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Wu Cunrong led members of the CPPCC National Committee living in Shanxi to visit Taiyuan

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC Daily Published on: 07:33, November 15, 2023 Number of readers: second

In order to thoroughly implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening and improving the work of the People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and to help Shanxi transform and carry out comprehensive reform and energy revolution, according to the requirements of the CPPCC, eleven month thirteen Wu Cunrong, convener of the CPPCC National Committee in Shanxi and chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, led the CPPCC National Committee members in Shanxi to Promote the energy revolution and promote economic transformation and development Conduct investigation. Xu Guangguo, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, head of the United Front Work Department, and deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial CPPCC, Zhang Fuming, Li Qingshan, and Li Sijin, vice chairmen of the Provincial CPPCC, and Zhang Qiyun, secretary-general, participated in the investigation.

Wu Cunrong and his party went deep into Qingxu Fine Chemical Recycling Industrial Park, Shanxi Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Zone and other places to investigate Meijin Energy's hydrogen energy and recycling, Tsinghua University's Shanxi Institute of Clean Energy's clean and efficient development and utilization of coal and other projects, and held a symposium in Shanxi Coking Coal Group. Jing Puqiu, Li Junhu, Zhao Jianze, Sun Yuhan, Han Qinghua, Yao Jinlong, He Han Cheng Yuzhen, Chang Shan, Liang Liping, Li Junlin, Zhao Suqing, Wang Shuhong and other CPPCC members living in Shanxi have made speeches in succession in combination with the investigation and actual work, and offered advice and suggestions to help the transformation and development of our province and the energy revolution.

Wu Cunrong stressed that the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has entrusted Shanxi with such major missions as the resource-based economic transformation pilot zone and the comprehensive reform pilot of the energy revolution, which fully reflects the high trust and ardent expectations of Shanxi. We want Keep in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, further consolidate the common ideological and political foundation of unity and struggle, and firmly shoulder Implementation and cohesion And put the Party's leadership over the work of the CPPCC through the whole process and all aspects of performance of duties, and firmly support it with practical actions Two establishment , resolutely Two maintenance want Further promote high-quality development and modernization, grasp the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform with an open vision and reform spirit, focus on major issues related to the long-term development of our province, such as green development, energy revolution, scientific and technological innovation, integration of culture and tourism, digital economy, business environment, rural revitalization, etc The weak points in the industrial layout, continued research and advice, and contributed wisdom to the modernization of our province to win the strategic initiative. want We should make further progress in strengthening ideological and political guidance and building consensus. We should focus on education, medical care, employment, housing and other people's livelihood concerns, actively dispel doubts, guide expectations, do more work to maintain fairness and justice, build a strong mass base, and promote unity and stability, and constantly expand the circle of common interests and strengthen centripetal force. want To further highlight the responsibilities of the committee members, Understand the CPPCC, negotiate with the CPPCC, be good at discussing government affairs, observe discipline, be disciplined, and value conduct , give full play to the leading role in their own work, the main role in the work of the CPPCC, and the representative role of the masses in the sector, take the responsibility for hard work and long work, and strive to write in the practice of promoting Chinese style modernization in Shanxi Perform duties for the country and the people Excellent answers. (Text / Liu Yuliang / Xu Bin)