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The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Regulations on the Work of the Communist Party of China's United Front

Information source: Xinhua News Agency Release time: 2011-01-06 17:37 Number of readers: second

Xinhua News Agency Beijing January 5 Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the revised Regulations on the Work of the Communist Party of China's United Front (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to conscientiously comply with them.

The notice states that, The Regulations on the Work of the Communist Party of China's United Front (for Trial Implementation) issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in May 2015 played an important role in consolidating and developing the United Front. According to the new situation, tasks and requirements, the CPC Central Committee revised it. The revised Regulations, guided by Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening and improving the work of the united front, adhere to and strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party over the work of the united front, consolidate the spirit of deepening the reform of Party and state institutions in the field of the united front, and strive to make the work of the united front more scientific The level of standardization and institutionalization is the basic guideline for the work of the united front in the new era. The revision and implementation of the Regulations are of great significance for consolidating and developing the broadest patriotic united front, and providing broad support for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and realizing the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The notice requires that Party committees (Party leading groups) at all levels should fully understand the importance of doing a good job in the united front work in the new era, comprehensively and accurately learn and understand the Party's united front theory, principles and policies, earnestly perform the main responsibility of doing a good job in the united front work, develop the united front well, and carry out the united front work well, so as to create favorable conditions for the development of the cause of the Party and the people. We should conscientiously study, publicize and implement the Regulations, and raise the awareness of the United Front among Party organizations and leading cadres at all levels. The United Front Work Department of the Central Committee should strengthen supervision and guidance with relevant departments to ensure that the provisions of the Regulations are effectively implemented. The important information and suggestions in the implementation of the Regulations by all regions and departments should be reported to the CPC Central Committee in a timely manner.

The full text of the Regulations is as follows.

Regulations of the Communist Party of China on the Work of the United Front

The meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on April 30, 2015 deliberated and approved the revision issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on May 18, 2015 (revised by the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on November 30, 2020)

general provisions

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China in order to strengthen the Party's centralized and unified leadership over the work of the united front, improve the scientific, standardized and institutionalized level of the work of the united front, and consolidate and develop the patriotic united front.

Article 2 The term "united front" as used in these Regulations refers to the alliance led by the Communist Party of China and based on the alliance of workers and peasants, including all socialist workers, builders of the socialist cause, patriots who support socialism, patriots who support the reunification of the motherland and are committed to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The united front is the political advantage and strategic policy of the Communist Party of China to rally people's hearts and strength, an important magic weapon to win the victory of revolution, construction and reform, an important magic weapon to strengthen the party's class base, expand the party's mass base, consolidate the party's ruling position, and an important magic weapon to comprehensively build a modern socialist country and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Article 3 The guiding ideology and main tasks of the work of the united front in the new era are: under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, with Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory Guided by the important thought of "Three Represents", the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will unswervingly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", and achieve the "Two Safeguards", and thoroughly study and implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening and improving the work of the united front, Centering on the overall layout of "Five in One" and the strategic layout of "Four Comprehensions", we will actively promote the harmony of political party relations, ethnic relations, religious relations, class relations, and relations between compatriots at home and abroad, consolidate and develop the broadest patriotic united front, and serve the overall construction of a modern socialist country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, It serves to uphold and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, modernize the national governance system and capacity, maintain social harmony and stability, safeguard the interests of national sovereignty, security and development, maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao, and realize the complete reunification of the motherland.

Article 4 The principles of united front work are:

(1) Adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China;

(2) Hold high the banner of patriotism and socialism;

(3) Insist on centering on the center and serving the overall situation;

(4) Adhere to great unity and unity;

(5) Insist on correctly handling the relationship between consistency and diversity;

(6) Insist on respecting, safeguarding and taking care of the interests of allies;

(7) Insist on making friends in Guangzhou and Shenzhen with non party friends;

(8) Adhere to the general united front work pattern.

Article 5 The scope of work of the united front is:

(1) Members of democratic parties;

(2) Non party personage;

(3) Non party intellectuals;

(4) Ethnic minorities;

(5) Religious personages;

(6) Non-public economic figures;

(7) New social strata;

(8) Personnel studying abroad and returning home;

(9) Hong Kong compatriots and Macao compatriots;

(10) Taiwan compatriots and their relatives on the mainland;

(11) Overseas Chinese, returned overseas Chinese and their family members;

(12) Other personnel who need to be contacted and united.

