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Take the lead in establishing the provincial energy data trading zone

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC website Published on: January 25, 2024 18:39 Number of readers: second

Take the lead in establishing the provincial energy data trading zone

Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Democratic League

Marketization of data elements plays an important role in scientific decision-making and sustainable development of traditional energy industry transformation. Our province is making every effort to promote the digital transformation of the energy industry, and gradually accumulating rich data resources in the energy field. Taking the energy information supervision and service platform of Shanxi Province as an example, the platform is led by the Energy Bureau of Shanxi Province to carry out government supervision and enterprise services around the energy industry of the whole province, forming a characteristic application that includes macro decision-making, government supervision, government affairs services, enterprise services and data elements. After completion, it will face all types of energy in the province, form an organic whole in the coal, electricity, oil and gas energy industry, including the full cycle data of production, storage and transportation, and consumption, and realize the digital governance and service system collaboration and sharing in the energy field. Accordingly, our province has taken the lead in establishing the energy data trading zone to promote the development and utilization of energy data. To this end, it is recommended that:

Promote the construction of energy data trading area. Based on the implementation and operation of the energy information supervision and service platform of Shanxi Province, give full play to the advantages of massive energy data aggregation in the whole category and chain, promote the strategic cooperation between the energy data operation and development institutions of our province and the national data exchange, establish the first energy data trading zone in the country relying on the national data exchange, and release the value of energy data, Promote the digital transformation of Shanxi's energy industry.

Sign the strategic cooperation agreement on energy data transaction. In the high-level national conference, the provincial energy data trading zone was used to release energy achievements and sign strategic cooperation agreements, so as to promote the provincial energy data elements to enter the national unified market.

Actively join the Open Islands Open Source Community. Take the lead in setting up an energy data element group in the community, link with relevant government departments, universities, research institutes and enterprises in the energy field, establish a cooperation platform for government, industry, university and research, accelerate the innovative development of energy data element field, and cultivate the ecology of energy data element.