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Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Further Strengthening the Handling of the CPPCC Proposals

Information source: Office Time: 2020-03-15 21:24 Number of readers: second

To further promote the Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Further Strengthening the Handling of CPPCC Proposals ( Issued by China Office【 two thousand and twelve thirteen number ) The full text of the Opinions is now published as follows :

The CPPCC is an important part of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Proposals are an important form for the CPPCC to perform its functions of political consultation, democratic supervision, and participation in the deliberation and administration of state affairs. In order to further strengthen the handling of CPPCC proposals, the following opinions are put forward.

1、 Fully understand the importance of strengthening the handling of CPPCC proposals

Proposals are written opinions and suggestions put forward by members of the CPPCC, parties participating in the CPPCC, people's organizations, and special committees of the CPPCC to the plenary session of the CPPCC or the Standing Committee, and submitted to the undertaking unit for handling after examination and filing. Since the founding of the CPPCC, it has actively used proposals to perform its functions and made important contributions to promoting the development of the cause of the Party and the country.

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have always attached importance to the work of CPPCC proposals and supported the CPPCC to perform its functions through proposals. two thousand and three In, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council forwarded the Opinions of the General Office of the CPPCC National Committee on Handling the Proposals of the CPPCC National Committee. Over the years, Party and government organs at all levels and CPPCC organizations have made joint efforts to handle CPPCC proposals in accordance with the deployment and requirements of the Central Committee, effectively playing an important role in promoting scientific development and promoting social harmony. Practice has proved that doing a good job in handling CPPCC proposals is conducive to upholding and improving the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, developing people's democracy, strengthening democratic supervision, giving better play to the advantages of China's political system and party system, and deepening the construction of socialist democracy; To pool the wisdom and strength of all aspects, mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of all sectors of society, and form a strong joint force to promote the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics; For giving full play to the role of the CPPCC as an important bridge between the Party and the government to connect with the masses and unite all walks of life, doing a good job in mass work under the new situation, and realizing, safeguarding, and developing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people; It is of great significance to enhance the scientific and democratic level of decision-making, and strengthen and improve the work of the Party and the government.

At present, China is in the critical period of building a well-off society in an all-round way and the critical period of deepening reform and opening up and accelerating the transformation of the mode of economic development. The new situation and new tasks provide broad space and rare opportunities for the CPPCC proposal work, and also put forward new requirements for the CPPCC proposal work. With the continuous promotion of China's socialist democratic political construction and the vigorous development of the CPPCC cause, the CPPCC members, all parties, all people's organizations, and the special committees of the CPPCC have increasingly enhanced their awareness of participating in and discussing politics. The number of proposals has increased year by year, their quality has steadily improved, and their role has become increasingly prominent. The social impact of the proposal work is growing. Party and government organs at all levels adapt to the new situation and tasks, actively innovate the way of handling proposals, improve the system of handling proposals, and promote the handling of CPPCC proposals to achieve remarkable results. However, it should also be noted that compared with the requirements of the new situation and new tasks, there are still some areas that need to be improved in handling CPPCC proposals, mainly as follows: : Some undertakers do not pay enough attention to the handling of CPPCC proposals, and their work enthusiasm and initiative are not high; Some undertaking units, when handling CPPCC proposals, focus on replies rather than implementation, explain more than measures, and the quality of handling needs to be improved; Some undertakers are poorly organized, poorly supervised and lack effective restriction mechanisms in handling their work. All regions and departments must further deepen their understanding of the significance of handling CPPCC proposals from the perspective of long-term development of the Party and the country, take this work as an important political responsibility, place it in a more prominent position, take practical and effective measures, and strive to promote the handling of CPPCC proposals to a new level.