The working objects of the united front are non party people, with the focus on the representatives.

Chapter II Organizational Leadership and Responsibilities

Article 6 Strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party over the work of the united front, ensure that the Party takes overall responsibility and coordinates all parties in the work of the united front, and ensure that the work of the united front always moves in the correct political direction.

We will build a general united front work pattern under the unified leadership of the Party Committee, led by and coordinated by the united front departments, and in which all parties concerned will assume their respective responsibilities.

Article 7 The Party Central Committee shall establish a leading group for the work of the united front. The Central United Front Leading Group works under the leadership of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and its Standing Committee, studies, deploys, coordinates, guides, supervises and inspects the study and implementation of the major theoretical principles and policies of the CPC Central Committee on the work of the United Front and the laws and regulations related to the work of the United Front, studies major issues of the United Front, and puts forward suggestions to the CPC Central Committee.

The office of the Central United Front Leading Group is located in the Central United Front Department.

Article 8 The local Party committee shall take the main responsibility for the work of the united front in the region. The main responsibilities are:

(1) Implement the decisions, arrangements and work requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the Party committees at higher levels on the work of the united front, guide, supervise and inspect the work of the lower level Party organizations on the united front, and attach importance to strengthening the work of the grass-roots united front;

(2) Regularly study major issues of the united front, deploy important work, and report the work of the united front to the Party Central Committee or the Party committee at the next higher level every year;

(3) Formulate internal Party regulations, normative documents and important policies related to the united front work according to the authority, promote the formulation of local regulations related to the united front work, and organize the implementation;

(4) Organize the study, research, publicity and education of the theory, principles and policies of the united front, incorporate the theory, principles and policies of the united front into the learning contents of the theoretical learning center group of the party committee and the teaching contents of the party school (administrative college), cadre college and socialist college, incorporate the work of the united front into the publicity work plan, and incorporate the knowledge of the united front into the content of national education;

(5) Implement the requirements of the CPC Central Committee on the construction of the united front work department and the united front cadre team, select and strengthen the leading group and main responsible persons of the united front system, and strengthen the construction of the united front cadres and talent team;

(6) Leading the people's congresses, governments, CPPCC committees, supervisory committees, courts, procuratorates, relevant people's organizations, enterprises and institutions at the same level to do a good job in the united front work of their own departments and units in their own fields;

(7) Find, train, use and manage non party representatives, and improve the friendship system between leading cadres and non party representatives.

The Party leading groups (Party committees) of other departments and units shall perform the duties of the corresponding united front work with reference to the provisions of the preceding paragraph. The working committees of the central and state organs and the working committees of Party organs at all levels, in accordance with their mandates, strengthen guidance, supervision and inspection of the work of the united front of the Party and state organs.

The main responsible persons of Party committees (leading Party groups) at all levels are the first responsible persons for the united front work of their own departments and units in their own regions. Members of the leading group of the Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) should take the lead in learning, publicizing and implementing the theory, principles, policies, laws and regulations of the united front, take the lead in participating in important activities of the united front, and make extensive and deep friendship with non party friends.

The local party committee shall establish a leading group for united front work, and the leader shall be the secretary of the party committee at the same level.

Article 9 The Central Party Committee and local Party committees shall set up the United Front Department. The United Front Department is the functional department of the Party Committee in charge of the work of the united front. It is the staff organ, organization and coordination organ, specific implementation organ, supervision and inspection organ of the Party Committee in the work of the united front. It undertakes the responsibilities of understanding the situation, mastering policies, coordinating relations, arranging personnel, promoting consensus, strengthening unity, etc., mainly including:

(1) Implement the Party's theoretical principles, policies, decisions and arrangements for the work of the united front, formulate the work policies and plans of the united front, ask for instructions from the Party committees at the same level to report the work of the united front and put forward suggestions.

(2) Coordinate and guide the work of the united front, organize and coordinate the daily supervision and inspection.

(3) Be responsible for finding, contacting and cultivating non party representatives, making political arrangements for non party representatives under the leadership of the Party committees at the same level, and coordinating with relevant departments to arrange non party representatives to hold leading positions in the government, judicial organs, procuratorial organs, etc.

