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Grasp the main direction of developing new quality productivity

Information source: Economic Daily Published at 17:19, May 20, 2024 Number of readers: second

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that, High quality development needs new productivity theory to guide, and new quality productivity has been formed in practice and has shown a strong driving force and supporting force for high-quality development. We need to summarize and summarize theoretically to guide new development practice The new quality productivity is accelerated by revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries. It is an advanced productivity quality that conforms to the new development concept and innovation plays a leading role. To create institutional conditions, win development space and provide core support for the transition of productivity, we should better grasp the mechanism of the emergence of new quality productivity, further comprehensively deepen reform, expand high-level opening up, strengthen the leadership of scientific and technological innovation, and gather and strengthen high-quality development momentum.

Further comprehensively deepen reform to form new production relations

The relations of production must adapt to the requirements of the development of productive forces. To develop the new quality productivity, we need to further deepen the reform in an all-round way and form a new type of production relationship that is suitable for it. To break through the blockages that constrain the development of new quality productive forces, we should focus on building systems and mechanisms that promote revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries, and promote the leap of workers, means of labor, objects of labor, and their optimized combination, so as to enhance sustainable endogenous power and form new production relations that adapt to and promote the development of advanced productive forces.

We will deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system and promote revolutionary breakthroughs in technology. New quality productivity is the quality of advanced productivity with innovation playing a leading role. Scientific and technological innovation can reshape the basic elements of productivity, promote new industries, new models and new driving forces, and is the core force for the development of new quality productivity. At present, the global scientific and technological innovation is cross integrated, multi breakthrough, intensive and active. We must seize the strategic opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, continue to deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system, and strengthen the institutional guarantee to promote revolutionary and disruptive technological breakthroughs. We should speed up the improvement of the new national system, strengthen the overall planning of resources, systematically arrange key innovation resources, strengthen national strategic scientific and technological forces, and improve the overall effectiveness of the national innovation system. We will continue to optimize the collaborative innovation mechanism, strengthen the joint tackling of key core technologies, and strive to achieve the autonomy and controllability of key core technologies through the breakthrough of key common technologies, cutting-edge leading technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technological innovation. Grasp the independent innovation of key digital core technologies Bull nose We will promote breakthroughs in digital technology and provide advanced elements, tools and means for original and disruptive scientific and technological innovation. Focusing on strategic emerging industries and future industries, focusing on key areas such as artificial intelligence, quantum technology, biotechnology, new energy, green low-carbon, and vigorously promoting innovation to tackle key problems Uncover the list and take the lead ”“ horse racing Mechanism to form a new scientific research organization mode and resource allocation mode conducive to the birth of new quality productivity.

Promote the market-oriented reform of factors and promote the innovative allocation of production factors. The efficient transfer of land, capital, technology, data and other factors and the establishment of a high standard market system are important foundations for promoting the innovative allocation of production factors. The key is to accelerate the construction of a unified national market, effectively reduce institutional costs, improve the mechanism of market evaluation and payment determination for various production factors, promote the smooth flow of various high-quality production factors to develop new quality productivity, comprehensively improve the efficiency of production factor allocation, and significantly improve total factor productivity. Among them, data, as a new type of production factor, is the basis of digitalization, networking and intelligence. It has been rapidly integrated into production, distribution, circulation and consumption. It has been widely penetrated into all levels of economic and social fields, profoundly changing the way of production, lifestyle and social governance. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of non competitiveness, non exclusiveness and replicability of data and its multiplier effect to drive the innovative allocation of production factors; We will improve the price mechanism, competition mechanism and trading rules of data elements, and promote cross-border integration, derivative superposition, and integrated innovation of digital technology.

