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Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Revolutionary Movement of the People's Republic of China: to build a modern seed industry "industry university research" innovation consortium to speed up the construction of a strong province of germplasm resources

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC website Published on: January 27, 2024 11:35 Number of readers: second

Build modern seed industry "Industry university research" innovation consortium

Accelerate the construction of a province with strong germplasm resources

Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Revolutionary Committee  

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that seeds are the foundation of agricultural modernization, and national seed industry must be promoted to raise the safety of seed sources to a strategic height related to national security. Shanxi is a large province of agricultural germplasm resources, and the existing crop germplasm resources 75000, ranking the top in China, including nearly 40000 miscellaneous grain germplasm resources, ranking the first in China; It has 6 national protected breeds of livestock and poultry genetic resources, and has broad prospects for seed industry revitalization. However, due to various historical reasons, there are still some difficulties to be solved in the marketization, clustering and commercialization of germplasm resources in our province.

First, the exploitation and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources are insufficient, and the precise identification of germplasm resources is obviously insufficient. Cataloged and warehoused throughout the province The agronomic character identification of crop germplasm resources in (nursery) reached 100%, but the resistance identification was only 30%, which mostly stayed at the field basic character identification level. The precise identification of germplasm resources was not enough to meet the needs of breeding and industrial development. There was still a big gap between the formation of a full chain organization system for germplasm resources utilization, gene excavation, variety research and development, product development, and industrial application. Second, the competitiveness of seed industry enterprises is relatively weak, and resource advantages have not yet been transformed into industrial advantages and economic advantages. The breeding talents, resources and technologies in our province are mainly controlled by universities and scientific research institutions. Most seed enterprises are at the middle and back end of the industrial chain. Compared with international seed industry giants, R&D investment is seriously insufficient and R&D strength gap is large. Third, the scale of digital transformation has not yet formed. The application of information technology, big data technology and other seed industry research and development in our province is insufficient, the layout of core technology direction in biological breeding is not enough, and the technology direction of core patents is followed by research and development and low-level repeated research, resulting in a large waste of scientific and technological resources. To this end, it is recommended that:

1、 Build commercial breeding system

The government and enterprises will jointly invest to carry out major scientific research and joint research on germplasm resources protection and development and key technical issues in the seed industry, jointly cultivate high-performance varieties and realize marketization, promote seed enterprises to become commercial breeding entities, and accelerate the construction of a commercial breeding system integrating production, learning and research, and breeding and promotion. Build a platform for identification and evaluation of germplasm resources and gene discovery, focus on accurate identification of phenotype and genotype, and focus on identification and evaluation of germplasm resources. Encourage mechanism innovation, exchange and sharing in the utilization of germplasm resources, actively explore the establishment of germplasm rights protection mechanism, identity information traceability mechanism, etc., to provide institutional guarantee for the market-oriented transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Shanxi Agricultural University (Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences), focusing on gathering the advantages of domestic universities and scientific research institutes in relevant fields, and establishing seed industry innovation consortia of major crops, fruits, vegetables, flowers and plants, livestock, poultry and aquatic products, agricultural microorganisms, etc. with the seed industry leading enterprises in "production, teaching and research" collaboration and multi sectoral cooperation.

2、 Implement the strategy of strengthening the seed industry

Through mergers and reorganization, we will focus on high-end talents, advanced technology, R&D resources, cultivate leading enterprises in the seed industry in our province, continue to extend the seed industry chain, improve the comprehensive innovation efficiency of the seed industry, and improve the added value of seed products. According to the enterprise's innovation ability, asset strength, market size, development potential and other conditions, we will screen out advantageous seed enterprises for key varieties, key fields and key links, guide the provincial resources, technology, talents, capital and other elements to focus on advantageous enterprises, and accelerate the formation of seed enterprises in our province. Guide seed source enterprises to cultivate high-class and sophisticated varieties with local characteristics, establish seed preservation farms for local varieties, and establish high-quality and highly recognized seed source brands. Increase the support for high-tech start-ups in biological seed industry in terms of policy, financing, taxation, etc., and strive for biological breeding technologies such as molecular marker assisted selection, synthetic biology, and intelligent breeding "Super track" takes the lead. Promote financial and insurance products suitable for the characteristics of the seed industry, strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights of the seed industry, create a good external environment for enterprises, and effectively stimulate enterprises' innovation enthusiasm.

3、 Implement seed industry chain expansion

Deeply tap high-quality seed sources, make good use of agricultural production, agricultural science and technology and other project funds, increase the research and development of high-quality characteristic germplasm resources, protect and develop the inherited local varieties, and meet the diversified needs of the future market. Actively connect with the market and promote the effective link between seed industry scientific research and industrial development. Let the first industry start in the core demonstration of modern germplasm resources, popular science experience, education research, cultural inheritance, etc "One after another". Combining the Internet and new media, develop green, ecological and organic agricultural germplasm resources brands with local characteristics, traditional ancient techniques, national customs and geographical indications. We will continue to tap the multiple values of germplasm resources, cultural heritage, landscape tourism and other aspects, inject new impetus into the overall revitalization of rural areas, and promote the high-quality development of modern agriculture.