(4) Contact the democratic parties, take the lead in coordinating the work of people without party affiliation, support the democratic parties and people without party affiliation to perform their duties and play a role, support and help the democratic parties and people without party affiliation to strengthen their own construction.

(5) Carry out the united front work of non Party intellectuals.

(6) To coordinate national affairs as a whole and lead national affairs departments to manage national affairs according to law.

(7) To manage religious affairs in a unified way and lead religious work departments to manage religious affairs according to law.

(8) Participate in the formulation, promotion and implementation of the principles and policies that encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public economy, and carry out the united front work of non-public economic personnel as a whole.

(9) We will coordinate the work of the united front of people from new social strata.

(10) Work with relevant departments to carry out the work of the Hong Kong Macao united front and the work of the Taiwan united front.

(11) Uniformly lead the work of the overseas united front, uniformly manage overseas Chinese affairs, and coordinate the work of relevant departments and social organizations concerning overseas Chinese.

(12) Coordinate and promote the rule of law in the united front.

(13) Implement the ideological work responsibility system in the work of the united front, and be responsible for carrying out the propaganda work of the united front.

(14) To guide the work of the united front of the lower level party committee, and assist in managing the head of the united front department of the lower level party committee; Coordinate the united front work of relevant government departments, and assist in the recommendation of leading group members of ethnic, religious and other work departments; Strengthen communication, coordination and cooperation with the CPPCC; Strengthen the work guidance of the Counsellor's Office and the Culture and History Research Center; To lead the party group of the Federation of Industry and Commerce and guide the work of the Federation of Industry and Commerce; To guide and manage the College of Socialism; Do a good job in the management of relevant units and organizations of the united front.

(15) Complete other tasks assigned by the Party committee at the same level and the United Front Work Department of the Party committee at the higher level.

Article 10 The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the dispatched organs of the Party committees at the provincial and municipal levels, where the tasks of the united front work are heavy, shall set up united front work agencies. The township (town, street) Party organization should have personnel responsible for the work of the united front, of which the task of the united front work should be specifically assigned to specific personnel. The relevant people's organizations have made it clear that the relevant institutions are responsible for the work of the united front. Party committees of institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutes with heavy tasks in the work of the united front shall set up united front work institutions, and Party committees of other institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutes shall specify corresponding institutions to be responsible for the work of the united front. The Party committees (Party groups) of large state-owned enterprises with heavy tasks in the united front work clearly define the institutions and personnel responsible for the united front work. The Party Leadership Group (Party Committee) of other units with heavy tasks on the united front clearly defines the relevant organizations to be responsible for the work of the united front.

Article 11 The head of the United Front Work Department of the Party committee at the provincial and municipal levels is generally a member of the standing committee of the Party committee at the same level, and the head of the United Front Work Department of the Party committee at the county level is a member of the standing committee of the Party committee at the same level or a member of the standing committee of the Party committee at the same level. The deputy head in charge of daily work is allocated according to the leading cadres of the Party committee department at the same level. If the main person in charge of the ethnic and religious work department is qualified, he can serve as the deputy head of the United Front Work Department of the Party committee at the same level. The Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Federation of Industry and Commerce is the Deputy Director of the United Front Work Department of the Party Committee at the same level. The head of the United Front Work Department of the Party Committee of colleges and universities serves as a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee or a member of the Party Committee without a Standing Committee.

Chapter III Work of Democratic Parties and Persons without Party affiliation

Article 12 The system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is a new type of political party system with Chinese characteristics and a basic political system in China. The Communist Party of China and the democratic parties implement the basic principles of long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal and woe.

The democratic parties are close friends who accept the leadership of the Communist Party of China and cooperate with the Communist Party of China. They are good advisors, helpers, and colleagues of the Communist Party of China. They are the socialist political parties with Chinese characteristics.

Non party personages refer to personages who do not participate in any political party, have the desire and ability to participate in politics, and have positive contributions to society and certain influence. Their main body is intellectuals.

The basic functions of the democratic parties are to participate in the discussion of politics, democratic supervision and political consultation led by the Communist Party of China. People without party affiliation perform their functions with reference to the democratic parties.

