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Two lines in Shanxi have been selected as national rural tourism boutique lines

Information source: Shanxi Evening News Release time: 2024-05-24 15:39 Number of readers: second

Shanxi Evening News (reporter Zhang Caiyun) recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism launched eighty-two strip Free in the countryside at the age of National rural tourism boutique routes, opening a new year Four Seasonal Scenery in the Countryside Among the routes, two routes from Shanxi were selected.

Seasons are the wisdom of farming culture and the poetic footnotes of rural life. Every winter and summer, every round of spring ploughing and autumn harvest, plants, fish and insects transmit seasonal information, and storms and thunder guide the pace of farming. Today, the innovative creativity of cultural and tourism integration makes the 24 solar terms into a better life, and makes the traditional festivals glow with the new look of the times.

This phase of the route plans theme routes around the 24 solar terms and Chinese traditional festivals, covering the relevant folk culture and festival activities throughout the year, taking tourists into local homes in different seasons, feeling the enduring cultural charm, and appreciating the life aesthetics of the four seasons. The two lines selected by our province this time are Shanxi · Linfen Perceived the Journey of Jinnan Folk Custom Line and Shanxi · Yuncheng Spring Wind Ten Mile Leisure Rural Tour Line.

Shanxi · Linfen Perceived the Journey of Jinnan Folk Custom The route is planned to be Dongzheng Village, Gedi Township, Yonghe County - Lujiayu Village, Xi County - Xixian Xiaoxitian - Puxian County Baishan Mountain Yuemiao - Hongdong Huotai Mountain Scenic Spot. Featured cuisines along the route include Xi County grits and Puxian County Babao Soup , Hongdong Yangxie Smoked Chicken, Yonghe Red Dates, Xixian Yeli Hengyulu Fragrant Pear, etc. Creative products include Xixian dough sculpture, Huayao wine, Zhaocheng Jincang replica, and Feihong Tower decorations.

Shanxi · Yuncheng Spring Wind Ten Mile Leisure Rural Tour The route is planned to be Linghui Village, Yuanqu County - Wangjiahe Village, Xiaxian County - Qianping Village, Xiaxian County - Xuegong Village, Linyi County - Yao Village, Jishan County - Guangcun Village, Xinjiang County. Featured cuisines along the route include Salt Lake Futonghui Cake, Jishan Banzao, Jishan Twist Flower, Jishan Cake, Xinjiang Charcoal Hotpot, Xinjiang Roll, Xinjiang Steamed Rice Cake, Yuanqu Fried Qi, local specialties include Xia County Gretel Red Wine, Xiabao Watermelon, and creative products include Yuncheng Guangong Cultural and Creative Products, Jishan Mother of pearl Lacquerware, Jishan Gold and Silver Ware, Xinjiang Chengni Inkstone, and Jiangzhou Woodcut New Year Pictures.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism reminds tourists that they should know the weather and safety conditions around the route in advance before traveling, and reasonably arrange their itinerary. Pay attention to the weather changes and early warning and forecasting information in time during the tour, carefully participate in high-risk tourism projects, do not participate in tourism projects without formal qualifications, and do not travel to areas that are not officially open and lack security.