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Strengthening discipline construction is the fundamental policy to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party

Information source: Guangming Daily Published on: 2024-05-20 17:46 Number of readers: second

To carry out Party discipline learning and education throughout the Party is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, an important measure to combine the Party's discipline building and system building, and to coordinate the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party to further development. It is of great significance to promote the Party's self revolution with strict discipline and further promote the new great project of Party building in the new era.

Strict discipline is engraved in the genes of Marxist political parties

Marxist political parties are armed with advanced theories, have strict discipline and thus have strong combat effectiveness. Strict organization and discipline are the strength and political advantage of Marxist political parties. Lenin criticized the opportunistic mistakes of Menshevik on organizational issues in Further, Two Steps Back, demonstrated the organizational principle of the construction of the new proletarian party, and formed Lenin's new proletarian party theory. Marxist political parties adhere to Marxism Leninism as the fundamental guiding ideology, adhere to the principle of democratic centralism, strictly abide by the Constitution of the Party and iron discipline, and build a centralized, unified, well-organized, disciplined, strong and powerful party.

Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has written strict discipline on its own banner in strict accordance with the principles of Marxist Party building. The first program of the Party stipulates strict political, organizational and confidentiality disciplines. The first Party Constitution formulated at the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China is dedicated to discipline It is listed in one chapter and puts forward nine disciplines of the Party, involving organization, publicity, employment of Party members, etc; Article 25 clearly stipulates that the local executive committee shall expel the Party member from six cases of violating the Party discipline, and requires the local executive committee to report the reason to the central and district executive committees after expelling the party member. For more than a hundred years, our Party has always adhered to strict discipline as its political advantage, inheriting and developing through integrity and innovation. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China incorporated discipline building into the overall layout of Party building in the new era, deepened the understanding of the law of discipline building of the Party, and made it clear that strengthening discipline building is the fundamental policy to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party.

Party discipline is a rule of conduct that must be observed by Party organizations at all levels and all Party members. It is also a guarantee for maintaining the unity of the Party and accomplishing its tasks. The Party's discipline mainly includes political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline and life discipline. The construction of Party discipline is a systematic project, which mainly includes the theoretical construction, system construction and implementation of Party discipline. The theoretical construction of Party discipline is to explore and explain the basic theoretical issues of Party discipline theoretically under the guidance of Marxist Party building theory; The system construction of Party discipline is to establish and improve the rules, regulations and institutional mechanisms related to Party discipline on the basis of practical exploration; The implementation of Party discipline is to standardize the behavior of Party organizations and Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, with discipline, and impose corresponding disciplinary punishment on those who violate discipline in accordance with the provisions of Party discipline. The formulation and revision of disciplinary regulations belong to the system construction of Party discipline, while their learning and education belong to the implementation of Party discipline. The fundamental purpose of the Party's discipline construction is to maintain the unity of the Party, enable the whole Party to be consistent in ideology, politics and action, always maintain the Party's advanced nature and purity, and ensure that the Party will never deteriorate, change color and maintain its taste.

Attaching Importance to Discipline Education is the Good Tradition of Our Party

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that our party is a Marxist party organized by revolutionary ideals and iron discipline, and strict discipline is the glorious tradition and unique advantage of the party. For more than a hundred years, our party has continuously strengthened the learning and education of party discipline, improved the discipline of party members and cadres with strict party discipline, ensured that the whole party forms a unified thought, unified will and unified action, and forged the party into an invincible hard steel.

During the New Democratic Revolution, Comrade Mao Zedong successively proposed Discipline is the guarantee of the implementation line ”“ The route is Kingly way , discipline is overbearing , both of which are indispensable ”“ Strengthen discipline and make revolution invincible And so on. In the process of leading the revolutionary struggle in Jinggangshan, Comrade Mao Zedong proposed that Three Disciplines and Six Points for Attention , developed into Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points for Attention Later, it was compiled into catchy military songs and sung in the army to publicize and educate the Party discipline in an easy to understand form. During the Yan'an period, in response to the Zhang Guotao incident, Huang Kegong incident and Liu Ligong incident, our party carried out Four obediences Education, strict law and discipline education, strict organizational discipline education. Through serious and profound Party discipline education activities, the organizational discipline of the whole Party has been further strengthened, and the majority of Party members and cadres have gradually developed the habit and consciousness of observing discipline.

During the period of socialist revolution and construction, our party paid attention to the role of party discipline education in governing the country and the party. In view of the ideological impurity and organizational impurity existing in the Party at the beginning of the founding of New China, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-one Year to one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four The Party consolidation movement was launched in. An important task of the Party consolidation movement is to carry out Party discipline education, and generally educate the majority of Party members about the Party platform and constitution and how to be a Communist. one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four year two In September, the Resolution on Strengthening Party Unity passed at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward six requirements for the discipline that senior cadres of the whole Party should observe in their work, setting an example for the whole Party in strengthening unity and strictly abiding by discipline.

In the new period of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out that: How can we unite and organize as a large country? One is ideal, the other is discipline. Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out that: With strict discipline and vigorous vitality, our Party will be able to move from victory to new victory. Comrade Hu Jintao pointed out that, Without iron discipline, the Party will become a mess To strengthen the Party's discipline construction, we must put the strengthening of Party discipline education in an important position and give play to the basic role of discipline education. one thousand nine hundred and eighty-three Year to one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven In, from the Central Committee to the grass-roots organizations, we carried out a comprehensive rectification of the Party from top to bottom, in stages and batches. The task was to unify our thinking, rectify our style of work, strengthen discipline and purify the organization.

In the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always stressed the importance of party discipline education in promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, building a clean and honest government and fighting corruption. He clearly pointed out that the more complex the situation the Party is facing and the more arduous the task it is shouldering, the more it is necessary to strengthen discipline building, maintain the unity of the Party, and ensure that the whole Party is unified in its will, action, and progress in step. two thousand and sixteen year two In June, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued the "Report on the Implementation of the CPC Central Committee Learn the Party Constitution and Rules, learn a series of speeches, and become a qualified party member Learning and Education Program, and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to implement it carefully. two thousand and twenty-four The centralized discipline education carried out throughout the Party in is not only the expansion and extension of the theme education of learning and implementing Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, but also Two studies and one action The deepening and development of learning education in the new era and new journey.

The learning and education of Party discipline plays an important role in the construction of discipline system

The Party's discipline guarantees the ideals, beliefs and purposes, embodies the fine traditional style, and guarantees the line, principles and policies. Only by adhering to strict discipline and strengthening the construction of the discipline system can Marxist political parties become an organic whole with cohesion and combat effectiveness, and promote the vigorous development of the cause of the Party and the cause of national construction. To comprehensively strengthen the Party's discipline construction, we must attach great importance to strengthening the learning and education of Party discipline, and give full play to the important role of education in the construction of the discipline system.

Xun Zi · Rich Country proposed: Therefore, the punishment without teaching will be too numerous and too evil; If you teach but do not punish, the traitors will not be punished. Punish without education. Although there are many penalties, they cannot suppress evil practices; Only education without punishment, then those who violate laws and regulations will not learn a lesson. Education and punishment are two important links in the construction of the Party's discipline system. Among them, education is an effective means to solve ideological awareness and action awareness. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should strengthen the education of Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, so that everyone can understand what can be done, what cannot be done, what should be done in this way and what should be done in that way, and consciously act according to principles and rules. Only when all Party members and cadres are aware of Party discipline, can they talk about effective compliance with Party discipline. Only by carrying out propaganda and education on Party discipline to Party members and cadres in a centralized or regular manner, and truly reaching the ear and mind, can we improve the consciousness of implementing Party discipline, and truly learn, know, understand and abide by it.

Over the past hundred years, our party has gradually established a party discipline system with the Party Constitution as the foundation and relevant discipline laws and regulations as the main body in long-term practice, weaving a strict party discipline French Open The Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) is a basic and backbone intra party regulation for the construction of the Party's disciplinary system. since one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven Since the formulation and issuance of the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Action (for Trial Implementation) in, after revision and improvement two thousand and three The official version of two thousand and sixteen Annual Revision two thousand and eighteen Revised in two thousand and twenty-four The latest version in has five versions, realizing the progress with the times and the development and perfection of the Party's discipline and norms. The latest version of the Regulations fully implements Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Proceeding from the Party Constitution, it adheres to the tone of strictness, adheres to the combination of problem orientation and goal orientation, adheres to targeted governance, enriches violations of discipline, refines disciplinary decisions, further clarifies political discipline and rules, and drives all disciplines to be fully strict, Releasing a strong signal that discipline will be tightened more and more in the future shows the firm determination and strong will of our party to promote self revolution.

