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Promote Chinese style modernization in an all-round way with high-quality development

Information source: Economic Daily Published at 17:15 on May 20, 2024 Number of readers: second

High quality development is the primary task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. Without high-quality development, there can be no socialist modernization. Chinese style modernization is a modernization with a huge population, a modernization with common prosperity for all people, a modernization with coordinated material civilization and spiritual civilization, a modernization with harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and a modernization with peaceful development. It is necessary to deeply understand the internal unity between high-quality development and Chinese style modernization, comprehensively promote Chinese style modernization with high-quality development, and comprehensively promote the construction of a powerful country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization.

The first is to support Chinese modernization with high-quality population development. The task of modernization is different with different population size, and its difficulty and complexity are different. The way of development and the way of promotion must also have their own characteristics. The huge population size is the basic national condition of our country and the prominent feature of Chinese style modernization. We must focus on improving the overall quality of the population and support Chinese style modernization with high-quality population development. The huge population size can provide rich human resources and talent resources for economic and social development, which also means that to promote modern development, we should fully consider the population base, focus on solving problems in employment, education, medical care, pension and other aspects, and bear greater pressure on social management and public services. At the same time, population development is a major event related to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Achieving high-quality population development is an important part of promoting Chinese style modernization. It is necessary to constantly realize people's aspirations for a better life in the process of promoting and expanding Chinese style modernization. We must fully understand and correctly view the new situation of China's population development, plan population issues in a systematic way, and promote high-quality population development through reform and innovation. Deeply implement the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and education and the strategy of strengthening the country through talents, and accelerate the progress demographic dividend towards talent dividend Transformation; We should give priority to the development of education, improve the quality of compulsory education, and coordinate resources such as higher education and vocational education; Accelerate the accumulation of human capital, optimize the allocation of innovative resources, and promote economic development to be talent driven and innovation driven.

The second is to promote the common prosperity of all people in high-quality development. The modernization of common prosperity for all people is the essential feature of Chinese modernization, and is also a significant symbol different from western modernization. To comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese style modernization, achieving high-quality development is the primary task, and the common prosperity of all people is the essential requirement. On the one hand, sharing is the fundamental purpose of high-quality development. The solid promotion of common prosperity is not only a matter of distribution, but also a matter of development. On the other hand, promoting high-quality development is a realistic path to achieve common prosperity. Only by focusing on high-quality development and constantly creating and accumulating social wealth can we promote common prosperity more forcefully and solidly. We must adhere to the people centered development idea, and make it bigger and better Cake To provide sufficient material basis for ensuring and improving people's livelihood, and to make good use of reasonable institutional arrangements Cake And better stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of the whole society. We will promote the organic unity of efficiency and fairness, build a coordinated system of primary distribution, redistribution, and the third distribution, and do our best to meet the basic living standards of people in need.

The third is to lay a solid foundation for the coordinated development of material civilization and spiritual civilization with high-quality development. Chinese style modernization is a kind of modernization in which material civilization and spiritual civilization are coordinated. Being rich in material and spirit is the fundamental requirement of socialist modernization and the internal requirement of achieving high-quality development. The first century goal has been achieved, and a solid material foundation has been laid for promoting high-quality development. More attention should be paid to improving the quality of development, distributing development achievements, and solving the problems of unbalanced and inadequate development. We should constantly deepen the material foundation of modernization, and constantly consolidate the material conditions for people's happy lives. At the same time, we should vigorously develop advanced socialist culture, strengthen education in ideals and beliefs, inherit Chinese civilization, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture, and strive to promote the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries, and promote the all-round enrichment of materials and the all-round development of people, We will continue to consolidate the common ideological basis for the unity and struggle of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups.

The fourth is to realize the benign interaction between high-quality development and high-level protection. Respecting nature, conforming to nature, protecting nature, and promoting harmonious coexistence between man and nature are distinctive features of Chinese modernization. China's per capita resource endowment is at a low level in the world. Accelerating development faces more constraints on energy resources and ecological environment. We must unswervingly follow the path of civilized development featuring development in production, prosperity in life and sound ecology. High quality development is the development that reflects the new development concept. Promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development is the key link to achieve high-quality development. High quality development and high level protection complement and support each other. On the one hand, the high-quality development of ecological priority, green and low-carbon can only be achieved through high-level protection. Through high-level protection, economic activities and human behavior are limited to the extent that natural resources and ecological environment can bear, and high-quality development is supported by high-quality ecological environment. On the other hand, high-quality development is the development in which green development has become a universal form. It promotes the construction of a green low-carbon circular economy system by improving the quality of development, and plants the green background of high-quality development. It is necessary to firmly establish and practice the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, and promote ecological priority, conservation and intensive, green and low-carbon development. We will continue to deepen the fight against blue sky, clear water and pure land, promote green and low-carbon transformation of production and lifestyle, and provide more high-quality ecological products for the society.

Fifth, we should grasp the relationship between high-quality development and high-level opening up. Adhering to peaceful development is a prominent feature of Chinese style modernization. Opening up to promote reform and development is an important magic weapon for China's modernization drive to constantly make new achievements. High quality development requires a high level of opening up to adapt to it. On the one hand, high-quality development is an important guarantee for high-level opening up. Accelerating the construction of a new development pattern is the strategic basis for promoting high-quality development. We should firmly grasp this strategic basis, constantly enhance the power and vitality of economic and social development, seek our own development while firmly safeguarding world peace and development, and better safeguard world peace and development with our own development. On the other hand, a high level of opening up is an inevitable choice for achieving high-quality development. High quality development needs to be carried out under more open conditions. High level opening up will create new momentum and new advantages for high-quality development, and stimulate China's huge potential for development. It is necessary to attract global resource elements with domestic circulation, enhance the linkage effect of domestic and international markets and resources, make real efforts in improving the quality and level of trade and investment cooperation, and form new advantages in participating in international competition and cooperation. Promote co construction The Belt and Road Initiative High quality development, adhering to the principle of joint consultation, joint construction and sharing, promoting regional economic integration in a wider range Circle of friends We will continue to provide new opportunities for the world with China's new development.

(The authors are Wang Yiyuan and Zhang Aiwu, researchers of Yangzhou University Base of Jiangsu Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era)