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Chinese style modernization and people's livelihood

Information source: People's Political Consultative Conference Daily Published on: May 20, 2024 17:35 Number of readers: second

People's livelihood is the greatest popular support, and popular support is the greatest politics, It is advisable to be deep and cautious when carrying a boat and overturning a boat The Chinese Communists understand this irrefutable truth. Before the founding of New China, Comrade Mao Zedong answered The question of cave dwellings , solemnly declare Found a new path to democracy , giving the Communist Party of China a chance to jump out of the political system Historical cycle rate The first answer of; Comrade Mao Zedong talked freely go to the capital to sit an examination , strive to get good results, showing the eternal question of people first. With sunrise and sunset, spring and autumn, the exam is always on the way, and the exam questions will also accompany the struggle of the Communist Party of China's long-term governance.

The people are the foundation of the country Throughout the history of China, the people are enjoying good health and abundant resources, and their prosperity is also growing; The people are living in poverty, and their death is also sudden. There is no end and no beginning. There is nothing trivial about people's livelihood, One branch and one leaf are always close Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has adhered to the people centred development idea, made a series of major decisions and arrangements, held the bottom line of people's livelihood, focused on ensuring and improving people's livelihood, and practically helped the masses solve the problem Desperate and anxious The sense of gain, happiness and security of the people is more substantial, secure and sustainable.

There is no best way to improve people's livelihood, only better. Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his investigation in Chongqing: Chinese style modernization, people's livelihood is the most important thing, the Communist Party of China is to make people live a happier life A simple speech aroused the enthusiastic response of the Chinese people. Realize the transition from insufficient food and clothing to a well-off society as a whole, under the current standards nine thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine Ten thousand rural poor people have been lifted out of poverty, and then a historic leap forward to a well-off society in an all-round way. People's lives are like Sesame blossoms high Chinese style modernization and people's livelihood It contains broad and profound feelings of the people. With its magnificent momentum, it reveals the distinctive characteristics of Chinese style modernization to the world, presenting the brilliant and true glory of the Communist Party of China.

People's livelihood To govern with virtue. The Communist Party of China comes from the people and is rooted in the people. All efforts are for the people and benefit the people. People's livelihood Be worthy of The Biggest of the Country The importance of people's livelihood shows the importance of responsibility. As Comrade Mao Zedong said in the Central Soviet Area Women learn to plow and rake, children ask to read, wooden bridge is too small, people fall down, many people get sick So, holding a heavy People's livelihood examination questions ,把 The young have education, the learning has education, the work has income, the sick have medical care, the old have a sense of security, the living has shelter, the weak have help And other livelihood issues, and put people's well-being at the top. What the people want and what the government wants, we should always be together with the people, stand together and work together. Only by working together can we deliver a satisfactory answer to win the good reputation of the people. Working together will surely create good political achievements for the people.

People's livelihood And strive for practical results. People's livelihood is about doing things, not talking about things. Keep an eye on the people's worries, worries and concerns, grasp the most direct and realistic interest issues that people care about most, do what they say, and see the actual results when they do it, and stop fooling around with big words to avoid opening lip-service Find out exactly what the masses think, want, and want breakthrough point , take everything for the people starting point , aiming at everything that depends on the people Focus , step on everything that benefits the people foothold Don't engage in flowers and plants bonsai , do more real kung fu, especially not to appease hunger with pie in the sky Pretend Be a good confidant to connect with the masses. Discuss with the masses more about their affairs. As long as they are related to the interests of the people, they should work hard and diligently to solve problems and draw pictures claborate-style painting We should not show off or be careless in writing the answers to people's livelihood.

People's livelihood Be humble and honest. It is the people's heart to fight and defend the country. This heartfelt confession runs through the way of the exam Two musts The essence of Who am I, for whom, and on whom The ancients as officials can understand One life is bent, another life is slouching, and three lives are bent. If you walk along the wall, don't dare to insult. This is especially true today. Practise the mass line, listen to the voice of the masses, care about the sufferings of the masses, and do everything possible to solve the problems of the masses. Do not be condescending, bossing around, and preaching and playing with empty orders Official prestige We are the servants of the people We often go to the masses to listen to the public opinion, start from the key points to solve the people's worries, put our hearts in the same place, think in other places, respond to the concerns and expectations of the masses with one solid and powerful action and one tangible change, and gather the people's happy new life.

People's livelihood Start small. Everything is leisurely and people's livelihood is important. However, people's livelihood needs to be from the side of the people Needlework To start a small thing like this, we should not aim high and aim low, abandon the small and strive for the big, nor aim high and build castles in the air. Every bit of sand makes a tower This is the beginning of grandiosity many a little make a mickle Where the philosophy lies. No matter how small the matter of the masses is, it is also a matter of livelihood In fact, the major events of people's livelihood are the collection of the small things that people are closest to daily life. Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy, vinegar, tea, employment, schooling, house purchase, medical treatment, etc. have made Zhang Minsheng's answers hot and warm, thick and warm, warm in front of the eyes, warm in the heart, and people feel heartfelt happy.

People's livelihood And promote development. hold People's livelihood From the perspective of Chinese modernization, continuous improvement of people's livelihood can not only relieve people's life problems, but also tap new economic growth points to promote New quality productivity development. For example, traditional Family support Transition to Community health care , Obsolescence Old and broken The butterfly turns to net red Clocking ground , new material Gao Yuanguo Promote the development of cooking utensils industry …… The essence of modernization is the modernization of people. Anchoring the people's aspiration for a better life, being good at finding development opportunities from the people's expectations, and closely adhering to the people's livelihood to promote economic and social progress can promote the effective docking and virtuous cycle of development and people's livelihood, and make people's livelihood and social security more secure texture People's livelihood and economic development marvellous And realize the Chinese style modernization while solving the problems of people's livelihood.

Chinese style modernization and people's livelihood , which is a major issue of governing the country, and Two answers Jump out Historical cycle rate It comes down in one continuous line with Two musts We should oppose formalism and bureaucracy. People's livelihood It is also an eternal test of self revolution, which breeds the great spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly, The centennial struggle history of our party shows that only a party with a great spirit can lead the people to win a great struggle and create a great cause.

(Author Liu Xiaozhuang is a member of the Standing Committee of the 11th, 12th and 13th CPPCC National Committee and vice chairman of the Central Theoretical Research Association of the NLD)