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Wu Cunrong went to Tianjin for investigation

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC Daily Published on: 2023-11-22 10:52 Number of readers: second

eleven month fifteen Solstice sixteen On October 1, Wu Cunrong, Chairman of the CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee, led a team to Tianjin to investigate and investigate Shanxi's deep integration into the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and strengthen the CPPCC's own construction. Zhang Qiyun, Secretary General of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, Dong Yibing, Director of the Population, Resources and Environment Committee, and relevant responsible comrades from the Economic Commission, the Culture, Culture, History and Learning Commission participated in the survey.

Wu Cunrong and his party successively went to Tiankai Higher Education Science and Technology Innovation Park, Tianjin Port Second Container Terminal, Sino Singapore Tianjin Eco City, Tianjin CPPCC Cultural and Historical Museum and members' duty performance activity center to learn more about Tianjin's scientific and technological achievements transformation, smart zero carbon park, ecological city construction, CPPCC organs and cultural and historical museum construction.

Wu Cunrong stressed that promoting Shanxi's deep integration into the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei is an important measure to implement the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on Shanxi's work, accelerate the transformation of resource-based economy, deepen the energy revolution, and promote high-quality development of our province. We should keep in mind the ardent advice of General Secretary Xi Jinping, base ourselves on Shanxi's regional advantages, energy advantages and cultural advantages, and accelerate the integration of Beijing Tianjin Hebei coordinated development and joint construction with a proactive attitude and practical and effective measures The Belt and Road Initiative We should give full play to the role of the CPPCC, promote the establishment of the inter provincial CPPCC cooperation mechanism, the CPPCC members' performance coordination mechanism, and jointly build a platform for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and improve Jinmen, Jinhai The construction of logistics channels and the deepening of urban cultural and tourism cooperation will help. We should learn from the good experience and good practices of the CPPCC Tianjin Municipal Committee, constantly strengthen the construction of the CPPCC Party in the new era, constantly improve the construction of the CPPCC Cultural and Historical Museum, better play the role of the CPPCC Cultural and Historical Materials in preserving history, supporting government, uniting and educating people, and contribute to the CPPCC's efforts to help the high-quality development of our province. (Zhang Xin)