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Some party branches and youth cadre classes of provincial CPPCC organs jointly carry out theme party day activities

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC Daily Published at 10:06 on December 14, 2023 Number of readers: second

twelve month thirteen In order to further study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, the Human Resources Department, Letters and Calls Department, Propaganda Department, Culture and History Museum, Shanxi CPPCC Newspaper and other party branches and the training class for young cadres of the CPPCC went to the Shanxi Merchants Museum to jointly carry out theme party day activities. The picture shows Xue Yonghui, Deputy Secretary General of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Secretary of the Party Committee of the CPC Provincial Committee, leading a team to visit the Shanxi Merchants Museum Hot blooded mountains and rivers ”“ Shanxi Merchants The theme exhibition will stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of Party members and appreciate the cultural charm of Shanxi merchants. (Li Jia)