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The boy who was supported by love was admitted to the doctor's degree

Information source: Shanxi Evening News Release time: 2024-05-17 17:42 Number of readers: second

"Uncle, I have been admitted to Sichuan University as a doctoral candidate. I would like to share my happiness with you and thank you for your kind support!" On May 12, Li Lin reported to the people who supported him to complete his studies: he was admitted to Sichuan University as a doctoral candidate in materials and chemical engineering. This September, he will start a new journey in life. This is the first poor student from Shanxi who was admitted as a doctoral candidate by the Shanxi Evening News for more than 7 years and was jointly funded by caring people from Beijing and Shanxi. It is reported that over the past seven years, 12 of the 46 poor students from Shanxi and Shanxi who were funded by caring people in Beijing and Shanxi have been admitted to master's degree.

Li Lin, who lives in Pingyao, Shanxi Province, wants to see a bigger world, which is his dream all the time! After 12 years of hard study, Li Lin was admitted to Shanxi Energy University and majored in energy and power engineering.

From the county to Taiyuan, the provincial capital, and into the vibrant university, Li Lin's world is filled with a bright color, and he is full of endless power and vitality. Even if his parents work for a part-time job, their income is low enough to support all his tuition fees, which does not affect Li Lin in any way "Experience" the beauty of college life. "Although tuition is a problem, there are always more ways than difficulties. As long as you work hard, I think you can solve it." Li Lin is an optimist. He said that you should always be confident. On the one hand, he applied for a national student loan, on the other hand, he worked hard to obtain scholarships, and at the same time, he worked hard to study in school. "I helped the kitchen in the canteen, managed two meals a day, paid 200 yuan a month, and worked as an assistant in the laboratory for three years, and I can earn 600 yuan a month," said Li Lin.

In the undergraduate study stage, Li Lin absorbed all kinds of knowledge hungrily, explored the unknown tirelessly, and achieved excellent results. After four years of undergraduate education, Li Lin ranked first in his professional achievements, won various scholarships such as national scholarships, national inspirational scholarships, first prize scholarships, and was rated as a "three good" student (school level), an outstanding Communist Youth League member (provincial level), and an advanced individual in the competition (school level). From 2018 to 2020, Li Lin, as the team leader, participated in three provincial competitions of the National Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Contest and won two first prizes and one third prize.

At the same time, Li Lin continues to expand his new life experience. As a volunteer of the Second Youth Association, he participated in the editing of the school newspaper and served as the deputy editor of the school newspaper. Li Lin said happily: "My four years' study life in college is really full!"

Li Lin's dream of seeing a bigger world supports her to continue her climb. In 2021, Li Lin was successfully admitted as a master of power engineering and engineering thermophysics of Central North University. "Without the warm help of caring people, I can't concentrate on scientific research and make achievements in scientific research, nor can I successfully complete the study in the graduate stage." Li Lin said that the study and scientific research tasks in the master's stage are very heavy, and he spends almost every day in the laboratory. There is no more time to do other things. He is worried about the tuition fees. At this time, he was impressed that the caring people in Pingyao and the Beijing Firefly Charity Foundation provided him with an annual love subsidy of 5000 yuan, which solved a large part of his tuition fees, so that he could study and engage in scientific research with ease.

Li Lin has lived up to the care and help of caring people, not to mention his dream. During his master's degree, he ranked third in his major, won the national scholarship, academic special scholarship, comprehensive first class scholarship, etc., and was rated as an excellent Communist Youth League member.

At the same time, published two articles as the first author SCI papers, one of which was published on the internationally renowned journal Advanced Materials, which is the first time that Central North University has published a paper in this journal as the first unit.

Li Lin also presided over the innovative research project of graduate students in Shanxi Province, "Preparation of Solar Driven Self heating Sponge and Application of Clean Crude Oil", and led the team to participate in Chinese graduate students The "double carbon" innovation and creativity contest won the third prize of the national award.

Like embracing the unknown and constantly challenging himself, Li Lin runs faster and higher on the way to pursue his dream. this year In June, Li Lin was about to graduate from his master's degree, and he climbed another mountain in his life. He successfully applied for the Expo and became a doctoral candidate in materials and chemical engineering of Sichuan University. "The learning life since college has broadened my vision, and my life plan has become clearer and clearer, and I know what I want more and more." Li Lin said happily, "Love has given me warmth, and has given me endless impetus to move forward. Thanks for the help of caring people, and I have solved my worries. In the future, I will use my strength to give back to the society."

As a doctoral student, Li Lin is going to see a bigger world. He said that at the doctoral stage, he should produce more scientific research achievements, contact new fields, increase his ability that he did not have at the master's stage, continue to challenge himself and become a better person!

from Since 2017, under the active contact of Geng Kaiwen, a "good man in China", Yingxiang Pingyao caring people have joined hands with Beijing Firefly Charity Foundation to provide 5000 yuan (4000 yuan from the foundation, 1000 yuan from Yingxiang Taiyuan caring people) for poor college students from Shanxi who are admitted to universities every year. So far, 46 poor college students have been supported by caring people in both places, and a total of 698000 yuan has been distributed. At present, 12 of the 46 college students who received assistance have been admitted to master's degree.

Shanxi Evening News reporter   Li Li