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Cheng Tianqing, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee: Precise policy support to improve the quantity and quality of "specialized, special and new" enterprises

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC website Published on: January 27, 2024 11:35 Number of readers: second

Accurate implementation

support Quality improvement of "specialized, refined and new" enterprises

Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial CPPCC   Chairman of Shanxi Zhongde Investment Group Co., Ltd   Cheng Tianqing

"Specialization, refinement, characteristics and novelty" is an important way for SMEs to achieve curve overtaking. The Central Economic Work Conference clearly proposed to "promote the specialized and new development of small and medium-sized enterprises". In recent years, our province has continued to optimize the business environment and guide SMEs to take the road of "specialization, refinement and innovation". Up to now, our province has cultivated 2392 "specialized and new" enterprises and 135 national "small giant" enterprises specialized and new. However, among the fifth batch of national specialized and new "small giant" enterprises announced, there are only 15 in our province, and there is a big gap between our province and developed provinces and cities in terms of quantity and quality. The cultivation system is not perfect enough, technological innovation has bottlenecks, financing problems are prominent, talent team support is insufficient, and development confidence needs to be strengthened. To this end, it is recommended that:

1、 Optimize the cultivation system and strengthen the support and dynamic supplement for listing

Initially established in our province On the basis of the "specialized, refined, and innovative" incubation base, improve the gradient cultivation system, select small and medium-sized enterprises with good benefits and great potential for listing cultivation, give priority to recommending small and medium-sized enterprises in the "specialized, refined, and innovative" incubation base to be listed in relevant share transfer centers, and give rewards according to relevant listing policies. Establish an enterprise operation monitoring mechanism to realize dynamic adjustment, and dynamically supplement and remove according to the annual production and operation of warehousing enterprises.

2、 Promote joint innovation and build a dynamic innovation ecosystem

Encourage key industrial chains The "chain owner" enterprises open up the relevant technologies of the industrial chain, help the "specialized and new" enterprises break through the "choke" technology, and play the role of the "specialized and new" enterprises in the development of industrial clusters. Accelerate the financing and development of large, small and medium-sized enterprises, promote the establishment of long-term and stable cooperative relations between backbone enterprises and specialized and new enterprises, and promote collaborative innovation of the industrial chain. We will guide innovation centers at all levels to build shared laboratories, common technology platforms, and small and medium-sized service bases.

3、 Strengthen the combination of industry and finance, and build diversified financing channels

in the light of The status quo of "specialized, special and new" enterprises with large investment in technology R&D and long time of achievement transformation, as well as the widespread problems of narrow financing channels and high financing costs, the Provincial Small Enterprise Promotion Bureau and the Provincial Bank Insurance Regulatory Bureau should work with banks, investment institutions, etc. to expand direct financing channels and improve bond financing capacity. Establish a government bank enterprise docking mechanism, implement the due diligence exemption measures for small and micro enterprises' loans, and increase the scale and proportion of medium and long-term loans. Increase the investment of government funds, and play the role of government funds guidance and credit endorsement. Improve financial services and explore the credit enhancement mechanism of supply chain finance.

4、 Build a solid talent base and build a high-quality talent team

Carry out management training for key enterprises and guide entrepreneurs to focus on main industries. Improve scientific and technological personnel of schools and enterprises The "double employment" mechanism supports the inclusion of senior R&D personnel of technology-based SMEs in the corresponding professional title sequence, and the establishment of a flexible employment platform and enterprise docking mechanism. Strengthen the training of industrial workers, and jointly build a customized class of "specialized, special and new" talents with colleges and universities. We will introduce government special talent support policies, open up talent recruitment channels, and attract all kinds of talents.

5、 Take the initiative to serve ahead and enhance the confidence of enterprise development

Carry out troubleshooting and rectification of market access barriers, and improve the complaint and response mechanism of market access barriers; When supplying land, implementing public data opening and allocating capacity and energy consumption indicators "Specialization, refinement and novelty" enterprises are inclined; We will increase support for government procurement and import substitution, reform the bidding system, and strengthen guidance for SMEs to go to sea.

Long time work makes a book. I believe that with the joint support of all departments The "specialized, special and new" enterprises will surely be able to step out of the waves and break through the sky, making new and greater contributions to the writing of the chapter of Chinese style modern Shanxi!