The meeting of the leading group for the construction work of the Central Party pointed out that we should focus on the key points of study and work hard to achieve results in the study and implementation of the Regulations. Taking the opportunity of studying and implementing the Regulations to carry out in-depth discipline education of the Party will help promote the majority of Party members and cadres to enhance their sense of discipline, form a good habit of respecting the Party Constitution and abiding by Party discipline, and develop self-discipline consciousness of observing discipline and rules. To this end, we should strengthen the propaganda and interpretation of the Regulations, take the Regulations as an important learning content of the central group of the Party committees (Party groups) at all levels, and include them into the compulsory courses of the Party School (School of Administration) and the Cadre College. Explore the establishment of the examination system for knowledge and skills required by the Regulations for Party members and leading cadres, which can be used as one of the contents of the pre service examination, as well as one of the compulsory subjects for the Party School (School of Administration) and Cadre College to study and train. Innovate the learning methods of the Regulations, make good use of traditional media and new media and other learning platforms, and promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of Party members and cadres to learn the Regulations. The Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) pays close attention to the implementation of the Regulations, including the implementation of the Regulations into the focus of patrol inspection and dispatching supervision, focusing on the supervision and inspection of leading cadres' learning, publicity and implementation of Party discipline, and criticizing, educating and urging rectification of those who fail to implement Party discipline.

Strengthening Party Spirit Cultivation in the Learning and Education of Party Discipline

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that, Party spirit, Party conduct and Party discipline are organic whole, Party spirit is fundamental, Party conduct is performance, and Party discipline is guarantee Only with strong Party spirit and high Party spirit cultivation can Communists consciously carry forward fine work style and strictly observe Party discipline. Party spirit cultivation is the self-cultivation and training of the Communist Party members in terms of politics, ideology, moral quality, knowledge and skills in accordance with the principles of the Party spirit. It will not naturally improve with the growth of the length of service of the Party, nor will it naturally improve with the promotion of positions. It must strengthen self cultivation, self-restraint, and self transformation.

The Party spirit cultivation of Communists mainly includes theoretical cultivation, political cultivation, moral cultivation, discipline cultivation, style cultivation, personality cultivation, etc. To improve discipline cultivation, Party members and cadres must strengthen their sense of discipline, consciously keep a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in ideology, politics and action, and ensure that the Party Central Committee's decrees are unblocked. The Regulations are a ruler for governing the Party and the basic bottom line and compliance of Party members. The Regulations adhere to clear direction, establish rules, improve the ethos and strengthen immunity, promote the tempering of the party spirit, purity of the party style, strict party discipline, and play the role of discipline building to address both the symptoms and root causes. Party organizations at all levels, the majority of Party members and cadres should adhere to the bottom line thinking, respect discipline, be cautious, stop doing something, hold the bottom line, do not step on the red line, do not touch the high voltage line.

The key to enhancing the discipline of the whole party by studying and implementing the Regulations is to accurately grasp and deeply consider the spirit and core essence of the Regulations. First, we should not only think about the significance of the Regulations in managing the Party in accordance with regulations from the perspective of the strategy of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, but also combine the requirements of the Regulations for stricter discipline enforcement with specific reality to ensure six disciplines every order is executed without fail The second is to accurately grasp the dialectical relationship between strict control and love, punishment and incentive of the Regulations, and adhere to strict control and precise control scale . Full expression of kindness temperature We will truly combine leniency with severity, and ensure that rewards and punishments are clearly defined. Third, we should have a deep understanding of the positive significance of the Regulations in protecting Party members and cadres. The Regulation not only punishes Party members and cadres for disciplinary violations, but also serves as a warning, education and protection function for Party members and cadres Guide light and Warning whistle And make Party members and cadres less and no violators of discipline. The fourth is to improve the implementation of the Regulations, adhere to the principle of doing what is said, discipline must be followed, and discipline violations must be investigated. By combining the study of the Regulations with the study of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on strict discipline and rules of the Party, we can accurately grasp its main content and spiritual essence, achieve internalization in mind and externalization in practice, and enhance the consciousness and firmness of implementing the Regulations.

(Author: Zhao Xusheng, researcher of Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era of the Central Party School [National School of Administration], professor of the Teaching and Research Department of Party Construction)