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Wu Cunrong Attended the Second Plenary Session of the First Session of the 13th CPPCC Provincial Committee

Information source: Shanxi Daily Published on: 2023-01-15 06:58 Number of readers: second

Shanxi Daily (reporter Deng Weiqiang) On January 14, the first session of the 13th CPPCC Provincial Committee held the second plenary meeting, and 12 CPPCC members made speeches on promoting the energy revolution to develop in depth. Wu Cunrong, Executive Chairman of the Presidium of the First Session of the 13th CPPCC Provincial Committee and Executive Chairman of the Second Plenary Session, Xu Guangguo, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee, Minister of United Front Work, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, Wu Wei, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and Executive Vice Governor of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, attended the meeting and listened to the speeches. Li Zhengyin, Zhang Fuming, Li Xiaobo, Zhang Ruipeng, Xi Xiaojun, Li Wuzhang, Li Qingshan, Li Sijin and Wang Liwei, the standing chairman of the presidium of the first session of the thirteenth CPPCC Provincial Committee and the executive chairman of the second plenary session, took seats in front of the rostrum. The meeting was presided over by Li Wuzhang.

At the meeting, Tan Guorong, Yin Jiangao, Yan Weiping, Guo Ying, Zhang Yunpeng, Wang Xiu, Jiao Binlong, Zhang Liya, Chai Baofeng, Liang Qingyan, Wang Guohua, Li Jianying, members of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, made speeches on behalf of the democratic parties or the Federation of Industry and Commerce, or on their own behalf, on promoting the in-depth development of the energy revolution, strengthening financial services, cultivating new industrial drivers, stabilizing investment and promoting growth Promote the high-quality development of forestry in our province, boost the open development of productive service industry in our province with service outsourcing, digitally empower small and medium-sized enterprises, build a comprehensive elderly care service system, improve the ecological carbon sink capacity, promote the excellent and efficient development of agriculture, increase the protection of cultural relics, and enable the market to multiply. In their speeches, the members sought development, spoke about people's livelihood, made suggestions and offered good strategies, pointed out the existing shortcomings and shortcomings on related topics, analyzed the causes of the problems, and proposed corresponding solutions. The speeches were novel, clear in thinking, and pragmatic in measures, which gathered a great deal of effort and sweat of the members, and fully reflected that the members performed their duties and responsibilities around the center The high sense of responsibility, sense of mission and level of participation in the political discussion and advice of the people show the unique advantages of the CPPCC's talent pool and intelligence concentration, and the good mental outlook of using emotion and hard service to promote high-quality development. The leaders of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, the Provincial Department of Finance and other committees, offices, departments and bureaus listened to the speeches of the conference via video.