Build systems and mechanisms conducive to intelligent, green and integrated industries, and achieve in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries. Industry is the main carrier of the development of new quality productivity. Iterative upgrading and deep transformation of industries are important supports for productivity transition. China's super large market provides favorable conditions for changing the R&D mode, changing the production mode, innovating the business mode, optimizing the organizational structure, and accelerating the intelligent, green and integrated development of industries. It is necessary to promote the better combination of effective market and promising government, enhance the synergy of industrial policies, promote the optimization, transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, and build a modern industrial system with international competitiveness. Focus on the construction of new industrialization, strengthen top-level design in strategic areas, build intelligent systems and mechanisms of industrial system, and promote《 the 14th Five-Year Plan Intelligent Manufacturing Development Plan, formulate policies and measures to promote digital development, promote industrial technology reform and optimization and upgrading, reshape the manufacturing industry model and enterprise form with intelligence, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with advanced manufacturing as the backbone. Promote and improve the green system and mechanism of the industrial system, improve the policy framework system of industrial green development, form a tax, financial and price support system, accelerate the formation of a green and low-carbon modern industrial system, support high-quality development with high-quality ecological environment, and focus on the development of green productivity. We will continue to improve the integration system and mechanism of the industrial system, continue to promote the integrated development of informatization and industrialization, and promote a high degree of synergy and coupling between industries, regions, large and medium-sized enterprises, and upstream and downstream links, so as to form a pattern of deep integration and coordinated development across industries, regions, all elements, all links, and the whole process.

We will improve the overall planning and coordination mechanism and promote a substantial increase in total factor productivity. Focus on scientific and technological innovation as the core, strengthen strategic planning and system layout, pay attention to reform linkage, system coordination and policy coordination, continue to promote factor quality improvement and optimized combination, and significantly improve total factor productivity. We should promote the reform of education, science and technology, and talent systems in an integrated way, focus on optimizing the mechanism for the discovery, training, use, and incentive of scientific and technological talents, create a more relaxed, smoother, and effective incentive system environment for the training of innovative talents and stimulating the innovative vitality of talents, and build a new workforce that adapts to the development of new quality and productivity. We will improve the policy coordination mechanism, enhance the consistency of macro policy orientation, strengthen the policy coordination and linkage of science and technology, industry, finance and taxation, finance, and talent, improve the legal and regulatory system to promote scientific and technological innovation, and increase the protection of intellectual property rights in key core technologies, emerging industries, and key fields. Optimize the modern technology integration development mechanism, promote the collaborative production of large, small and medium-sized enterprises and the financing and innovation of upstream, midstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, support leading enterprises to build a global production and R&D system, form an integrated innovation system, and improve the efficiency of innovation resource element allocation.

Expand high-level opening up and create a good international environment

High level opening up is an important driving force for the development of new quality productivity. Expanding high-level opening up and building an open and innovative ecosystem with global competitiveness will help to effectively use international capital, labor, technology, data and other production factors, deeply participate in the division and cooperation of global science and technology industries, integrate into the global innovation network, and create a good international environment for the development of new quality productivity.

We will steadily expand institutional openness. Promoting high-level opening up, steadily promoting institutional opening of rules, regulations, management, standards and other systems, and enhancing the voice in the international cycle are conducive to the formation and development of new quality productivity. It is necessary to expand high-level opening up by means of reform, steadily expand institutional opening, promote the docking of rules, regulations, management, standards, etc. with international high standard economic and trade rules, further integrate into the global industrial chain, supply chain, value chain, innovation chain system, and create new advantages in international cooperation and competition. We will implement actions to improve the business environment, create a market-oriented, legalized and internationalized first-class business environment, and build an open and innovative ecosystem with global competitiveness. We will give better play to the role of the pilot free trade zone as a pilot field for reform and opening up, explore rules in emerging areas such as digital trade and green trade, build a system of opening up high standard service industries, and comprehensively improve the legal system for intellectual property protection. Actively build relevant systems to support R&D and innovation, and facilitate original, forward-looking and disruptive scientific and technological innovation with a high level of opening up.

Promote high level Introduced ”“ Go out Promoting cross-border flow of factors of production and international exchanges of science and technology, and improving the ability of global resource allocation are important ways to form new quality productivity. We should give full play to the advantages of the super large market, attract global resource elements with the domestic circulation, promote more convenient and efficient trade, investment, cross-border capital flow, personnel access, and transportation, promote the safe and orderly flow of data, create a new highland of openness with global competitiveness, improve the quality and level of trade and investment cooperation, and enhance the function of global resource allocation. At a high level Introduced First, we will implement the upgrading strategy of the pilot free trade zone, further expand the global network of high standard free trade zones, efficiently introduce high-quality capital, key resources, advanced technology, top-notch talents, etc., and enhance our ability to absorb, mobilize and influence global resources. At a high level Go out On the other hand, we should deeply integrate into the global economic system, improve the level of global allocation of capital, information, technology, talent and other factor resources, and broaden the space for common development of the global economy. High quality co construction The Belt and Road Initiative We plan to build an innovation chain, an industrial chain and a supply chain, and develop new quality productivity in deepening international innovation collaboration. Through high-level opening up, we can better integrate into the global market system and actively integrate into the global scientific and technological innovation network.

