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The provincial committee of the Democratic League suggested that the rural drinking water safety in the coal mining area of the old Shishan area should be increased

Source: Edited and published on this website on June 24, 2015 15:29 Number of readers: second

            In recent years, our province has attached great importance to the construction of rural drinking water projects and drinking water safety. However, due to the special climate, geography, terrain conditions, high-intensity resource mining and other factors, some places, especially the old mountain areas and mined out areas, have problems such as insufficient water sources, substandard water quality, and inadequate project benefits. The main reasons are:

I The original project construction standard is low For example, the cost of building drinking water projects of the same standard as that of Pingchuan in the old mountain areas far exceeds the national investment and construction standards. Therefore, some villages with small population can only build dry well rainwater collection projects with small investment. In dry years, the water source assurance rate is low, and the draft problem is difficult to solve stably. At the same time, dry wells are mostly built in farmers' yards, and poultry manure flows into dry wells during water storage, affecting the water quality of dry wells. Such problems are mainly in some mountainous areas of Xinzhou, Luliang and Linfen, involving 2066 natural villages and 359600 people.
2、 Environmental damage affects water source and quality. The indicators such as the salinity and sulfate ion of the old mine water accumulated in the roadway for a long time after the coal mine was abandoned seriously exceeded the standard, which worsened the groundwater quality. For example, Pingquan Village, Qingxu County, Taiyuan City, has achieved natural reflow through years of efforts, but the water quality has changed after the outflow, and the water salinity, sulfate ion and other indicators have seriously exceeded the standard, so it can not be drunk. The problem of drinking water for 1100 people in the village can only be solved through a shallow well of 300m. The water quality comprehensive evaluation index of 149 karst wells in Jinci spring field is poor, and it is not suitable for drinking water. According to the estimation of relevant organizations, the ecological environment loss caused by coal mining in the province is up to 400 billion yuan. The total volume of gangue heap and waste slag heap is about 1.03 million cubic meters. The potential harm of water pollution is great and the water quality detection ability is insufficient. At the same time, the discharge of industrial wastewater and domestic sewage, as well as the excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers, have also brought great potential harm to rural drinking water sources. This part involves 2343 natural villages and 1045700 people.
3、 The project is aging. In other areas other than the old mountain areas and coal mining areas, some projects invested earlier have problems such as water source changes, unstable water quality, aging and disrepair, resulting in unsafe drinking water for 5237 natural villages and 3020600 people.
IV Poor project management. First, the government responsibility system specified in the No. 1 Document of the Central Government in 2011 was not fully implemented, which led to the failure of comprehensive work such as water source protection, water quality detection, operation and maintenance, water price verification and financial subsidies of rural drinking water safety projects. Second, because the water supply price is generally lower than the cost water price, the overhaul fees, maintenance fees, water quality testing annual operation fees and other key costs of rural drinking water safety projects at the county level have not been implemented or fully implemented, which makes it difficult for the project to operate normally, and many projects are operated with problems, or even scrapped in advance. Third, the lack of funds and measures for the protection of the project water source has led to water pollution, insufficient construction of standby water sources and other potential safety hazards in the project water source. At the same time, information monitoring, dispatching, disposal and other means of projects above the designated size are lagging behind, which also leads to difficulties in scientific response and timely disposal in case of emergencies, and hidden dangers in production safety.
The above situation involves a total of 4.4259 million people in the province, including 1.0457 million people in Zhongshan Old Area, 35.96 million people in coal mining area and 3.0206 million people in other areas.
       In view of the above problems and their causes, it is suggested that:
1、 Further improve engineering construction standards. For the problem of low standard of drinking water safety engineering in old mountain areas, in the planning and construction, special attention should be paid to reliable water sources, safe water quality, and the solution should be mainly to increase the capacity of dry wells for water regulation and storage, supplemented by the construction of central water supply wells and water quality treatment. In villages with scattered distribution and no reliable water source, hardened rainwater collection fields, large capacity reservoirs and supporting water quality treatment equipment will be built. In villages with relatively concentrated distribution and reliable local groundwater sources, deep wells can be dug as the central water source to radiate water to adjacent villages. For contiguous coal mining areas, surface water is mainly used and centralized water supply projects are constructed, which are solved by connecting existing reservoir projects and constructing small water regulation and storage projects, and adding water quality treatment. For other areas, increase the construction of water source projects, pipe network projects, water quality treatment facilities, strengthen the construction of standby water sources, and improve the proportion of centralized water supply projects, population coverage and tap water household rate.
2、 Establish and improve the operation and management system of rural drinking water safety projects.
one Promote the clear system of project property rights and implement the management subject The property rights of centralized water supply projects across villages and towns mainly invested by the government shall be owned by the state; Verify and register the assets in the county water administrative department, and the county (city, district) people's government or its entrusted local water administrative department shall supervise the assets; The property rights of the centralized water supply projects in the joint villages and single villages that do not cross villages and towns and are built with government investment as subsidies shall be owned by the collective.
two Establish and improve the emergency response system for rural drinking water safety projects. The emergency plan for rural drinking water security shall be formulated. In case of major natural disasters or emergencies, the local water administrative department shall start the emergency water supply plan in time to ensure the safety of drinking water.
three Strengthening the capacity building of county level rural drinking water quality detection and monitoring Establish a water quality management system that combines the self inspection of the water quality of the source water, the factory water and the end water of the pipe network, the county patrol inspection, and the supervision of the health administrative department, implement the water quality inspection institutions, personnel, equipment, and funds, and ensure the normalization of rural drinking water quality inspection and monitoring.
        4、 Formulate reasonable water price and charging method Guide social funds to support the construction and management of drinking water projects, and actively promote the participation of water users in the whole process. After the completion and operation of the drinking water safety project, the water supply cost, water supply price, water fee revenue and expenditure and other operating conditions should be made public within the scope of benefits, and be subject to the supervision of farmers to ensure that the water supply project plays its best role. Widely publicize the knowledge of drinking water hygiene and environmental sanitation, and improve farmers' awareness of drinking water safety and health.