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Yangquan | Guo Weidong went to the High tech Zone and Yuxian County to carry out enterprise service

Information source: Yangquan CPPCC WeChat official account Release time: 2024-05-23 13:08 Number of readers: second

five month fifteen Solstice sixteen On October th, Guo Weidong, Chairman of the Yangquan CPPCC, led relevant personnel from functional departments such as transportation, industry and information technology, and energy to go deep into Yangquan High tech Zone and Yuxian County to carry out enterprise service. Liang Qing, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee and Director of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, attended the meeting.

In Shanxi (Yangquan) International Inland Port Group Co., Ltd., Guo Weidong listened to the report, observed the operation of the freight yard and the management and operation of the smart planting base on the spot, understood the difficult needs of the enterprise in production and operation in detail, and studied solutions on the spot. He requested that the High tech Zone and relevant departments should take the initiative to provide services in advance, guide enterprises to give full play to their technological and platform advantages, further expand the market, enrich business types, and lay a solid foundation for high-quality development of enterprises.

At Shanxi International Energy Yuguang Coal Power Co., Ltd., Guo Weidong observed the management and operation of the smart platform on the spot, understood the production and operation of the enterprise and scientific and technological innovation, held a symposium, listened carefully to the thoughts and expectations of the enterprise, and thought out on-site ideas and countermeasures. He pointed out that the Yuguang coal power cogeneration project has made positive contributions to the realization of sustainable development of society, economy and environment. The county and relevant functional departments should earnestly implement the policy of benefiting enterprises, strengthen factor guarantee, and help enterprises overcome difficulties and become bigger and stronger.

Guo Weidong stressed that all relevant departments at all levels should firmly establish the overall concept and purpose awareness, and vigorously promote IV Lower base Good tradition, practically improve the ability to serve the people, go deep into the grass-roots front line, and focus on what enterprises reflect Desperate and anxious , find out the problems, grasp the key points, effectively coordinate and promote the solution. We should establish a normalized service mechanism, continue to provide preferential policies and high-quality services for enterprises, stimulate the development potential of enterprises with policy vitality, and enhance the satisfaction and sense of gain of market players with service effectiveness.

Text: Bo Hongzhen  

Photographer: Huang Subing