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The 21st "Member Forum" held by the CPPCC Provincial Committee

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC Daily Published on: July 13, 2023 17:27 Number of readers: second

seven month thirteen On October 21, the CPPCC Provincial Committee held the 21st session of the "Committee Forum". Wu Cunrong, Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, attended. Zhang Fuming, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, presided over the meeting. Li Xiaobo, Yan Chenxi, Wang Lei, Vice Chairmen of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, and Zhang Qiyun, Secretary General attended the meeting.

Professor Bai Yansheng, a member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee and a well-known opera host, combined with his more than 30 years of experience The title of "Respect for tradition and reverence for classics - ramble on aesthetics, art and life" explained the relationship between aesthetics and life, art and humanity in simple terms, and gave a vivid and wonderful culture and art lesson to the CPPCC members. Everyone agreed that this "committee forum" demonstrated the charm of Chinese traditional culture and deepened the thinking and understanding of the inheritance, innovation and development of Chinese culture. They all said that they should deeply study and understand the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on enhancing the influence of the dissemination of Chinese civilization, give full play to the advantages of the CPPCC and the role of CPPCC members, conduct in-depth research, actively offer advice and suggestions, tell stories of Shanxi, and be the carrier, practitioner, and communicator of excellent traditional Chinese culture, To contribute wisdom and strength to better shoulder the new cultural mission of the new era.

Use of this forum The "Smart CPPCC" platform adopts online video, and sets up the main venue in the provincial CPPCC organs, eleven The CPPCC of each city has sub venues. Members of the Secretary General's Meeting of the Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, comrades in charge of the working organs of the Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, members of the Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, cadres at or above the department level of the provincial democratic parties and the Federation of Industry and Commerce, cadres of the provincial CPPCC organs and institutions, members of the Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, members of the Municipal Committee of the CPPCC and cadres of the organs in all cities five hundred and seventy More than people attended the forum. (He Jingwei)