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The Second Session of the 13th CPPCC Provincial Committee was grandly opened

Information source: Shanxi Daily Published on: 2024-01-23 07:49 Number of readers: second

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The Second Session of the 13th CPPCC Provincial Committee was grandly opened

Tang Dengjie and Jin Xiangjun Congratulations   Wu Cunrong Delivers the Work Report of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC   Zhang Chunlin Present

Li Zhengyin makes a report on the work of the proposal, presided over by Li Xiaobo

one month twenty-two The second meeting of the 13th Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was grandly opened in Taiyuan on March 1, 2010. The picture shows the venue of the conference. Photographed by Liu Tong, a reporter of Shanxi Daily

Wu Cunrong delivered the work report of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee. Photographed by Liu Tong, a reporter of Shanxi Daily

Shanxi Daily (reporter Deng Weiqiang): Gather wisdom and gather strength to compose a new chapter and forge ahead with one heart on a new journey. one month twenty-two The second meeting of the 13th CPPCC Provincial Committee was grandly opened in Taiyuan on August. During the meeting, the committee members will actively make suggestions to the government and gather forces to promote high-quality development of our province, deepen all-round transformation, and strive to write a chapter of Chinese style modernization of Shanxi.

In the morning, the provincial capital had a clear sky. The layout inside and outside Taiyuan Workers' Cultural Palace is simple, solemn and grand. In the middle of the rostrum of the Congress is hung the CPPCC emblem, which symbolizes the great unity of the people of all ethnic groups in the country. Ten bright red flags stand on both sides. Hanging on the balcony on the second floor Guided by Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will gather the great power to write the chapter of Chinese style modern Shanxi! Banner. CPPCC members from all sectors and industries gathered here to attend the opening ceremony.

Tang Dengjie, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Jin Xiangjun, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and governor of the province, attended the meeting to congratulate and took seats in front of the rostrum.

Wu Cunrong, Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, Xu Guangguo, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Provincial Committee, Minister of United Front Work and Deputy Secretary of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, Li Zhengyin, Zhang Fuming, Li Xiaobo, Li Qingshan, Li Sijin, Wang Liwei, Yan Chenxi and Wang Lei, Vice Chairmen of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, and Zhang Qiyun, Secretary General, were seated in front of the rostrum.

The opening meeting was presided over by Li Xiaobo. Members to attend this meeting five hundred and forty-five People five hundred and seven The number of people meets the requirements.

morning nine Li Xiaobo announced the opening of the conference. All the participants stood up and sang the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.

The agenda of the second session of the 13th CPPCC Provincial Committee was reviewed and approved.

Wu Cunrong, on behalf of the Standing Committee of the 13th Shanxi Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, made a work report to the Congress. The report is divided into two thousand and twenty-three Annual work review two thousand and twenty-four The main tasks of the year are two parts. In the work review section, he went from nine Reviewing the CPPCC Provincial Committee two thousand and twenty-three The annual work includes: in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and new strengthening of ideological and political guidance; Adhere to the overall leadership of the Party, and the construction level of the CPPCC Party has been improved; Practice people's democracy throughout the process, and make new progress in the construction of special consultative institutions; Anchoring the mission of transformation and development and energy revolution, and making new contributions to the high-quality development of Shanxi; Focus on the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin, and help the construction of beautiful Shanxi achieve new results; Commit to the protection, inheritance and innovation of excellent traditional culture, and boost the construction of a strong cultural province to a new starting point; Adhere to the CPPCC for the people, help improve people's livelihood and highlight new achievements; Broadly gather consensus, gather strength, and take new steps to strengthen great unity and unity; Efforts were made to promote the performance of duties, improve quality and efficiency, and the CPPCC work showed a new atmosphere.

Wu Cunrong pointed out that, two thousand and twenty-three The year was the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the year of economic recovery and development after the transformation of the prevention and control of the new coronal epidemic in three years, and the year when the 13th CPPCC Provincial Committee began to perform its duties. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee, the CPPCC Provincial Committee and its Standing Committee adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, thoroughly implement the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the work of Shanxi, closely focus on the overall situation of the work of the province, think deeply in combination and work hard in implementation, Seeking truth and pragmatism, we deepened the construction of special consultative institutions, advanced the innovation of the CPPCC work with the times, and joined in the practice of Chinese style modernization in Shanxi, making positive contributions to promoting high-quality development and deepening all-round transformation in our province, and achieving a good start to the CPPCC session.