We will strengthen internal and external linkage. Adhere to the principle of mutual promotion of internal and external opening, build a new system of a higher level of open economy, promote high-quality development with a high level of internal and external opening, and develop new quality productivity in the construction of a new development pattern. On the one hand, based on accelerating the construction of a unified national market, we will promote the smooth flow of development factors in a larger range, further attract international innovation subjects and global innovation resources, and support the development of new quality productivity with a large domestic market and a large cycle formed by deep opening to the outside world. On the other hand, by expanding high-level opening up, deeply embedding into the global division of labor system, better integrating into the global market system, enhancing the hard power to participate in international competition, improving the quality and level of international circulation, and expanding the space for the development of new quality productivity. It is necessary to build a new highland of openness with a higher level of openness and stronger radiation effect, gather high-quality global resource elements, and constantly improve international attraction, influence and driving force; Attach importance to giving play to the innovative resource advantages of the open functional areas, encourage the collaborative linkage of the open functional areas, and improve the level of the open platform; Pay attention to the introduction of foreign and internal links, and promote the mutual promotion of domestic and international double circulation in the process of developing new quality productivity through the overall planning of domestic and external demand, the allocation of internal and external factors, and the linkage of domestic and international markets.

Strengthen scientific and technological innovation and lead the development of new quality productivity

In today's world, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has been deeply promoted, and the international competition around industry, technology, especially key core technologies is becoming increasingly fierce. Innovation is at the core of China's overall modernization drive. It is an inevitable requirement for the development of new quality productivity to drive productivity to leap to advanced qualitative state with scientific and technological innovation.

First, create new momentum through innovation. Scientific and technological innovation can give birth to new industries, new models and new driving forces. We must adhere to scientific and technological innovation as a guide, open up new fields and new tracks for development with original and disruptive technological innovation, shape new driving forces and new advantages for development, and accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productivity. It is necessary to anchor and accelerate the goal of achieving self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology, and fight the battle for key core technologies to make original and disruptive scientific and technological innovation achievements emerge.

Second, industrial innovation is driven by innovation. Promoting industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, especially with disruptive technologies and cutting-edge technologies, can effectively promote the development of new quality productivity. Continue to promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, and focus on promoting the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain Quadruplex Integration, vigorously promote the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, and comprehensively promote the green development of industries. Promote the mutual promotion of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, promote the iterative upgrading of pillar industries, the cultivation and expansion of emerging industries, and the prospective layout of future industries, create advantageous industrial clusters with core competitiveness, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with intelligent, green, integrated characteristics and in line with the requirements of integrity, advancement, and security, and realize the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure.

Third, promote the optimization and combination of factors by innovation. The new quality productivity takes the leap of workers, means of labor, labor objects and their optimized combination as its basic connotation. Scientific and technological innovation can drive the expansion, optimization and overall leap of production factors, and promote the efficient allocation of resources. We need to build a new workforce, accelerate the training of new talents who can make full use of modern technology, adapt to modern high-end advanced equipment, and have the ability to rapidly iterate knowledge, focus on training innovative, complex, and digital talents, and consolidate talent support for the development of new quality productivity. Actively promote the development of means of labor and objects of labor suitable for the new quality productivity, better apply artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality equipment as well as automated manufacturing equipment, and enrich the system of advanced production tools. To meet the new needs of the paradigm change and model reconstruction of scientific and technological innovation, we should make overall arrangements for large scientific devices, optimize and upgrade traditional infrastructure, improve new infrastructure, and provide support for the development of new quality productivity by promoting the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries.

(Author Wang Tinghui, Special Researcher of Guangdong Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era, President of Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences)