Small wooden works of Jinci Temple highlight the beauty of ancient architecture

Information source: Taiyuan Daily Published on: 2024-05-24 15:55 Number of readers: second

Small wooden works of the Song Dynasty in Jinci Temple (collected in Jinci Temple Museum)

Many years ago, Taiyuan Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau planned to select a number of cultural relics with high historical, artistic and scientific value, and cooperated with Taiyuan Radio and Television Station to shoot a series of feature films to promote Taiyuan's history and culture. After in-depth discussion and careful screening, cultural relics experts listed the important cultural relics of Taiyuan in various historical periods. When they selected the Song Dynasty, they mentioned the Notre Dame Hall, the maid statue, etc. At this moment, the comrades of Jinci Museum suddenly thought that there was a wooden building model in Jinci, which they called Small wooden work After discussion, it is believed that Small wooden work It has not been publicized before. It has a long history and high value. It can dig out a lot of historical and cultural information. The shooting may be quite new and bring something new to the audience, so it is identified as one of the shooting objects.

Small wooden work As the name suggests, the term refers to small wooden works. In my opinion, it may be similar to the wooden model that children play with. However, a few days later, someone sent Small wooden work The picture presented in front of me is a huge wooden component model, which is quite different from my previous imagination.

According to the comrade of Jinci Temple, the late Mr. Chai Zejun, a famous ancient architecture expert in Shanxi, had seen this Small wooden work It should be a work of the Northern Song Dynasty. In addition, there is no other information, which undoubtedly brings a lot of trouble to our feature film shooting work.

At the time of the entanglement, I heard that Professor Li Qianlang, a famous scholar of ancient architecture in Taiwan Province, was holding a ceremony in Shanxi Museum Calligraphy and Painting Ancient Architecture Lectures and Through wall —— Li Qianlang's Hand Painted Art Exhibition of Ancient Architecture Message for.

We want to use Professor Li Qianlang's years of research experience in Chinese ancient architecture to interpret this for us Small wooden work

It was a Saturday. It was cloudy and rainy. I drove to the Jinci Museum with Professor Li Qianlang and his party. Open the door, Small wooden work Appear in front of you.

This is a sample of a two-story building with a full height three point five M, width three Meters. Flat Convex The shape is five bays wide and deep, and the whole body is made of local willow. The arch under eaves is set in four layers one hundred and twenty Group, the surface of each layer of the bucket arch is red with gold (yellow) showing its appearance, which is the Multicolored decoration Style.

Such a big one Small Although the objects have gone through hundreds of years, they are still well preserved, and the exquisite structure vividly shows the exquisite Craftsman spirit The simple and unsophisticated shape makes the thick ancient style and charm come to you. After visual inspection, Professor Li Qianlang analyzed that it should be a two-story building, supported by original columns between floors, and one floor should have twenty-four There should be a wooden column on the second floor twelve A wooden post. In the process of interpretation, Professor Li also used a pen to simply restore the original model.

Professor Li is observing carefully Small wooden work At the same time, introduce the ancient Chinese architecture called build It means to operate before building. Operation is conception, so the ancients had the custom of making a wooden model similar to the building body and putting it in the built building. This one preserved in Jinci Temple Small wooden work It is the largest wooden structure model he has ever seen, and perhaps the largest existing wooden structure building model in China.

Jinci Temple Small wooden work The main component of the Song Dynasty should be the original of the Northern Song Dynasty. For example, the Owl Kiss, the hanging fish, the Pubai Square, the trapezoidal fan shaped arch like a flower, all have typical Song Dynasty characteristics. Small wooden work At the place where the wooden columns were originally erected between layers, it is obvious that the lower layer is outside the upper layer, indicating that the original columns are not vertical, but slightly inclined inward, forming a certain angle, which can increase the stability of the wooden structure model, which is called Column lateral angle and Small wooden work A building with the same appearance may no longer exist in reality, but its appearance can be found in ancient paintings. Professor Li asked people to compare the architecture on the Qingming River Map by Zhang Zeduan, a painter of the Northern Song Dynasty, with Small wooden work Conduct comparison. He analyzed it carefully Small wooden work The modeling characteristics of the oblique and flat components on the first floor are found to be highly consistent with those of the Notre Dame Hall and Xiandian Hall of Jinci Temple. In his opinion, Small wooden work It must have a direct connection with the Jinci Temple. It should be the precious cultural relics from Jinci Temple. Maybe there was such a beautiful pavilion on the land of Jinci Temple.

A few months later, Professor Li Qianlang restored the Jinci Temple from memory Small wooden work With his unique painting style, he reproduced the style of this wooden model of the Song Dynasty. (Ji Xiaofeng)