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Assist the high-quality development of culture, tourism and health care industry in the Yellow River basin

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC website Published on: January 25, 2024 18:37 Number of readers: second

Assist the high-quality development of culture, tourism and health care industry in the Yellow River basin

Shanxi Provincial Committee of Civil Construction

In recent years, although our province has made some achievements in inheriting and carrying forward the Yellow River culture and developing the culture, tourism and health care industry, the health care industry is still relatively scattered and has not been integrated and expanded to form a whole industry chain. Therefore, we need to further rely on the rich cultural resources and good cultural and tourism industry foundation in the Yellow River basin to promote the high-quality development of the culture, tourism and health care industry. To this end, it is recommended that:

Focus on the overall situation Chain building Study and formulate the construction plan of the cultural tourism health care industry chain in the Yellow River Basin of Shanxi Province, and drive the industry with large-scale cultural tourism health care enterprises and competitive products Chain building And promote large state-owned cultural and tourism enterprises to become Chain master Enterprises play a leading role. It plans, develops, manages and operates the culture, tourism and health care industry in a unified way, leading the province's culture, tourism and health care industry to form a new cluster. Create a number of cultural, tourism and health care projects that demonstrate the spirit of the times, demonstrate the responsibility of the times and lead the development of the industry.

Highlight advantages Strong chain Further study and judge the new demand for cultural tourism consumption, optimize and integrate the layout of business types, and expand the scale of the industry. Vigorously promote Shanxi's cultural and tourism resources, set up high-quality service benchmarks such as travel agencies, exhibitions and property management, and call for the Yellow River cultural and tourism health care gold Word signboard. explore Cultural tourism + Health care + Agriculture Integrate the new development model and promote the continuous development and growth of chain enterprises.

Focus on gaps Chain mending Improve infrastructure and Food, accommodation, travel, shopping and entertainment Element allocation, vigorously promote the in-depth cooperation between the high-quality culture, tourism, health care resource platform and state-owned enterprises, launch featured main products, and complement the industrial chain.

Deep fusion Extended chain Active exploration Cultural tourism +” Integrating the new development model, fostering new formats such as online broadcasting, online live broadcasting, immersive experience, digital cultural tourism, building a high-quality cultural and creative comprehensive service platform, creating a cultural and creative center integrating cultural and creative products, intangible cultural heritage works, handicrafts, agricultural products, and developing cultural and tourism health care products such as cultural performance, folk custom experience, health care, calligraphy and painting arts, Continuously extend the industrial chain, product chain and value chain.