Article 13 Political party consultation is the political consultation between the Communist Party of China and the democratic parties. People without party affiliation are an important part of political consultation and participate in political party consultation. The party consultation mainly includes the following contents: the formulation and revision of relevant important documents of the CPC National and Local Congresses, the CPC Central Committee and Local Party Committees at all levels; Suggestions on the amendment of the Constitution, the formulation and amendment of relevant important laws, and the formulation and amendment of relevant important local regulations; Members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the government, the leading group of the CPPCC, the chairman of the supervisory committee, the president of the court, and the chief procurator of the procuratorate suggest candidates; Major issues related to the united front and multi-party cooperation.

The Party Central Committee and local Party committees shall carry out political party consultations in accordance with the prescribed procedures.

Support democratic parties and people without party affiliation to participate in the NPC consultations, government consultations, CPPCC consultations and other consultations.

Article 14 The main contents of supporting the participation of democratic parties and personages without party affiliation in politics are: participating in the state power, participating in the consultation of important principles and policies, important leadership candidates, participating in the management of state affairs, and participating in the formulation and implementation of national principles and policies, laws and regulations.

In accordance with the unified arrangements and work needs, leaders of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and representatives without party affiliation may be invited to participate in domestic investigation and research and important foreign affairs activities.

Article 15 The Communist Party of China and the democratic parties exercise mutual supervision. The Communist Party of China is in a leading and ruling position and consciously accepts the supervision of democratic parties.

Support democratic parties and personages without party affiliation, on the basis of adhering to the Four Basic Principles, to participate in political consultation, research and investigation, supervision and inspection of the implementation and implementation of major policies, decisions and arrangements of the Party and the state, and to carry out special supervision on major issues entrusted by the Party Committee, by putting forward opinions, criticisms, suggestions and other ways, To exercise democratic supervision over the Communist Party of China.

Article 16 Party committees at all levels should support the democratic parties to strengthen their ideological and political construction, organizational construction, ability to perform their duties, work style construction, and system construction, and support people without party affiliation to strengthen their own construction.

We will help democratic parties solve problems in their institutions, staffing, funding, office space, cadre exchanges, and temporary job training. Provide necessary guarantee for non party personages to perform their duties.

Chapter IV Work for Non Party Intellectuals

Article 17 The key targets of the work of non party intellectuals in state organs, state-owned enterprises and institutions are: non party intellectuals with senior professional titles, non party intellectuals among academic leaders or key business backbones, non party intellectuals who hold leadership positions at or above the middle level in state organs, institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutions, large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, and others with achievements Influential non party intellectuals.

The party group (party committee) of state organs, state-owned enterprises and institutions is responsible for the work of their own non party intellectuals in the field, strengthen ideological guidance, support and play a role, and organize non party intellectuals to participate in the work and activities of the united front.

Article 18 Adhere to the principle of broad solidarity, enthusiastic service, active guidance and play a role, and do a good job in the united front work of overseas and returned students.

The American and European Homecoming Association (the Chinese Fellowship for Returned Overseas Students) is the party's bridge to connect with overseas students, the assistant to do a good job of overseas students, and the home of overseas students. All provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government), sub provincial cities and provincial capital cities shall establish organizations for studying abroad. Organizations for overseas students may be established in other cities, institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutes and other units where overseas students are concentrated.

Article 19 All provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government), sub provincial cities and provincial capital cities may set up non party intellectual friendship associations to do a good job in guiding the ideological and political work of non party intellectuals.

The United Front Department should strengthen its leadership over the non Party intellectual association.

Chapter V Ethnic Work

Article 20 We should unswervingly follow the correct path of solving ethnic problems with Chinese characteristics, take the building of a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line, adhere to the equality of all ethnic groups, comprehensively implement the Party's ethnic policy, adhere to and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy, deepen ethnic unity and progress education, promote exchanges, exchanges and integration among ethnic groups, and achieve the common unity and struggle of all ethnic groups Common prosperity and development.

Article 21 Focusing on promoting national unity, improving people's livelihood, promoting economic and social development in ethnic areas, and constantly meeting the needs of the people of all ethnic groups for a better life. Promote the inheritance, protection, innovation and integration of the cultures of all ethnic groups, comprehensively promote the national common language, respect and support the learning and use of the languages of all ethnic minorities. Vigorously train cadres of all ethnic groups in ethnic areas, vigorously select and use ethnic minority cadres, and actively train ethnic minority professionals.

