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Appreciate the beauty of ancient buildings in Chongfu Temple for thousands of years

Information source: Shanxi Daily Published on: 2024-05-24 15:34 Number of readers: second

Tourists visit Chongfu Temple.

Mituo Hall is the third year of Emperor Xizong's reign, that is, A.D one thousand one hundred and forty-three In, it was built by Zhai Zhaodu, the envoy of Shuozhou Shunyi Army, the general of Anyuan, and has nearly nine hundred With a history of 20 years, it is one of the three existing Liao and Jin Buddhist temples in China, and is praised by experts as the cultural and artistic palace of the Jin Dynasty. five month eighteen In front of the Mituo Hall in Chongfu Temple Scenic Area in Shuozhou City, Tan Ziwei, the tour guide, was carefully explaining to tourists, This is the main hall of the whole temple, with glazed ridge decorations, dougong plaques, lattice doors and windows, backlight screens, murals Five wonders Well known at home and abroad ……”

The ancient buildings here are good, the environment is well maintained, and the service is up to standard. Looking at the cultural relics on the ground, Shanxi is indeed worthy of its reputation. We can't stop strolling all the way. Sun Huici, a tourist from Taiwan, was very happy.

In the morning, reporters walked into the country 4A The Chongfu Temple in Chongfu Temple Scenic Area of Shuozhou City, a Grade A scenic spot, is clean and tidy, with green trees, beautiful environment and complete facilities. Tourists often visit the scenic spot. There are Chongfu Temple, Mayi Museum, Mayi Square and other scenic spots in the scenic area. Chongfu Temple is one of them. The temple covers an area of twenty-three thousand five hundred and twenty Square meters, with five courtyards ten There are five buildings, including Vajra Hall, Thousand Buddha Pavilion, Mahavira Hall, Mituo Hall, etc. We open them free of charge and receive tourists in the first quarter six More than 10000 person times, with a significant increase in foreign tourists. Chen Lin, deputy director of Chongfu Temple Cultural Relics Protection Institute, told reporters.

We two sisters learned about Chongfu Temple from Xiaohong's book and came here admiring its name. twenty No. 1 went to Datong from Beijing and played in Datong three Days later, I went to Wutai Mountain and Yanmen Pass, saw Daixian Sanbao and Guangwu Great Wall, and came here this morning. Standing in front of the Mituo Hall of Chongfu Temple, Sun Huici took photos with his sister Sun Ruoci and shared his trip with reporters.

Tourists come and go to appreciate the ancient buildings. In front of the Amitabha Hall, tourists were impressed by the building of the Jin Dynasty and were full of praise. Look at the window decorations. The pictures and texts are renovated. They are exquisitely carved. They are really like ancient times Lego The painting techniques are exquisite, the colors are gorgeous, and the momentum is magnificent; Look at the dougong and the building, they are all grand and rugged. We were particularly shocked. The Mituo Hall is very large, but it is very detailed, and the details are particularly good. Sun Huici told reporters.

Loudspeakers in the temple broadcast tour tips from time to time. Tourists enjoy all kinds of free services provided by the scenic area and watch buildings everywhere. Although the tickets are free, our service is not slack. We have replanted green plants, increased environmental sanitation personnel, set up Lei Fenggang, provided service facilities such as boiling water, lounge, charging place, etc. for tourists, and actively created a safe and orderly tourist environment to ensure that tourists can enjoy themselves and enjoy themselves. Chen Lin introduced to the reporter.

This ancient building of the Jin Dynasty was rebuilt many times in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The building is shocking. The service and environment of the scenic spot are very good. The tour guide explained it carefully, and the service is first-class. Only after experiencing it, can you feel comfortable and satisfied. Fan Yuanlin, a tourist from Anyang, Henan, said. A thousand year old temple has attracted many tourists.

Shanxi Daily reporter Ma Zhan Fuwen / chart