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Strengthen the consciousness and firmness of discipline learning

Information source: Guangming Daily Published on: 2024-05-20 17:23 Number of readers: second

Strict discipline is an important party building principle for Marxist political parties. The Communist Party of China is a Marxist party organized by revolutionary ideals and iron discipline. Strict discipline is the glorious tradition and unique advantage of the party. Carrying out Party discipline learning and education throughout the Party is an important measure to strengthen the Party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party to develop in depth. To further enhance the consciousness and firmness of the majority of Party members and cadres in learning discipline, strengthen their sense of discipline, strengthen self-discipline, and improve their immunity, efforts can be made from both the ideological and methodological levels.

Improve the position and deeply understand the guarantee role of discipline in comprehensively and strictly governing the Party

Discipline building is the fundamental policy for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), we have solved many outstanding problems within the Party. However, the tests of governance, reform and opening up, the market economy and the external environment that the Party faces will exist for a long time. The danger of mental laziness, insufficient capacity, isolation from the masses and corruption will exist for a long time. How to deal with and solve it is a test of the political wisdom and leadership of the Chinese Communists. During the revolutionary war, our Party united and led the people to win the victory of the Chinese revolution, relying on iron discipline. Under the new historical conditions, our party must also rely on iron discipline to solve the unique problems of the big party and unite and lead the people to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We should integrate our thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the Central Committee of the Party, take the development of Party discipline learning and education as an important political task, and make every measure of Party discipline learning and education become an effective measure to promote the central work and deepen the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party.

Discipline education is a basic work to strengthen the Party's discipline construction. No matter when, the problem always exists objectively. I'm afraid that we will turn a blind eye to the problem. As a result, small problems will become big problems, and small piping will become big landslides. Only when Party members and cadres often take political physical examinations and are diligent in cleaning up political dust can they build up a good physique and improve one's health ”“ develop immunity from disease Discipline education is an effective form of conducting political physical examination. Through discipline education, we can find our own shortcomings in time and take effective measures to Seedy nature ”“ Tendentiousness The problem is solved in the bud, rather than waiting until the problem is serious. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the importance of Party discipline education in promoting the overall strict governance of the Party and building a clean and honest government. two thousand and sixteen year two In June, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee printed and distributed the Report on the Implementation of Learn the Party Constitution and Rules, learn a series of speeches, and become a qualified party member Learning and Education Program to promote intra party education from Key minority Expand to the majority of Party members, from centralized education to regular education; two thousand and seventeen year three The General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued Two studies and one action Opinions on Normalization and Institutionalization of Learning Education. two thousand and twenty-four The centralized discipline education carried out throughout the Party in is the expansion and extension of Xi Jinping's education on the theme of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, guiding Party members and cadres to truly transform discipline into political, ideological and action consciousness.

Improving the ability to enforce discipline is the key to comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. First, to implement Party discipline, we must ensure that there are no forbidden areas, no blind spots, and no gaps outside. Both leading cadres and ordinary Party members should strictly abide by Party discipline; Regardless of the size of power, position, as long as the violation of party discipline and national laws, will be severely punished. In this regard, the newly revised Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) contain a lot of provisions, for example, the punishment object of illegal intervention and interference in market economic activities, judicial activities, discipline enforcement activities Party members and leading cadres Expand to All Party members Etc. Second, the Party's discipline will not lower the requirements of Party members for leaving their posts; Party members and cadres who leave their jobs or retire will also be severely punished if they engage in illegal employment, use their original powers or positions to seek personal gains for relatives and friends, or violate public order and good customs. Third, Party members and cadres, their family members, children and other special stakeholders should be promoted at the same time. The family style of leading cadres is not a personal matter or a personal matter, but an important embodiment of the style of leading cadres. The Regulations not only regulate the incorruptible behaviors of Party members and leading cadres themselves, but also strengthen the regulation of their relatives, staff around them and other specific related persons. To carry out Party discipline learning and education can not only let Party members and leading cadres know what they can and cannot do, but also let the masses of Party members know the bottom line of Party members and leading cadres in performing their duties, using their power, and living exchanges, so as to facilitate better supervision.

Master the methods, learn and understand the specific requirements of the Regulations

in recent years, No bottom line of discipline Often occurs in Fall off a horse The official's briefing. Some Party members and cadres No bottom line of discipline ”, One important reason is discipline learning touch on sth. without going into it deeply ”“ put away the cup after taking a tiny sip , lack of systematicness. Know before you act. Knowing discipline is the basis for observing discipline. The majority of Party members and cadres need to master systematic learning methods to enhance their sense of discipline and rules.

Learning the content of articles is the basis. Party discipline is a rule of conduct that must be observed by Party organizations at all levels and all Party members. Only by learning deeply, understanding and comprehending, can iron discipline be truly transformed into the daily habits and conscientious adherence of party members and cadres. The Notice on Carrying out Party Discipline Learning and Education throughout the Party issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out that we should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, focus on solving problems such as some party members and cadres' failure to pay attention to, understand and master Party discipline, and organize party members, especially party leaders, to carefully study the Regulations. In the process of learning, we should closely combine our own ideological situation and work position, and combine the newly revised Regulations with two thousand and eighteen Compare the "Regulations" revised in change And unchanged Understand the logic mechanism behind the revision of articles, be good at observing and analyzing problems politically, and know the nature, reason, and necessity of them; Be familiar with the connotation and practical requirements of the discipline provisions, and understand what the Party's discipline rules are, what it can do and what it cannot do.

The key is to learn the same kind of Party rules and disciplines together. Any inner-party laws and regulations are linked with other inner-party laws and regulations, and the operation of any inner-party laws and regulations also needs the support of other party rules and disciplines. The study of the Regulations needs to be combined with the study of the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Inner Party Supervision, the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Patrol Work, and the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Accountability. These four regulations are the core of the inner-party laws and regulations to promote supervision, discipline enforcement and accountability. Among them, the patrol work regulations and inner-party supervision regulations are important ways to strengthen inner-party supervision and find problems. The disciplinary punishment regulations are important means to seriously deal with the problems found. The accountability regulations are powerful means to promote the implementation of work and solve them separately How to find problems ”“ How to deal with problems ”“ How to promote problem solving Etc. At the same time, the Party Constitution is the fundamental law of the Party and occupies the highest position in the system of laws and regulations within the Party. We should deepen our understanding of the Party Constitution in the process of learning by analogy, truly regard the Party Constitution as the fundamental standard for strengthening the cultivation of the Party spirit, implement the provisions of the Party Constitution into actions and undertakings, and deepen our understanding of the Party's discipline and rules on the basis of improving our understanding of the Party Constitution.

It is fundamental to study the essence of the revision of the Regulations. Any inner-party regulation has a clear problem orientation and exists to solve a practical problem. At the same time, as an organizational code of conduct, any inner-party laws and regulations must also internalize the basic ideas and value pursuit. The provisions of the Party's laws and regulations are often unable to exhaust the solutions to all problems, but it is essential that the main thrust of their formulation or revision be inclusive and comprehensive. As far as the Regulations are concerned, it is necessary to deeply grasp the main points of the Party's political discipline and rules, strengthen all-round management and regular supervision, guide and encourage Party members and cadres to dare to take active actions, adhere to the Party spirit, work together with Party discipline, and promote discipline enforcement and law enforcement. This kind of study can not only deepen the understanding and understanding of the provisions themselves, but also help to solve the specific practical problems faced by the management of the party, and then engrave the party constitution, party rules, and party discipline in mind, enhance the sense of discipline, and enhance the sense of discipline.

(Author: Yang Yuncheng, Special Researcher of Beijing Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Deputy Director and Professor of the Teaching and Research Department of Party History and Party Building of the Party School of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China)