2、 Comprehensively improve the scientific level of handling CPPCC proposals

To strengthen the handling of CPPCC proposals, we should hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics " Three Representatives " Guided by the important thoughts, we will thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, unswervingly follow the path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the central task, serve the overall situation, aim to enhance the effectiveness of handling, and take standardized handling procedures and improved handling mechanisms as the guarantee to comprehensively improve the scientific level of proposal handling, and gradually build a clear responsibility, highlight key points, and strong supervision The working pattern of handling CPPCC proposals in place will enable CPPCC proposals to play a greater role in building a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerating the process of socialist modernization.

one Improve the proposal assignment system. Strengthen the classification and selection of proposals, and accurately determine the undertaker. The proposal during the plenary session of the CPPCC shall be submitted to the relevant units in a centralized manner according to the division of functions and the principle of centralized management; The proposal committee of the CPPCC shall timely send the proposals made between the plenary sessions of the CPPCC to the relevant units for handling. The undertaking unit should actively participate in the assignment of CPPCC proposals, strengthen communication and coordination with the CPPCC organization, and ensure that all proposals are assigned appropriately and separately.

two Standardize the internal operation mechanism of proposal handling. After receiving the proposal, the undertaking unit shall put forward a handling plan, clarify the division of tasks, time limit requirements and quality standards, and timely hand over to the relevant business departments. Establish a responsibility system for handling CPPCC proposals to ensure that each proposal is responsible to the department and person. We should focus on summarizing the experience of handling the proposals of the CPPCC, formulate scientific regulations for handling proposals, and constantly improve the level of institutionalization, standardization, and routinization of handling proposals.

three Strengthen the consultation mechanism for handling proposals. Further standardize the consultation procedures, innovate the forms of consultation, and gradually establish a tripartite communication and consultation mechanism between the organizer, the proposer, and the CPPCC. The undertaker unit should take communication and consultation as a necessary link in handling the CPPCC proposals, listen carefully to the opinions and suggestions of the proponents through telephone contact, informal discussion, research, door-to-door visits, etc., achieve positive interaction, and jointly explore solutions to problems; Actively participate in consultative meetings, briefings and other consultative activities for handling proposals organized by the CPPCC. For proposals jointly handled by two or more units, the host unit shall actively negotiate and actively cooperate with the handling unit. If the same proposal is handled separately, the relevant units should strengthen communication.

four Do a good job in handling key proposals. Key proposals refer to those that concern the overall work of the Party and the state, involve the vital interests of the people, are of general concern to the society, and suggest feasible measures. On the basis of carefully handling each proposal, the undertaker should highlight the handling of key proposals. Strictly implement the handling responsibility system. The main responsible comrades should ask for help in person, select personnel with strong professional ability and rich experience to undertake the work, conduct in-depth research on the problems involved in the proposal through field investigation, forum consultation, special research and other ways, propose practical solutions, and ensure that the task of handling the proposal is completed within the time limit and with high quality. We should attach great importance to the proposals of the democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, people's organizations, sectors and the special committees of the CPPCC, designate special personnel to handle them, and strengthen guidance. Effective measures should be taken to implement the proposals approved by leading comrades.

five Actively adopt reasonable suggestions in the proposal. The undertaking unit shall strengthen the analysis and study of the proposal content, conscientiously adopt reasonable opinions and suggestions, and formulate specific measures for improvement. Actively solve the problems reflected in the proposal, and concentrate on solving them as soon as possible if conditions permit; If it is difficult to solve the problem due to limited conditions, a plan should be made to actively create conditions to gradually solve the problem, and the progress should be fed back to the proposer in a timely manner. For comprehensive, overall and forward-looking issues, they should be submitted to relevant leaders in an appropriate way, or relevant institutions should conduct in-depth research, so as to give full play to the decision-making reference role of the proposal.

six Improve the proposal response mechanism. The undertaking unit shall start from the date of receiving the proposal during the plenary session of the CPPCC five Within six months from the date of receipt of the proposal made between the plenary sessions of the CPPCC three Give a written reply to the proposal within months. The reply to the proposal should be realistic, clear and specific, including the resolution of problems reflected in the proposal, the adoption or handling of suggestions, etc; The suggestions that have not been adopted shall be explained. If the proposer is not satisfied with the result of the handling, the organizer shall make a written explanation to the proposer and the CPPCC organization. The replies to key proposals shall be studied and approved by the responsible comrades of the local department, and the handling results shall be reported to the proposer and the CPPCC organization through reports, meeting minutes, briefings and other forms. The democratic parties and the Federation of Industry and Commerce should seek the opinions of the relevant parties and the Federation of Industry and Commerce before responding to the proposal. If the reply is not implemented or needs to be handled across the years, the undertaking unit should make a timely explanation to the relevant parties and the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and organize follow-up supervision.

