Taiyuan Solidarity with the May 30th Movement

Information source: Taiyuan Daily Published on: 2024-05-17 17:33 Number of readers: second

On May 30, 1925, Shanghai workers rebelled against Japanese factory owners, and students supported workers. They were shot dead in the British Concession in Shanghai, which set off a vigorous anti imperialist patriotic movement. After the news of the May 30th Massacre reached Taiyuan, Zhang Shuping, Fu Maogong (Peng Zhen), Ji Tingzi, Wang Ying and other leaders of Taiyuan's Party and Youth League organizations made contact with progressive figures of the Kuomintang and representatives of Taiyuan's business schools from all walks of life, and decided to take concerted action to assist the Shanghai case. Under the leadership of the Taiyuan Party organization, young students rushed to the forefront of the movement, using a mouth, a pen and two legs to go deep into the public for publicity. Workers, businessmen, citizens and all sectors of society participated in the ranks of solidarity with the Shanghai workers' struggle, and rallies, processions, strikes, strikes, and market strikes rose one after another.

On June 6, organized by the Taiyuan Students' Federation, students from all universities, middle schools and primary schools in Taiyuan, the provincial capital, went on strike unanimously and gathered in Wenying Park to support the struggle of the Shanghai people. After the meeting, students held a demonstration, distributed leaflets along the way, shouted slogans such as "Down with Imperialism", addressed passers-by, and revealed the truth of the May 30th Massacre caused by imperialism.

In order to unite all revolutionary forces to form a broad anti imperialist united front, Taiyuan Federation of Students liaises with provincial city workers, businessmen, students, citizens, etc More than 30 groups jointly formed the "Taiyuan Citizens' Support Association for the British and Japanese Massacre of Shanghai Students and Workers (referred to as the Taiyuan Citizens' Support Association for the Shanghai Case)", elected Li Moqing as the chairman, Fu Maogong as the vice chairman, and set up the General Affairs, Documents, Publicity, Communication and other units as the office. Most of the heads were Communist Party members or members of the Communist Youth League.

On June 23, the British and French imperialists committed the Shaq Massacre in Guangzhou, arousing greater anger among the people of the whole country. On the 25th, Taiyuan Citizens' Shanghai Case Support Association held a citizens' meeting in Wenying Park. More than 10000 people from all walks of life, including students, workers, farmers, businessmen, military, police, and government, gathered by the Wenying Lake to denounce the crimes of imperialists who massacred Chinese compatriots, call on "iron blooded men to rise up to save the country", hold a massive demonstration, and push the anti imperialist patriotic movement to a climax.

After the massive anti imperialist patriotic demonstration, the Taiyuan Citizens' Shanghai Case Support Association On July 23, a meeting was held in Sanli Pavilion of the Confucian Temple. The Taiyuan Citizens' Shanghai Case Support Association was renamed as the "Shame Assembly of All Sectors in Shanxi Province to Massacre Compatriots for Imperialism", Zhang Shuping was elected as the interim chairman, and the "Iron Blood Weekly" was changed to "Shame Weekly", and the "May 30th" movement swept all major and small cities in the province from Taiyuan.

Under the banner of the Shame Society, students and all sectors of society vowed to support Shanghai compatriots, boycott foreign goods, actively raise donations, and take positive actions to support the struggle of Shanghai workers. In groups of three or five students, they put on cloth bags and went door to door to make speeches before raising money. Raised successively More than 14000 yuan was remitted to Shanghai in time to support the anti imperialist patriotic struggle of the Shanghai people.

In solidarity In the struggle of the May 30th Movement, the strength of Taiyuan workers gradually gathered together. They broke through the government's ban and held a conference to establish the "Taiyuan Workers' Federation".

Qu Qiubai learned of the solidarity of Shanxi people "May 30th" After the movement, he wrote: "The development of the mass movement after the May 30th Movement has always affected the remote areas. Trade unions have been established in Taiyuan, Shanxi and other places. Jiangsu, Zhejiang and even small towns such as Shuanglin, Yiwu and other places have responded. Ordinary small businessmen in the streets and alleys, and children in their thirties and fours have scrambled to write and paste slogans of 'Down with Imperialism, Abolish Unequal Treaties', and to sing the bloody folk songs of the May 30th Movement. This is not proof that the revolutionary movement has penetrated into the masses! "

The imperialist massacre ignited the long simmering anger of the people of Shanxi. The masses of the people formed a revolutionary united front to fight against imperialism and feudal warlords, seek national independence and liberation, expand the revolutionary camp and promote the deepening of the revolutionary struggle, and show the great power of the joint struggle of all revolutionary classes and people of all strata under the leadership of the proletariat.

Contributed by the Party History Research Office of the CPC Taiyuan Municipal Committee