Article 22 Comprehensively, deeply and persistently carry out publicity and education on Marxist views on the motherland, nationality, culture and history, study and publicize the Party's ethnic theories and policies, carry out national unity and progress, and enhance the recognition of the people of all ethnic groups to the great motherland, the Chinese nation, the Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics.

We should consolidate and develop socialist ethnic relations featuring equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony, oppose all forms of ethnic discrimination, and oppose Han chauvinism and local nationalism. Respect the customs of ethnic minorities and protect their legitimate rights and interests. Administer ethnic affairs according to law and properly handle conflicts and disputes involving ethnic factors. Do a good job in urban ethnic work.

We should prevent and combat all kinds of infiltration, subversion, sabotage, violent terrorist activities, ethnic separatist activities, and religious extremist activities, and safeguard national unity, ethnic unity, and social stability.

Chapter VI Religious Work

Article 23 Adhere to and develop the socialist religious theory with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the orientation of sinicizing Chinese religions, and adhere to "Guide" attitude towards religion, protect legality, stop illegality, contain extremism, resist infiltration, combat crime, and build a positive and healthy religious relationship.

Article 24 Adhere to the basic principles of the Party's religious work: comprehensively implement the Party's policy of freedom of religious belief, manage religious affairs according to law, adhere to the principle of independence and autonomy, and actively guide religions to adapt to socialist society.

Respect and protect the freedom of citizens to believe in religion and not to believe in religion. Adhere to the separation of church and state.

We should improve the rule of law in religious work, be good at using laws and regulations to regulate the management of religious affairs, regulate various social relations involving religion, properly handle contradictions and problems in the religious field with the rule of law thinking and method, educate and guide religious people and believers to consciously safeguard the authority of the Constitution and laws, and carry out activities within the scope of laws and regulations.

Prevent foreign forces from interfering in and dominating China's religious organizations and religious affairs. Prevent and resist the infiltration of religion abroad. Support and encourage religious circles to conduct foreign exchanges on the basis of independence, equality, friendship and mutual respect.

We should use socialist core values to guide and educate religious people and believers, support and guide religious people to interpret religious doctrines and rules in line with the requirements of contemporary China's development and progress, and in line with Chinese excellent culture, and promote religious people and believers to recognize the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics. Give play to the positive role of religion and curb its negative role.

Article 25 Adhere to political solidarity and cooperation, mutual respect in faith, support religious organizations to strengthen their own construction and personnel training, and consolidate and develop the patriotic united front of the Party and the religious community.

Communists should unite religious believers, but they should not believe in religion.

Article 26 Strengthen religious work at the grass-roots level, establish and improve a three-level religious work network at the county (city, district, banner), township (town, street), and village (community) levels, and a two-level responsibility system at the township (town, street) and village (community) levels, and establish and improve a system of responsibility at different levels, territorial management, and accountability. For townships (towns and sub districts) with heavy religious work tasks, the Party committee should have leading cadres in charge of religious work and designate specific persons to take charge of it.

Chapter VII United Front Work in the Field of Non public Economy

Article 27 Adhere to and improve the basic socialist economic system, formulate, publicize and implement the Party's principles and policies on the development of the non-public economy. We will promote the establishment of a pro government business relationship, and create a policy environment, a rule of law environment, a market environment, and a social environment conducive to the development of the non-public economy. Guide non-public enterprises to practice the new development concept.

Article 28 Comprehensively implement the principles of trust, solidarity, service, guidance and education, carry out in-depth education in ideals and beliefs, guide non-public economic figures to be patriotic, dedicated, innovative, law-abiding, honest and committed, and become qualified builders of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Establish and improve the government enterprise communication and consultation system. Understand and reflect the demands of non-public economic personnel, and help them safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with legal procedures. We will unblock the channels for orderly political participation of non-public economic people and guide and standardize their political participation.

Cultivate and develop chambers of commerce with Chinese characteristics, and promote the effective coverage of united front work to chambers of commerce.

Article 29 The Federation of Industry and Commerce is a people's organization and chamber of commerce organization led by the Party, with private enterprises and private economic personages as the main body, and with the basic characteristics of united front, economic and civil unity. The Federation of Industry and Commerce performs its duties and plays its role around the theme of promoting the healthy development of the non-public economy and the healthy growth of non-public economic people.

The specific contents and forms of participation of the Federation of Industry and Commerce in political consultation, political deliberation and democratic supervision shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of Chapter III of these Regulations.

The Federation of Industry and Commerce performs the duties of the competent business unit for its affiliated chambers of commerce, carries out ideological and political work, education and training for its members, and inspects and assesses the main principals of its affiliated chambers of commerce. The Federation of Industry and Commerce will strengthen contacts, guidance and services for other industry associations and chambers of commerce with private enterprises and private economic people as the main body.

Article 30 The United Front Work Department and the Federation of Industry and Commerce shall participate in the party building work of private enterprises according to the arrangement of the party committee at the same level. The party group of the Federation of Industry and Commerce shall support and cooperate in the establishment of the party organization of its member enterprises.

The Party Leadership Group of the Federation of Industry and Commerce performs the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party in the party building work of its affiliated chambers of commerce.

Chapter VIII United Front Work of New Social Strata

Article 31 The new social strata mainly include: management and technical personnel of private enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises, employees of intermediary organizations and social organizations, freelancers, new media employees, etc.

Article 32 Adhere to the idea of trust and respect, unity and guidance, organization and play a role, use the socialized and networked methods, through the practice of innovation bases, friendship organizations and other forms, implement policies in different categories, strengthen ideological guidance, gather political consensus, and play the important role of new social strata in building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Article 33 The party and government departments, mass organizations, social organizations, etc. that have close ties with the people of the new social strata shall play their functions, improve their working mechanisms, closely coordinate and cooperate, and jointly do a good job in the united front work of the people of the new social strata.

The party organizations in the streets, communities, parks and enterprises where the new social strata are located should implement the main responsibilities, incorporate the work of the united front of the new social strata into the important work responsibilities, and study and solve the outstanding problems.

Chapter IX United Front Work of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

Article 34 The main task of the work of the Hong Kong Macao united front is to comprehensively and accurately implement The principles of "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong", "Macao people governing Macao", and a high degree of autonomy, adhere to and improve the "one country, two systems" system, act in strict accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law, support the chief executive and the government of the Special Administrative Region to govern in accordance with the law, support Hong Kong and Macao to integrate into the overall national development, develop and strengthen the power to love Hong Kong and Macao, and strengthen Hong Kong compatriots Macao compatriots' national consciousness and patriotism, safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, safeguard the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao, and ensure that the practice of "one country, two systems" is stable and farsighted.

Article 35 The main tasks of the work of the united front against Taiwan are: to implement the major policy of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Taiwan work, adhere to the one China principle, widely unite Taiwan compatriots at home and abroad, develop and strengthen Taiwan's patriotic united forces, and oppose The secessionist activities of "Taiwan independence" have constantly promoted the process of peaceful reunification of the motherland and worked together to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Article 36 Support democratic parties and personages without party affiliation, guide relevant people's and social organizations, and play a role in the work of the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan united front.

Chapter X Overseas United Front Work and Overseas Chinese Affairs

Article 37 The main tasks of the work of the overseas united front are to strengthen ideological and political guidance, enhance the love of overseas Chinese and overseas students for the motherland and their understanding of the Communist Party of China and socialism with Chinese characteristics; Inherit and carry forward the excellent Chinese culture and promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries; Encourage overseas Chinese to participate in China's reform and opening up and socialist modernization, and integrate into the great cause of national rejuvenation; contain The "Taiwan independence" and other separatist forces safeguard the national core interests; Give play to the role of a bridge to promote Sino foreign friendship and create a good international environment.

Article 38 The main tasks of the work of overseas Chinese affairs are: to strengthen the work of representatives of overseas Chinese, returned overseas Chinese and their family members around the theme of cohesion, togetherness and sharing the Chinese dream, to unite their hearts, pool their wisdom, give play to their strength, safeguard their interests and serve overseas Chinese; We should coordinate domestic and overseas Chinese affairs, focus on conserving overseas Chinese affairs resources, guide overseas Chinese, returned overseas Chinese, and the family members of overseas Chinese to devote themselves to the modernization of the motherland, safeguard and promote China's reunification, realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, promote friendly cooperation and exchanges between the Chinese people and the people of the world, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Protect the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese, care about the survival and development of overseas Chinese, promote the construction of a harmonious overseas Chinese community, educate and guide overseas Chinese to abide by the laws of the country where they live, respect local cultural customs, better integrate into the mainstream society, contribute wisdom and strength to the economic and social development of the country where they live, and fully display the image of large overseas Chinese who are law-abiding, honest, civilized, caring, united and harmonious.

We will protect the legitimate rights and interests of returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese, give due consideration to the characteristics of returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese, and actively play their advantageous role in maintaining extensive ties with overseas Chinese.

Chapter XI Team Construction of Non Party Representatives

Article 39 Non party representatives refer to those who unite and cooperate with the Communist Party of China, make greater contributions, and have certain social influence. Their criteria are political firmness, outstanding performance, and public recognition.

Article 40 Strengthen the discovery reserve of non party representatives. Give play to the important role of universities and scientific research institutes as bases for training and selecting non party representatives, and pay attention to finding non party representatives from state organs, state-owned enterprises and institutions, private enterprises, new social strata, and overseas and returned students.

Article 41 Adhere to the principle of political training and carry out theoretical training for non party representatives. Give play to the role of socialist colleges as the main front of talent education and training in the united front, attach importance to the role of party schools (administrative colleges) and cadre colleges, and make rational use of training resources such as colleges and universities.

Strengthen the practical training of non party representatives, and include non party cadres into the overall arrangements for the exchange of party and government leading cadres.

Article 42 Non Party representatives shall maintain an appropriate proportion among deputies to people's congresses at all levels, members of the standing committees of people's congresses and chairman, vice chairmen and members of special committees of people's congresses. The Vice Chairmen of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Vice Chairmen of the Standing Committees of local people's congresses at or above the county level should include an appropriate number of non Party representatives.

The standing committees of the national and provincial people's congresses should have members of the democratic parties or persons without party affiliation as full-time deputy secretaries general.

The United Front Department, in consultation with relevant departments, is responsible for the recommendation and nomination of non party candidates among deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

Article 43 The leading bodies of governments at the provincial and municipal levels shall be staffed with non Party cadres. The leading group of the county government should actively allocate non party cadres from the actual situation.

Except for special requirements, government departments at all levels can actively allocate non party cadres to take leadership positions, focusing on the allocation of administrative law enforcement supervision, departments closely related to the interests of the masses, intellectuals and highly professional and technical departments.

Non Party cadres who meet the conditions can hold the chief administrative post of government departments (units). All provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) should be equipped with Two or so non party leaders.

Article 44 Non Party representatives shall account for a large proportion of CPPCC committees at all levels, and the number of members shall not be less than 60%, no less than 65% of the Standing Committee; The vice chairmen of the leading bodies of the CPPCC at all levels shall not be less than 50% (excluding national autonomous areas).

The CPPCC National Committee and the CPPCC Provincial Committee shall have members of democratic parties or persons without party affiliation as full-time deputy secretaries general.

The chairman and vice chairmen of the special committees of the CPPCC and the non party representatives among the members shall occupy an appropriate proportion.

The work of recommending candidates for CPPCC members at all levels should adhere to extensive consultation. Those within the Party should be nominated by the organization department, and those outside the Party should be nominated by the United Front Work Department. Members of the democratic parties and private economic figures among them should consult with the democratic parties and the Federation of Industry and Commerce before nomination. The CPPCC members from all sectors who continue to nominate should listen to the views of the CPPCC Party Leadership Group. The list of suggestions shall be summarized by the United Front Department and solicited opinions from relevant parties, and then submitted by the organization department to the Party committee at the same level for approval, and then handled in accordance with the procedures specified in the Constitution of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Article 45 The leading bodies of courts and procuratorates at all levels shall be staffed with non Party cadres.

Generally, the leading bodies of colleges and universities should be staffed with non party cadres, and qualified non party cadres can hold the chief administrative posts. We will intensify efforts to select non Party cadres from the leading bodies of mass organizations, scientific research institutes, and state-owned enterprises.

Adhere to the united front and advisory nature of the Counsellor's Office and the united front and honorary nature of the Cultural and Historical Research Center, and the number of non party counselors and non party librarians shall not be less than 70%。 The Counsellor's Office and the leading group of the Culture and History Research Center shall be staffed with non party representatives.

The supervisory committee, the court, the procuratorate and the relevant government departments shall employ non party representatives as special agents.

Recommend non party representatives to serve in relevant social organizations.

Article 46 The chairmen of provincial democratic parties, chairmen of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and non party representatives who meet the conditions should generally be admitted to the leadership of the standing committee of the people's congress, the government, and the CPPCC at the same level.

Except under special circumstances, non party representatives in the leading bodies of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the CPPCC should enjoy the same treatment as the Party cadres who hold posts at the same level.

Article 47 Candidates for deputies to people's congresses at all levels and members of the CPPCC committees at all levels should include an appropriate number of people from private economy and new social strata.

If a private enterprise is a major contributor and its main occupation is operation and management, it should be defined as a private economic person in the recommendation arrangement. Candidates for deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and private economic persons who hold positions in people's organizations and social organizations such as the Federation of Industry and Commerce should be comprehensively evaluated, and opinions should be solicited from party organizations in enterprises, party building organizations in private enterprises, local trade union organizations, and other relevant parties.

Article 48 Strengthen the management of non party representatives, and focus on understanding their political performance, ideological status, performance of duties, integrity and self-discipline, and changes in important personal matters, especially their political positions and attitudes on major issues of principle.

The United Front Department is responsible for taking the lead in coordinating the management of non party representatives. The relevant departments of the Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the CPPCC Party Leadership Group, and the Party organizations of the units where non party representatives work should take their respective responsibilities and strengthen the daily management assessment. We should give full play to the role of non party representatives in the self-management, self-education and self-monitoring of their parties and groups.

Article 49 Do a good job of cooperation and cooperation between the Party and non Party representatives. Adhere to the combination of collective leadership and individual division of labor and responsibility, and ensure that non party cadres have the command power of administrative management, the decision power to deal with problems, and the suggestion power to appoint and remove personnel.

Article 50 Party committees at all levels should incorporate the team building of non party representatives into the overall plan for the construction of cadres and talent teams, and take non party cadres into overall consideration among outstanding young cadres.

Establish and improve the cooperation mechanism between the organization department and the united front department. The opinions of the United Front Department shall be solicited before the motion, discussion and decision on the appointment, removal, transfer and exchange of non Party cadres.

Chapter XII Self construction of United Front Department

Article 51 Strengthen the political construction of the Party, fulfill the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, educate and guide the cadres of the united front not to forget their original intention, remember their mission, and strengthen "Four Consciousness", "Four Confidence", and "Two Safeguards". We will always maintain a high degree of consistency with the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core in political positions, directions, principles, and paths. We will fully implement the Party's basic theories, lines, and strategies, and ensure that the Party's will and propositions are implemented in all aspects and the whole process of the work of the united front.

Article 52 Strengthen the ideological construction of the Party, arm the mind, guide practice and promote work with Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, especially the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening and improving the work of the united front.

Article 53 Strengthen the Party's organizational construction, implement the Party's organizational line in the new era, adhere to democratic centralism, establish and adhere to the correct selection and employment orientation, strengthen the training, exchange and exercise of cadres, and build a united front cadre team with political firmness, professional proficiency and excellent style.

Article 54 Strengthen the Party's work style and resolutely correct it The "four styles" are to practice the Party's mass line, educate and guide the United Front cadres to take the responsibility, strengthen the unity and contact with non party people, treat non party people with sincerity, emotion, reason and help, and achieve sincerity, humility, equality, honesty and justice.

Article 55 Strengthen the discipline construction of the Party, do a good job in discipline inspection and supervision, supervise and restrain the cadres of the United Front to strictly observe political discipline and rules, and always be in awe, guard against fear, and keep the bottom line.

Chapter XIII Guarantee and Supervision

Article 56 Party committees and governments at all levels shall formulate and improve policies to support the work of the united front and do a good job in ensuring it.

Article 57 Advanced collectives and individuals working on the united front shall be commended and rewarded in accordance with relevant regulations.

Article 58 Party committees (Party leading groups) at all levels should implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of this Regulation, incorporate the implementation of this Regulation into the target management and assessment system of leading groups and cadres, and include it into the scope of political inspection, supervision and discipline implementation accountability.

Article 59 In case of violation of the relevant provisions of these Regulations, relevant Party organizations and leading cadres of the Party shall be held accountable according to the seriousness of the circumstances and the degree of harm.

Chapter XIV Supplementary Provisions

Article 60 The United Front Work Department of the Central Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.

Article 61 These Regulations shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.