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The CPPCC Provincial Committee held the 25th session of "Member Forum"

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC Daily Published on: 2024-02-24 07:09 Number of readers: second

two month twenty-three The 25th session of the CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee Committee forum Wu Cunrong, Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, attended. Zhang Fuming, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, presided over the meeting. Vice Chairmen Li Zhengyin, Li Xiaobo, Li Sijin, Wang Liwei, Yan Chenxi, Wang Lei, and Secretary General Zhang Qiyun attended the meeting.

Current period Committee forum Professor Gao Dalun, Executive Director of the Chinese Archaeological Society and Dean of the School of Archaeology, Shanxi University, was specially invited to focus on Collections are the source of strength of museums and Sharing of technical achievements in reproduction of weathering and disappearance information of stone carvings Give special lectures. Based on his own research experience and practical experience, and through a large number of international and domestic examples, Gao Dalun explained in simple terms the new ideas for the activation and utilization of museum collections and the new technologies for the protection and application of stone relics, so that everyone can appreciate the value and charm of creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture. They said that we should deeply study and understand Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, conscientiously implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage and the important guiding spirit of his important speech on the work of Shanxi, give full play to the advantages of the CPPCC, conduct in-depth investigation and research, actively offer advice and suggestions, and demonstrate the CPPCC's role in strengthening the protection and activation of cultural relics and continuing the Chinese culture, Contribute to the CPPCC for the high-quality development of the cultural and tourism industry in our province and the promotion of the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Use of this forum Smart CPPCC Platform, extending to eleven Municipal CPPCC. Members of the Secretary General's Meeting of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, comrades in charge of the working organs of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, some members of the CPPCC National Committee and the CPPCC Provincial Committee residing in Shanxi, cadres of all democratic parties and the Federation of Industry and Commerce at or above the head office level, cadres of organs and institutions of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, members of the CPPCC Municipal Committee and cadres of organs five hundred More than people attended. (Li Jia)