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Feeling for "Three Rural Issues", Practicing Their Original Intention, Performing Their Duties and Taking Good Actions -- An Interview with Wang Weijun, Member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Changzhi Municipal Committee, and Chairman of the CPPCC Changzhi Municipal Committee of the Democratic League

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC Daily Published on: 12:01, January 11, 2022 Number of readers: second

Wang Weijun

"Only by implementing the Party's' three rural 'policies in a down-to-earth manner can we turn the beautiful blueprint for rural revitalization into reality. I will give full play to the leading role, perform my duties with practical actions, and help rural revitalization." Wang Weijun, member of the Provincial CPPCC, vice chairman of the Changzhi Municipal CPPCC, and chairman of the Changzhi Municipal People's League Committee, said.

In his early years, he graduated from Shanxi Agricultural University and worked in the county and district agricultural bureaus The work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" has forged an indissoluble bond. In particular, in 2017, Wang Weijun was elected as the vice chairman of the CPPCC Changzhi Municipal Committee, in charge of the work of the CPPCC Rural Committee. "Poverty alleviation" and "rural revitalization" are always in his mind.

Know the responsibility and think about doing, perform the responsibility and be able to do well. In the decisive battle against poverty, Wang Weijun bravely shouldered the heavy burden and took the lead In the "Three Bands" activity of the CPPCC, the "Three Bands" leading group was established, the support points and village committees in 7 villages of 3 counties were determined, 55 support enterprises and members were implemented, and enterprises were successively organized to donate 467000 yuan to projects such as road construction and industrial development in poor villages; Once and again, he led CPPCC members and agricultural experts to go deep into Pingshun Fotang Village and Miaohou Village to make free clinics and donations for villagers, visit poor households, dilapidated households and land transfer households, understand the real situation and solve practical difficulties. In Fotang Village, actively promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine industry, and newly install 120 MW PV for the village, and relocate 20 households; Actively contact and coordinate the Planning and Design Institute of Chongqing University to prepare rural tourism planning and accelerate the development of Fotang Village. In Miaohou Village, a new 60kW roof photovoltaic power generation project has enabled 20 poor households and village collectives to have stable incomes; 1241 meters of water pipe network was repaired and reconstructed for the village, which basically solved the problem of draught difficulty for the whole village; Two 1.2 km cement hardened roads were built to help poor households sell 5000 kg millet, transfer land, and develop 70 mu of traditional Chinese medicine planting. "The road in the village has been repaired, and every family has tap water, so we moved into a new house. The village has also developed the Chinese medicine industry, and every household has a stable income, and our life is getting better." The villagers in the village expressed their joy.

Leading to write the mind, the breeze sends the waves. As the chairman of the Changzhi Municipal Committee of the NLD, Wang Weijun gave full play to his leading role and fully mobilized the enthusiasm of NLD members. He organized and carried out democratic supervision over poverty alleviation in Wuxiang County, the counterpart of the Changzhi Municipal Committee of the Democratic League of China, and led teams to go to Wuxiang County for many times to inspect the operation of industrial poverty alleviation projects on the spot; Give play to the advantages of the NLD and carry out in various forms The "three rural" assistance activities organized medical experts in the league to go to the mountain villages in Wuxiang County, Pingshun County, Huguan County and other villages to carry out health poverty alleviation free clinic activities for the masses; We will continue to consolidate the achievements of the "Candlelight Action for Rural Education" and increase the intellectual support of NLD members for rural education. Changzhi Municipal Party Committee of the NLD has been recognized by the NLD Central Committee as "an advanced collective for adhering to and carrying out the learning and practice activities of socialism with Chinese characteristics", "an advanced collective for ideological propaganda work", "an advanced collective for social service work", "an advanced collective for poverty alleviation", and "an innovative work award", "an advanced collective for new media ideological propaganda work" by the NLD Shanxi Provincial Party Committee "Advanced collective in social service work" and "Advanced collective in combating COVID-19".

"We should always maintain the original intention of performing duties for the people and fulfill the mission of providing advice for the people". This is the voice of Wang Weijun's many years of work experience as a member of the CPPCC.

In order to achieve a basis for consultation and supervision, material for participation in politics and discussion, and a basis for advice and suggestions, Wang Weijun attaches great importance to the basic skills of investigation and research. In the process of actual research, he insisted on seeking high perspective, accurate topic selection, deep research, realistic views, and good results, and basically achieved the goal of broadening the horizon and putting forward comprehensive suggestions, finding the right problems and putting forward in-depth suggestions, gathering the wisdom of the people to put forward extensive suggestions, and putting forward practical suggestions. Especially in the research on functional agriculture, deepening the structural reform of agricultural supply side, the development of traditional Chinese medicine industry, the construction of beautiful countryside, the comprehensive treatment and resource utilization of livestock and poultry waste, the connection between rural subsistence allowance and poverty alleviation, strengthening the rural collective economy, and the current situation of rural left behind children, he has always adhered to the problem orientation and carried out relevant research More than 20 times. In 2021, focusing on the research topic of the development of advantageous industrial clusters of agricultural products processing in Changzhi City, we went deep into 4 counties and more than 20 enterprises to conduct research, and submitted the Proposal on Accelerating the Development of advantageous industrial clusters of agricultural products processing, aiming at the problems of small production scale, scattered layout, mixed brands, talent shortage, weak scientific and technological support, etc, Seven specific suggestions were put forward, including making the leading enterprises bigger and stronger, developing the processing industry cluster with the park as the starting point, making the advantageous brands louder and brighter, and strengthening the construction of scientific research and talent team. The relevant departments of Changzhi Municipal Government spoke highly of the research report and actively adopted it.

Under the leadership of Wang Weijun, the Changzhi Municipal Party Committee of the NLD has made great efforts to cultivate the backbone team of participating in the deliberation and administration of politics, and the quality of participating in the deliberation and administration of politics has been constantly improved. He personally selected topics, led research teams, and guided writing. One by one, the research reports, political speeches, and proposal information with painstaking efforts and wisdom were successively adopted by the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the Central Committee of the Chinese People's Democratic League (NLD), and provincial and municipal CPPCC committees. especially From 2018 to 2021, the key research projects of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee undertaken by the Municipal Party Committee of the Democratic League won unanimous praise from the judges with a broad vision, a large pattern and a big hand, and won the first place in the city's special research projects of democratic parties for four consecutive years, achieving "four consecutive championships". The Changzhi Municipal Party Committee of the NLD won the "Outstanding Achievement Award of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee of the NLD for Participating in the Political Affairs", and was awarded the "Advanced Unit for Proposal Work" and "Advanced Unit for Reflecting Social Situation and Public Opinion Information" by the Municipal CPPCC for consecutive years.

The traveler is far away, and the road to struggle is long. Standing at a new historical starting point, Wang Weijun said that he would uphold the fine tradition of the CPPCC and the spirit of advancing in the age of chemical education As an unswerving pursuit, "for the country, for the people, and for political participation", we should always maintain our original aspiration, forge ahead, and strive constantly. On the big stage of the CPPCC, we should contribute more talents and make better achievements to comprehensively promote the high-quality development of Shanxi. (Lv Shiwei)