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Empowering new quality productivity with scientific and technological innovation

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC website Published on: January 25, 2024 18:41 Number of readers: second

Empowering new quality productivity with scientific and technological innovation

Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Revolutionary Committee

The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that we should promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, especially with subversive technologies and cutting-edge technologies to promote new industries, new models, new driving forces and develop new quality productivity. Our province has the foundation, details and advantages to develop and form new quality productivity. We should seize the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, promote scientific and technological innovation, and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity. To this end, it is recommended that:

Promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation. iteration Industrial generation + Uncover the list and take the lead Model, comprehensively deepen the industrial research institute + Industrial fund + Industrial park Research Institute Economics And continue to improve the industrial generation capacity of our province. At the same time, in the face of the major demand for industrial scientific and technological innovation, a number of pilot and application verification platforms were targeted.

Stimulate the vitality of the main body of enterprise innovation. iteration Leader Chain Leader + Specialization, refinement and novelty System, cultivate internally and introduce externally, develop and strengthen the leading enterprises in the industrial chain. Implement gradient cultivation of high-quality SMEs to promote Small scale upgrading, regulation change and stock listing

Accelerate the strategic layout of scientific and technological innovation highlands. High level construction of the Huairou National Laboratory Shanxi Base, the national key laboratory for efficient and low-carbon utilization of coal, and the start of the construction of Shanxi University Quantum Laboratory, Shanxi Advanced Carbon Materials National Laboratory. Support universities and research institutes to build cutting-edge technology cross research institutes, lay out and build a number of national and municipal major innovation platforms, and focus on solving core technical problems in key industries and key fields. Support basic research and original innovation, and encourage the development of brain like intelligence, quantum information, aerospace technology, genes and cells in future industries, especially digital intelligence technology represented by artificial intelligence. At the same time, accelerate the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

We will build a system for the introduction and cultivation of high-quality innovative talents. Formulate policies to vigorously introduce high-level talents and scarce scientific and technological talents. We will improve the intellectual property protection and innovation incentive system, improve the classification and evaluation system of scientific and technological innovation achievements, reform the income distribution system of scientific research institutions, focus on both universal and special incentives, and attach equal importance to material and spiritual incentives, so as to stimulate the innovation vitality of scientific and technological talents.