsible for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and fail to assume and act as an important leader;

(3) The political awareness of the unit in the region has weakened, the leadership of the Party has weakened, the Party building work has become vague, the implementation of responsibilities has been softened, and the management of the Party has been lenient;

(4) The unit in the region has major problems or serious consequences in managing the party;

(5) Other circumstances that should be investigated for responsibility.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

Article 23 The Central Military Commission may, in accordance with these Provisions, formulate provisions on the responsibility of the military Party committee to implement the principle of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party.

Article 24 The General Office of the Central Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Provisions.

Article 25 These Provisions shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.