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Two Big Exhibitions of Shanxi Museum Come Strongly

Information source: Shanxi Evening News Published on: 2024-05-10 10:38 Number of readers: second

Digital art exhibition brings immersive experience to the public. Courtesy of Shanxi Museum

Shanxi Evening News (reporter Sun Yiqiong) Shanxi's historical civilization is as brilliant as stars, and its cultural relics are rich and diverse. In order to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses and deeply explain Shanxi's unique history and culture, five month one Shanxi Museum launched Thousands on the wall —— The sentient beings in the murals of song and jin dynasties in shanxi Mural exhibition and Spatiotemporal modulation —— Shanxi Ancient Architecture Digital Art Exhibition The two exhibitions focus on the unique historical and cultural heritage of Shanxi.

In the murals, peep into life

Go into the murals of Song and Jin Dynasties, and look at Shanxi in China for thousands of years. The tomb murals of the Song and Jin Dynasties are the characteristic collection of Shanxi Museum, sponsored by Shanxi Museum and Shanxi Provincial Archaeological Research Institute Thousands on the wall —— The sentient beings in the murals of song and jin dynasties in shanxi On the first floor of the main hall eighty-nine Pieces( fifteen Group) The precious murals and brick carvings of the Song and Jin Dynasties in Shanxi Province lead the public to explore the unique charm of the murals of the Song and Jin Dynasties.

This exhibition vividly presents the themes of home, family celebration, family style, family wishes and so on in the murals of the Song and Jin Dynasties, making people feel as if they are immersed in the life scenes of the Song and Jin Dynasties through time and space, and have a cross millennium dialogue

Part I home , showing the underground homes built by the tombs of the Song and Jin Dynasties in Shanxi home The visual effects of wooden buildings are mostly represented by imitation wood brick carving components, creating magnificent underground mansions; The architectural environment and home life are mostly represented by brick carvings or colored paintings, which is not only the imitation of houses on the ground, but also the reconstruction of the future world.

In particular, the precious cultural relic "Jin Tomb of Hao Jiang" in Shanxi Museum also made a heavy debut. The tomb is located in two thousand and thirteen It was found in Haojiang Community, Jincheng City, Shanxi Province, in, and is a two room tomb with brick and wood like structure. The front and rear tombs are decorated with brick carvings and color paintings. The brick carvings are exquisite and the color paintings are dense and exquisite, which makes them magnificent. Among them, brick carvings, such as the story of a filial son and the opening of a door by a woman, are vivid and have high artistic value. According to the epitaph, the tomb was built in the 15th year of Jindading( one thousand one hundred and seventy-five ), which provided valuable information for the study of social life and religious culture of the Jin Dynasty. The huge tomb is presented in the exhibition hall in the form of naked exhibition, which brings visual shock to the audience. The tomb also went to Wu Culture Museum and Yunnan Provincial Museum for exhibition, and the audience went there one after another punch the clock , once hit the Internet hot search.

Part II happy family event During the Song and Jin Dynasties, Neo Confucianism emerged, highlighting family ethics, and the prevalence of joint burial of husband and wife and family members. The content of the murals in the tombs of the Song and Jin Dynasties is mainly to show the pastoral production and home life, which is the reflection of the social organizational structure at that time with the family as the blood link and the family as the living unit. Presentation of tomb murals home It emphasizes the family relationship, attaches importance to the prosperity of the family, hopes for the continuity of blood, the prosperity of children and grandchildren, and hopes that the family will be sustainable and the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe. Open a fragrant feast As a common theme, the scene of family celebration is centered on the tomb owner and his wife. Banquets, food preparation, drinking preparation, dance music, drama, etc., are a family celebration, noisy and warm, harmonious, rich and happy.

Part III Homely customs Filial piety culture with a long history is an important part of Chinese excellent traditional culture. Loyalty, filial piety and righteousness are the core values and morality of Confucian culture. Twenty four filial piety It is a collection of stories about filial piety for thousands of years and an important theme of tomb murals in the Song and Jin Dynasties. Inherit filial piety to educate children, and continue to enrich the family.

Part IV Family wish The ancient Chinese took To die is to live ”“ Immortality of soul As an ideal and belief to build the future world. The underground world not only reshapes the scene before life, but also depicts the direction of the afterlife. Under the folk multi belief, the ultimate destination of the tomb owner is no longer single, either the Buddhist nirvana, or the Taoist fairyland.

The underground home, from a residence with abundant materials and surrounded by servants to a heaven protected by gods and flying immortals, is a multiple choice for the happy home behind us, which embodies the beautiful vision of peace, auspiciousness, wealth and prosperity.

Digital Art Exhibition of Ancient Buildings, Listening to the Revival of Ancient Charm

Shanxi has the richest resources of ancient buildings in China. These treasures standing on the land of Sanjin are like the music in the long river of time. Spatiotemporal modulation —— Shanxi Ancient Architecture Digital Art Exhibition It was also officially unveiled in the Exhibition Center of Shanxi Museum. The exhibition is rooted in the rich ancient architectural art of Shanxi, bringing together a number of outstanding artists at home and abroad, who jointly interpret the ancient architectural culture of Shanxi from the perspective of artistic creation in the new era context.

The exhibition is hosted by Shanxi Museum. For the first time, it links traditional culture with contemporary art, and presents a civilization dialogue across time and space, aiming to explore the inheritance, integration and innovation between Chinese ancient architectural spirit and contemporary art expression.

The exhibition focuses on visual and color expression Long Leaping for a Thousand Years ”“ A square sky ”“ Light rhyme reconstruction Starting from the three regions, we should focus on the past and the present, and link the world with the future Reproduction architecture ”“ Rewoven context ”“ Reengineering ecology ”“ Re feel Selected from four major sectors twenty More than works of art exhibited, including sculpture, painting, installation, digital image, interactive art, mixed reality, and artificial intelligence art /AIGC , and other categories of deep integration with digital technology. These works show the interweaving and linkage of humanity and thought, art and technology, and also echo the future trend of the relationship between art practice and new quality productivity.

The artist's creation links with the traditional meaning and keenly captures the issues of the times, inherits the past and contemplates the present, stops at the present and explores the future. The works try to enlighten the audience, stimulate people's exploration and love of culture, and enhance the context system of building cultural pride under the public aesthetic education by emphasizing the appreciation, interaction, speculation and other multi-dimensional perceptions.

It is reported that the two major exhibitions will be exhibited to ten month thirty-one Days, up to six For months. Series will be launched at that time Song Jin Culture Lectures and hands-on experience activities, such as tea ordering, flower arranging, silk mirror making, Song costume making, Cuju ball sewing, invite more people to feel the artistic spark of the collision between history and reality in the museum.