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Wu Cunrong's Research in Shanxi Coking Coal Group

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC Daily Published on: 2024-03-28 08:20 Number of readers: second

On March 26, Wu Cunrong, Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, went to Shanxi Coking Coal Group to carry out research on accelerating the development of new quality productivity and promoting the energy revolution, and visited the CPPCC members in enterprises. Zhang Qiyun, Secretary General of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, participated in the survey.

Wu Cunrong successively came to Shanxi Coking Coal Sales Company's sales and trade business hall, sales dispatching center, coke international trade center digital exhibition hall, coking coal building dispatching command center and other places to deeply understand the situation of enterprise safety production, scientific and technological innovation, transformation and upgrading, and discussed with relevant responsible comrades and CPPCC members in the enterprise. He encouraged enterprises to face the market and the future, establish before breaking, adjust measures to local conditions, speed up the development of new industries, new models and new drivers, transform and upgrade traditional industries with new technologies, actively promote high-end, intelligent and green industries, and build the main force and pioneer of high-quality development of energy enterprises in our province according to resource endowment, industrial foundation, scientific research conditions, etc.

Wu Cunrong said that accelerating the development of new quality productivity is a major strategic deployment to fulfill the leader's mandate, grasp the direction of the times, plan the transformation path, and meet the needs of people's livelihood. It is also an inevitable choice to promote the iterative upgrading of productivity and realize modernization. It is hoped that Shanxi Coking Coal Group will implement the deployment requirements of the central and provincial party committees in a higher position, firmly grasp the main line of promoting high-quality development and accelerating the development of new quality productivity, focus on building a modern industrial system of coking coal, and realize the development of enterprises from comparative advantage of resources "One wheel drive" turns to "two wheel drive" for resource advantage and value creation. Accelerate innovative development with greater determination, keep up with the trend of the times, strengthen basic, cutting-edge and disruptive scientific and technological breakthroughs, lead industrial upgrading and product iteration with scientific and technological innovation, and steadily improve core competitiveness. Deepen reform and reform with greater boldness, continue to deepen internal market-oriented operation, promote the reform of modern management mechanism, build a new production relationship suitable for high-quality development, and let all kinds of advanced production factors flow smoothly to new quality productivity. Members of the CPPCC should deeply study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on new quality productivity, focus on the central task of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, focus on Chinese modernization, the biggest politics in the new era, actively advise and support the government, widely gather consensus, and highlight the role of members in promoting the rise of the central region in the new era, Reflect the actions of the CPPCC. (Liu Yuliang)