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Illuminate the road of development with bright cultural light -- Interview with Wang Xiaopeng, member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee and chairman of Shanxi Sanshuotang Health Culture Industry Development Co., Ltd

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC Daily Published at 12:00 on January 11, 2022 Number of readers: second

Wang Xiaopeng

"Shanxi entrepreneurs want to push the development of their hometown to a new height." Wang Xiaopeng, member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee and chairman of Shanxi Sanshuotang Health Culture Industry Development Co., Ltd., said in an interview with reporters that as entrepreneurs, they deeply felt the optimization of Shanxi's business environment and the determination of talent support, which inspired entrepreneurs' motivation and determination to serve their hometown.

Wang Xiaopeng With the will and courage of "staying alive from the dead", we have successively established enterprises of science and technology, chemical technology research and development, property services, etc., whose business scope covers science and technology, property, business incubation and development, etc. Especially after the completion of the research and development center of Shanxi Sanheng Chemical Technology Co., Ltd., we signed the Incubator Agreement with the Management Committee of Taiyuan High tech Zone to help college students start businesses The development of small and micro enterprises provides convenient conditions and powerful guarantee, and he has finally found a path suitable for his own enterprise development. At present, the company has solved the employment problem of more than 100 people. During the operation and development of maker space, it has solved the employment problem of more than 300 people, providing services for the development of more than 30 small and micro enterprises. The company and maker space incubators pay more than 5 million taxes for Shanxi Province every year. After 2014, in order to further expand the development space of the enterprise, Wang Xiaopeng, after some careful thinking, established two more cultural companies, undertook several large-scale calligraphy, calligraphy and painting exhibitions, created the first exhibition brand to promote the spread of Jinshi culture, and made positive contributions to promoting the development of cultural tourism in Shanxi and helping to build a strong cultural province.

In recent years, Wang Xiaopeng has been doing public welfare in obscurity and has never stopped contributing to society. While doing a good job in enterprise development, we should not forget our original intention, repay the society, and actively promote various public welfare activities such as community free clinics, sending teachers to the countryside, and helping the poor. Support Han Yongqiang's family, poor college students in Shanglan Village, poor people in Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City, carry out activities such as pair aid for poor college students in Guangling County, participate in consumption poverty alleviation in Zhongyang County, help Xinjiang Kashgar County to fight poverty, help buy walnuts, and contribute to the local fight against poverty. In the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, we organized the members of the People's Progressive Movement to donate materials at the first time, and donated emergency supplies to the front-line anti epidemic units such as Shanxi Bethune Hospital and the First Hospital of Shanxi University for many times. At the same time, we cooperated with the Volunteer Association to provide emergency supplies for some communities in Taiyuan More than 30 enterprises in more than 500 buildings do free killing work. The DPP members have been organized for many times to send nutritional packages, organic vegetables and other daily necessities to the families of the front-line members of Shanxi DPP Aid Hubei, and have been rated as "Advanced Individual of the DPP in the National Fight against COVID-19". At the same time, we gave full play to the role of member volunteer associations, helped 40 poor students in Youyu Weidong Central Primary School, actively participated in the rescue work of the catastrophic forest fire in Qinyuan, Shanxi Province in 2019, participated in the rescue of the catastrophic flood disaster in Henan Province in 2021, and devoted ourselves to the rescue of the flood disaster in Shanxi Province, explaining the broad feelings of a CPPCC member with practical actions.

The employees of Sanshuotang Health Culture Industry Development Co., Ltd. and many democratic members, even relatives and friends around, sometimes do not understand why he is so keen to help others? Why are you so happy about doing public welfare? Wang Xiaopeng said: "In peacetime, the people's police are the steel Great Wall that silently guards peace. No matter how difficult it is, they must insist on doing this good deed under the arrangement of the Foundation and the concerted cooperation of the members of caring entrepreneurs, and dare to assume social responsibility. This is not only the embodiment of enterprise value, but also my spiritual pursuit as an entrepreneur." It is such a true and simple emotion, strong social responsibility and selfless dedication that inspires and inspires Wang Xiaopeng step by step. He graduated from college to become a glorious people's policeman, and then to work hard to repay the society. Despite the changes in the world, the only thing that remains unchanged is that he directly demonstrates the true feelings with his actions.

In recent years, Wang Xiaopeng and the grass-roots committee of Minjin Shanxi Kaiming jointly wrote proposals More than 20 pieces, more than 40 pieces reflecting social conditions and public opinions, covering science and technology education, urban and rural construction, agricultural ecology, cultural tourism, e-commerce development and other fields. Among them, "Adhering to the red line of high-quality farmland and cultivated land should be included in the top priority of the 14th Five Year Plan" was adopted by the Central Committee of the People's Political Consultative Conference of the People's Republic of China and the Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference. In 2020, the branch won the third prize of the People's Political Consultative Conference of the People's Republic of China. Actively participated in the special research on modern service industry, followed the provincial committee of the People's Republic of China to investigate the development of exhibition industry in our province, communicated with relevant departments of the provincial public security department for many times, sorted out and wrote the Proposal on Improving Security and Traffic Security, Further Optimizing the Business Environment of Exhibition Industry in the Capital of our Province. On the development of financial institutions supporting private enterprises, I went to Shanxi Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau to participate in the research activities of the provincial committee of the People's Republic of China on the development of the three major tourism sectors of the Yellow River, the Great Wall and Taihang, and put forward practical suggestions for the development of cultural tourism in our province.

The 12th Provincial Party Congress pointed out that, "Promoting high-quality development in an all-round way has become the most distinctive theme and the most exciting melody in Shanxi." During the conversation, Wang Xiaopeng expressed his passion to actively serve the overall situation of transformation and development, hold the banner, gather people's hearts, cultivate new people, revitalize culture, and display image, inject new momentum into the high-quality transformation and development of Shanxi, and strive to illuminate the road of development with the bright light of culture. (Song Qinfei)