Wu Cunrong stressed that, after summing up the work practice of the CPPCC in the past year, we have personally realized that to do well in the work of the CPPCC in the new era and new journey, we must keep the political direction firmly, always adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, accurately grasp the nature and orientation of the CPPCC, and feel that adhering to the leadership of the Party, the united front, and consultative democracy should be organically integrated, comprehensive, systematic It is implemented in all aspects of work planning, function performance and self construction as a whole. We must adhere to the concept of respecting learning and being good at learning, firmly establish the concept that learning is the performance of duties and must learn to perform duties, persevere in using the Party's innovative theory to forge a soul, improve theoretical literacy, firm ideals and beliefs, sublimate consciousness, and enhance ability and ability in deep learning and careful practice. Must improve the quality of performance and mind Two overall situations , Heart The Biggest of the Country , fastening Daisenryaku . Pay attention to Small incision We should make frequent research, refine and discuss, improve the accuracy and matching of advice and asset management, and enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of consensus building. We must strengthen the system concept, focus on the modernization of the governance system and governance capability, base ourselves on the overall function of the special consultative body, constantly explore and improve the system of CPPCC party building, performance, member service management, organ work, etc., and form a system with clear rights and responsibilities, standardized procedures, smooth relations, and effective operation. We must adhere to the principle of integrity and innovation. We must establish an open mind, highlight the problem orientation, and pragmatically promote the innovation of ideas, ways, carriers, and systems and mechanisms, so that the work of the CPPCC can better reflect the times, grasp the laws, and be creative. We must give full play to the main role of members and stick to consistency center of a circle Extending diversity radius We should discuss affairs on an equal basis, be considerate and inclusive, be friendly and close to each other, care about members politically, rely on and achieve members in their career, integrate strict management into fine services, and fully stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of members who make contributions to their posts, set an example in their sectors, and perform their duties in the CPPCC.

Wu Cunrong stressed that, two thousand and twenty-four The People's Republic of China was founded in seventy-five Anniversary is the realization of the 14th Five-Year Plan The CPPCC will also usher in the crucial year of planning goals and tasks seventy-five Birthday. The overall requirements of the work of the CPPCC Provincial Committee are: adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, earnestly study and implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on doing a good job in the party's united front work in the new era, and the important thought of strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC People's Political Consultative Conference, Fully implement the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the work of Shanxi, and deeply understand Two establishment The decisive significance of Four Consciousness , firm Four self-confidence 、做到 Two maintenance , regard the promotion of Chinese style modernization as the biggest politics, focus on the central work of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, closely follow the goals and tasks set by the 7th Plenary Session of the 12th CPC Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Economic Work Conference of the Provincial Party Committee, adhere to the two-way efforts of promoting democracy and promoting unity, providing advice to the government and building consensus, and fully implement political consultation The functions of democratic supervision and participation in the administration of state affairs are to promote the high-quality development of our province, deepen the all-round transformation, and strive to write a chapter of Chinese style modern Shanxi, gathering the strength of unity and struggle. This year, the CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee will focus on five aspects of work: continue to strengthen theoretical armed forces, and highlight a higher position on the basis of consolidating common ideological and political foundation; Give full play to the role of special consultation institutions, and show greater achievements in serving the high-quality development of our province and deepening all-round transformation; Have the courage to shoulder new cultural missions, and make more achievements in promoting the protection, inheritance and innovation of excellent traditional culture; Adhere to the principle of putting people first, and achieve more tangible results in caring for people's livelihood and serving the masses; Vigorously promote self-improvement, and show a better demeanor in shouldering the mission of a new era and a new journey.

Li Zhengyin made a report on the work of the proposal. He said that since the first session of the 13th CPPCC Provincial Committee, proposals have been received one thousand one hundred and twenty-three Pieces, reviewed and filed nine hundred and twelve All proposals will be replied. The results of the proposal have been effectively applied and played a positive role in consensus building, service decision-making and promotion. He said that over the past year, the proposal work of the CPPCC Provincial Committee has always adhered to the leadership of the Party, always adhered to the quality orientation, always adhered to the system construction, and always adhered to the practical results, which has played an important role in complying with the public opinion and scientific decision-making of the provincial party committee and government, and also contributed wisdom to the high-quality development and all-round transformation of the province.

Also seated on the rostrum were Zhang Chunlin, Wang Yongjun, Zhang Jifu, Li Fengqi, Wu Wei, Lu Dongliang, Wei Tao, Xu Baolong, Tian Yue, Luo Qingyu, He Tiancai, Xie Hong, Wang Chun, Zhang Zhichuan, Wu Junqing, Tang Zhiping, Li Chenglin, Zhao Hongyan, Yang Qinrong, Xiong Jijun, Feng Jun, Yang Jinghai, Luo Huining, the former secretary of the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee, Zheng Shekui, Xue Yanzhong, the former chairman of the CPPCC Shanxi Provincial Committee, Zhang Ruipeng, Xi Xiaojun, Li Wuzhang, Vice Chairmen of the 12th Provincial CPPCC, Guo Haigang, Secretary General of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, Li Qiuzhu, Secretary General of the Provincial People's Government, and ninety-three He is a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee.

Members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) living in Shanxi, comrades in charge of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and relevant departments directly under the provincial government, counselors of the Counsellor's Office of the Provincial Government, librarians of literature and history, secretaries general of the CPPCC committees of cities and chairmen of the CPPCC committees of counties (cities, districts), specially invited persons from Hong Kong and Macao, representatives of overseas Chinese, etc. attended the opening meeting as nonvoting delegates.