seven Improve the supervision system for handling proposals. The undertaking unit shall regularly check the progress of proposal handling and coordinate to solve the difficult problems in proposal handling. Further improve the information feedback system and regularly report the handling of proposals to the CPPCC. Establish a proposal handling information database, and timely report the implementation of proposals that need to be handled across years to the proposer. For proposals that are difficult to handle, repeatedly submitted by the proposer for many years, or the proposer is dissatisfied with the handling results, special supervision, joint supervision, tracking supervision and other methods should be adopted to increase supervision and inspection efforts to ensure the effectiveness of handling work. Party committees and government supervision departments at all levels should actively supervise the handling of CPPCC proposals, play a coordinating role and strengthen work supervision. The proposer and the CPPCC organization shall be invited to participate in the proposal handling supervision activities as appropriate.

3、 Further strengthen the organization and leadership of handling CPPCC proposals

All regions and departments should attach great importance to and strengthen leadership, conscientiously implement the Regulations of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on the Work of Proposals, and earnestly grasp the handling of CPPCC proposals.

one We will improve the leadership mechanism for handling CPPCC proposals. Party committees and governments at all levels should incorporate the handling of CPPCC proposals into the overall work layout, combine it with the development and promotion of business work, regularly listen to reports on the handling of CPPCC proposals, study and solve major problems in the handling of CPPCC proposals, promote the establishment of a mechanism for the CPC committee, the government and the CPPCC to jointly assign and supervise the handling of proposals, and support the undertaking units to develop new ideas Explore new methods and launch new measures. The main responsible comrades and the responsible comrades in charge of the undertaking unit should earnestly assume their responsibilities, do a good job in implementing the work, and ensure that the proposal handling tasks are completed.

two Strengthen the guarantee for handling the CPPCC proposals. The undertaking unit shall, according to the needs of handling the work of the proposal, strengthen the work force, clarify the undertaking organization and increase the investment. Select a person with good ideological style and strong professional ability to serve as the liaison for the CPPCC proposal work, and actively participate in the research, consultation, notification and other activities organized by the CPPCC.

three We will improve the assessment and evaluation mechanism for handling CPPCC proposals. Whether to attach importance to the handling of CPPCC proposals, whether to fully communicate and consult with the sponsors, and whether to effectively solve relevant problems should be taken as the basic content of evaluating the effectiveness of handling, and gradually incorporate the handling of CPPCC proposals into the performance appraisal system. The departments and individuals with serious attitude, effective measures and remarkable effects shall be commended and rewarded in an appropriate way, and used as a reference for cadre assessment, training and selection; Departments and individuals who do not pay enough attention and are perfunctory should be criticized and educated. Support the CPPCC to organize democratic review and supervision of the handling of CPPCC proposals.

four Give full play to the important role of CPPCC organizations at all levels in handling CPPCC proposals. The CPPCC organization should take effective measures to improve the quality of proposals. Strengthen the review of proposals, improve the classification method of proposals, refine the review standards of proposals, standardize the review procedures of proposals, improve the selection mechanism of key proposals, and transfer the proposals that do not meet the filing standards to relevant departments for reference in other ways. Strengthen the internal proposal integration mechanism of the CPPCC to reduce duplicate proposals. Establish and improve the proposal quality evaluation system, and improve the selection method of excellent proposals. Improve the proposal content and response public mechanism. Strengthen the self construction of the CPPCC organization proposal work organization.

five Strengthen the publicity of handling CPPCC proposals. We will take various forms to vigorously publicize the effective practice of the CPPCC in implementing its functions through proposals, the results achieved by all regions and departments in actively handling CPPCC proposals, the progress made in building socialist democracy, the advantages of the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics, and strive to create widespread concern, active participation Vigorously support the good atmosphere for handling CPPCC proposals.